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Everything posted by bravesj858

  1. so what should i set my pitcher fatiuge level, + or - to get them tired faster? i'm very confused....
  2. i thought a -50 makes the pitchers less tired....i'm confused.... how many pitches do your pitchers throw?
  3. why does pared have pitcher fatigue at -50? shouldn't it be +50 if you want to tire your pitchers by the 6th or 7th?
  4. i think this thread is dead...but does anyone here know of good all star sliders that doesn't use a datafile of any kind? thanks.
  5. 286 downloads

    I'm not really a Manny Rameriez fan, but this was so goofy and funny I couldn't resist not making it a CTS and I know our friends at RSN would love this one. Enjoy!!
  6. .rar files are becoming a common question...they should be on there mark.
  7. 436 downloads

    A basic scorecard to keep track of your MVP (or real life) games by bat. Still used by many and requested at one time. Print from the word document and enjoy. If you need help in filling out the scorecard, go to www.baseballscorecard.com for details. Thanks!
  8. mabye this is a bit much, but mabye tell a one setence despriction of what each modding tool does, like what oedit does, and where they are most often used in. and with the direct ip matches starting to become popular, i think mabye a small section should be decidated to that...mabye yankee4life can help you here. nice job, answers most of the newbie questions.
  9. 151 downloads

    A CTS package based on the rivarlies that interleague has given us. Enjoy!!
  10. 160 downloads

    A CTS pack with the memories of yesteryear. Based on the requests of mvpmods users. Enjoy!!!
  11. 158 downloads

    A CTS pack based on mvpmods users requests along with a couple of my own. Enjoy!!!
  12. mabye you should make a tutorial....
  13. this is kinda werid, but i know that mabye one of you sig artist will take my unorthodox request...i'm photoshopless and i need someone with photoshop expertise on this request. due to the nature of this request, pm me if you are interested in taking this on.
  14. kkkerry, how about a orr/giles sig? if that won't do, how about a jones boys...mabye with the words "keeping up with the joneses" somewhere in it. thanks.
  15. i'm actually going to alter the sig request....i have the avatar i like thanks to five and dan kolb :evil: just a sig with langerhans and giles will do. they are hot, while kolb is not.
  16. okay, since i'm tempoary not making sigs (until i get a better program), can someone do me one? how about a sig with giles and chipper and a furcal avatar.
  17. hopefully not too much older...my program is from 1998...acient in computer terms. how about no older than 2002?
  18. okay, guys, i admit...i smell at sig making, mostly becuase my outdated corel 8 can't do squat compared to photoshop. i need a new program. any suggestions under 200 bucks?
  19. new sig, it's kinda patheic, my program has too many limitations: it's supposed to go with my avatar....
  20. 309 downloads

    CTS Screens of the Atlanta Braves from 2004 and 2005. Enjoy starting the game with the Braves!!!
  21. 134 downloads

    CTS pack based on user requests and a few of my own choosing. Enjoy!!!
  22. i have no idea why the blur went in....i will try it again. don't forget, i'm working with corel photo-paint, a very outdated program.
  23. made a new avatar: what do you think?
  24. i know the erasing is kinda bad...a border would help as well...again, this is just my first, and i'm using a 7 year old program as well, so they may not be as good as yours.
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