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ragamuffindaniel's Achievements

Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. 51 downloads

    This file include a minor adjustment to the home sleeves and changes the batting gloves to FRANKLIN brand. just use EA graph.. to import the u019a file into the models.big file. make sure and backup
  2. 58 downloads

    Here is the updated version of the xbox Cubs CTS screens. simply unzip the file and replace the bkgrnds.big file with the same file in the MVP/Frontends folder.
  3. 50 downloads

    Simply replace the bkgnds.big file in your mvp folder. Make sure you backup your original bkgnds.big file. This replaces most of the CTS screens with more favorable Cubbies ones. I still have not figured a few of the flashing animations of Manny Ramirez but i have changed a majority of the screens.
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