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Everything posted by thespungo
I bequeathed all my files to Homer. He is the executor of my estate and may do with my work whatever he sees fit. Love you all.
Thanks to Homer, who shared my work with the community here at my request, every single uniform modder working today is either using my uniform templates as a base, and/or my many uniform accessories. Even years after I've left, my fingerprints are all over this game and every single uniform release featured on this site and will continue to be for the life of this community. Scrubbed from history.... but not from your hearts. Love you all. Goodbye.
Scrubbed from history...
Somebody needs to edit those uniforms. Congratulations on sticking with this, looks good.
File Name: thespungo's Accessories Pack File Submitter: thespungo File Submitted: 16 Mar 2012 File Updated: 16 Mar 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories Version: 1 Can't be modding uniforms without this stuff. Just look for yourself and see. Click here to download this file
File Name: thespungo's Glove Packs File Submitter: thespungo File Submitted: 16 Mar 2012 File Updated: 16 Mar 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories Version: 1 Some of the more legendary uniform mod files you're going to find. Click here to download this file
Anyone else interested in this? It's a multi-year dynasty league, of which this is the first year. Instead of a keeper limit, we've got a salary cap -- keep as many players as you can each year as long as you stay under the cap. 12 teams, head-to-head scoring, great group of owners. This could be the best league you ever sign up for. Looking for dedicated, active owners interested in staying with a team for years to come. To apply, send a PM to Homer or post here.
Yeah, this about answered my question. If five people care, then nothing will probably get updated for 2011. Just not worth the effort.
So I find myself bored this evening, with a slate of new uniforms available for the 2011 season for me to create, wondering if I should give the modding season another go. Would you all be interested in another season of updates to my STANDARD and PLUS uniform sets? If so, would you be interested in a restructuring of the donate-to-download system of years past? If this season's updates were all free to download, would you consider, as many of you had said in the past, donating a dollar amount if not required? If you have any other suggestions, or would like to add your thoughts, please do so. If it is still fashionable to criticize me, please do so, as well. Not sure what the interest level in this game is still, as I've been away from the community for quite some time, so let me know what you guys think about all this...
Security Service Field (Colorado Springs Sky Sox)
thespungo commented on dennisjames71's file in Stadiums
Security Service Field (Colorado Springs Sky Sox)
thespungo commented on dennisjames71's file in Stadiums
New versions of both my STANDARD and PLUS 2010 uniform updates will be available within the next few days. More information can be obtained, as always, on my blog: http://thespungo.eamods.com/
Yep, those uniforms have been included since last year's update.
I'm about to release another update here in the next few days, already the third of the season. I've gone through and included all the new equipment everyone's wearing. If you guys have any suggestions of shoes or other things you'd like to see in the update, post 'em here.
My 2010 uniform sets are now being released. For information on what's included and how to get them, visit my blog: thespungo.eamods.com
For all those still playing MVP Baseball, my 2010 uniform update is now available on my blog. For only a $5 donation, over 650 uniforms are yours, including all the new 2010 season major and minor league uniforms.
Alright, well here's what I say: Start me up a classics thread with a poll, and have people vote whether or not they would donate to have a whole new set of classic uniforms. If the number gets up to a reasonable level, I'll do it. Unfortunately for me, I have to be in this for the money. I am a freelance graphic designer by day and am looking for a full-time position, so any big design project I take on needs to benefit me in the form of American dollars. That sucks, I know, but time is money and I can't spend months on a project that takes away from paid projects. So if you guys are cool with donating, I'm fine with spending some quality time on making some classic uniforms. In addition to getting a headcount for those interested, also post the uniforms you guys would require in the update so I can get an idea of how big you want it. The more people interested, the bigger the project can get. Get the thread started and we'll see where this goes...
So then you think last year's donation amount is the good way to go? That seems to be the consensus from the few who have responded so far.
Once the 2010 plans are finalized, I'll send out an email to last year's contributors and make an announcement on the blog. You're doing it to cover server costs, I'm doing it to compensate me for the great amount of time I've spent doing this. I think that difference is negligible, but then again I'm a horrible person so that probably explains that point of view. So do you have any opinions on this? Should I change things up for 2010 or keep them the same?
If you don't want to donate $5, you can still get the standard version of my uniforms which are free to everyone. What is the difference between what I am doing and what MVPmods is doing? If I lowered the suggested donation, would that seem more fair in your eyes?
I'm getting ready to release my 2010 uniform update next week, but before I do I'd like to hear back from some of you on the topic of donations. Last year, this website was pretty vocal against me requiring donations to access my larger uniform update, which is ironic considering this website went the same route with donations some months later. Let's discuss: - Some of you suggested last year that I do not set a price so all of you could decide what the right donation amount should be. Would you like to see that this year? Do you think you would actually donate, as some of you claimed, or could you see everyone just donating $0.01 and then downloading as much as they want? - Was $5 a fair amount to access donator-only content? For unlimited downloads all season long, what is the right donation amount? - If it was offered for free, would you even download it? Are you still playing MVP Baseball?
Thanks, YFL. Mets 028a Home 028b Road 028c 2010 Home alt throwback 028d Road alt black 028e Road alt black 028f Home alt black hat 028g 1986 Home 028h 1986 Road 028i 1982 Home alt 028j 1987 Road 028k 1983 Road alt 028l 1991 Home 028m 1991 Road 028n 1997 Home alt 028o Spring Some uniforms have yet to be unveiled, so there is work yet to be done, but everything should be out a week or so before spring training. Therefore, I'm anticipating releasing both the STANDARD and PLUS versions the first week of spring training games.
Anygay, it wasn't a big deal, but the other day I just dropped by to say "hey" to everyone and to remind them that they can always leave me questions and comments in this thread, that I'll be here to answer them now, and that I'm still slavin' away on those computer uniforms.