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Posts posted by HardcoreLegend

  1. rolie, what happens if you add a new line to the datafile.

    Say you took

    <HomeDugoutActor00> <AwayDugoutActor00> location of dugout players 5 in each team

    0,1,2- xyz coordinates

    5 angle

    And replicated it with different coordinates. Would it give you the same people but somewhere else in the stadium or would it just crash?

    Furthermore, in the part of the file where it loads the 'actors', what if you added actor15 and gave him another job (like on bench)?

  2. if anyone wishes to jump in and try to make them compatible, i'm all for it. right now, i'm up to my eyelids getting the legends stuff done. unfortunately, i'm doing all the player audio with krukow/kuiper still. it'll be quite the feat to get this audio done for it.

    Me and you leather, let's do these in Vin Scully audio.

  3. Why don't you address my points instead of this evasive argument? Let's stick to the facts and cut out the fat.

    Alright, listen up you dolt, this will be the last time I say it.


    Contact rating is more in line with how often a player makes contact (gee, is that what 'contact' means!?!)

    All batting average means is how often a player records a hit safely in at-bats.

    In 271 of Fukudome's 343 at-bats, he has made contact and put the ball in play. That comes out to 79%. If you want to be simplistic about it, that is a contact rating of 79. I don't know when kg set the contact ratings for players and I don't really care. However, 86 isn't out of the realm of possibilities.

  4. When I asked KG why Taveras had such a high Contact rating, he said it was based on the 3-year splits--which means batting average.


    This is where your problem lies.

    You think splits only refer to the very basic statistical numbers. If you go to a site as simple as baseball-reference.com and click on '2008 Season Splits', you will find all kinds of more advanced metrics that better evaluate a player.

    Another example:

    Albert Pujols hit .331 in 2006. He struck out 50 times in 535 at-bats (9%). His BABIP was .292 while his linedrive rate was 18.0%.

    Albert Pujols hit .327 in 2007. He struck out 58 times in 565 at-bats (10 %). His BABIP was .317 and his Linedrive rate was 18.6%.

    Looking at those two years, you'll see that in 2006, while Pujols batting average was only 4 points higher, he was a MUCH better hitter in 2006 contact wise. His linedrive rate stayed the same. One year, he hit 49 homeruns, the next year 32. The difference was his Batted Balls In Play average. In a season he hit nearly 50 homeruns, he was extremely "unlucky" as a hitter.

    If you looked at the two years, you'd think Pujols wasn't much different contact wise between the two years, when in fact, 2006 he was a better contact hitter...just contact right at people.

  5. What does "puts the ball in play" have to do with batting average? Contact is relative to batting average. What other player(s) do you have with a .259 batting average and 86 contact rating?

    Are you purposefully this dense?

    Contact = bat hits ball in play.

    Ichiro is one of the best contact hitters in baseball.

    In 2007, he hit .351 with 77 strikeouts in 678 ABs (11%) and a BABIP of .389.

    In 2008, he is hitting .310. So, is Ichiro worse at making contact this year? No. He has 52 strikeouts in 645 ABs (9%) but a BABIP of .331.

    Ichiro is still a VERY HIGH contact hitter who is hitting into worse 'luck' then last year.

    If you don't have an in-depth knowledge of baseball statistics, please don't critique someone else's choices.

    I mean, sweet moses, did you really just say 'What does "puts the ball in play" have to do with batting average?'.

    No one ever got a base hit for missing the ball with his bat.

  6. I just checked your new 6.2 roster and see you still have Fukudome with an 86 contact rating against righties. Fukudome with 343 AB against righties is hitting a whopping .259--and how does that translate into 86 for contact?

    Well, 79% of the time vs RHP, Fukudome puts the ball in play. His average is so low because he has a .303 BABIP as opposed to his .340 BABIP vs LHP?

  7. Yeah, there shouldn't be anything in Homeruns. I last worked on that folder 5 months ago. What I probably had intending on doing was taking those files that are in the 'Hit Calls' folder and further subdividing them into homerun calls. I'm almost certain the homerun calls are actually in that large listing of files.

    Today I divided up some other Vin Calls such as Defensive plays (Good and Bad), a whole litany of team names and numbers that go in the between inning stuff and postgame stuff.

    I'll probably have to break down and buy AWAVE once we get this all organized.

    For all the dividing work I've done (10,000 files) there are still 4,500 files I haven't put into folders yet.

  8. I have downloaded AWAVE. I just didn't purchase the full license to convert them to wave. I just use it to play them.

    It was very stupid on my part to upload those .vag files like that. I'm sure most people couldn't even listen to them.

    If you'd like, you could take those audio files I uploaded and convert them to wave and then reupload them for people to listen to and catalogue.

    That's very disconcerting about the audio change due to the down compression. While it is a cool effect, it will take away from the realness of the game, I think. Could it be we need a better compression tool? How was EA able to keep the quality so high?

  9. Did anyone actually download the link I provided?

    Joel, what we need is an app that allows us to a) turn these vag files into wav (hopefully in a batch mode). Then we need an app that allows us to load a list into it and convert said wav files over into their rightful place in the MVP audio file. The app would have to recognize what the file size of the original file is and then convert the new file to be smaller than that.

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