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  1. pretty sure i can read, it said version update
  2. richarderik

    Pc Patch

    steam automatically updated the game for me yesterday
  3. and they are for jacking up your contact and power when you're down one run in the 9th :~)
  4. this game is really stupid - the sliders are basically easy ways to cheat so why not have a way built into the game to get a guy off the dl or just decline the injury after it happens -
  5. is there another editor for this game that --- works?
  6. derek jeter is out for 39 days and this editor does not work help! tried everything - the only change that sticks is the injury type - that's it as much as I enjoy this game i really hate it too -
  7. folow up to my joystick issue i plugged in a regular logitech dual action gamepad that i must have used at some point in the past and with that connected i'm able to acces the profiler and calibration screen for the f310 - computers have a mind of their own
  8. sort of related topic i have a logitech f310 gamepad with windows 7 its set to x mode and logitech profiler worked fine and i was able to calibrate joystick all of a sudden it stopped working and wont launch unless its in d mode - anybody have this problem.
  9. follow up - i've noticed in the editor that if I click on my injured player thats on the DL i can set him to no in jury - no dl and no days left but in the game he stays on the dl If i click on a player that i know is not on the dl in the game it says they have days remaining on the dl list even though there not on it. anyone else encounter this or know why this is?
  10. i figured out a soft of half assed way around it - the player i was trying to get off the dl was curis granderson and for some reason there are two of him in the game, one on the yankees and one on the all star team - i simply assigned both to the yankees - seems dumb to have to do that - overall i think the game is fun but there are some really stupid clunky things about how files are saved and are loaded and deleted - seems really poorly thought out. also reggie jackson is in the game for some reason - he'll be a good replacement for the time being :~)
  11. i have to assume that this feature does not work - when you open a file do you open the roster file or the franchise file?
  12. I just have to assume this feature doesn't not work
  13. going to try that right now ...... didn't work - very frustrating - the only changes i seem to be able to make are the type of injury not days left or status. Is there another way to save other than the save button at the bottom left?
  14. is there a way to get a player off the dl with the ty wiggins roster editor. I can change the type of injury but not the days left or remove the injury all together?
  15. there are no stupid questions, except this one ok - i want to start a new franchise mode - i download a roster file from here that is totally accurate and up to date and all that jazz how do i set mlb2k12 to use that file when i start a new franchise?
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