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Everything posted by thespungo

  1. Get outta my brain! Don't worry, I'm sure KC will do a good job on the Cubs uniforms for you.
  2. I'm not sure if I even like the Royals...
  3. That's all up to the fine folks who run this little website...
  4. Yeah, that's good stuff, some of it usable as chest scripts. Thanks guys.
  5. I didn't know people actually looked at that first post. Everything's now been updated.
  6. Now this is a great request. Posts like this that provide pictures as references are more likely to get done. If I could find the New York script on those road greys I would be interested in doing those. The home jersey should be fairly easy, so there's a fairly good chance I'll take this request.
  7. And... I'm back. Thanks to my dinosaur friend for digging up all this old junk from the vaults. Now let's get down to the business of getting down -- if anyone here has ideas/requests/uniforms to fix for the coming 2008 season, get to posting and I'll get to working.
  8. Just thought I'd give you a peek into my world, see what's going on: I am in love with these uniforms. Why the Angels ditched them I have no idea -- easily some of my favorite of all-time, I'm having a blast making them.
  9. If any body catches some equipment changes for the playoffs, let me know. I guess I might be doing one last update before the season's over.
  10. Yeah, October -- a great time to be positive about next year. The best time to be a Royals fan, second only to the hope that spring training provides. As for the Gigantes uniforms, I did consider it. We'll see what happens during this coming spring when I'm doing uniforms again.
  11. Yes, I included Eckstein homeruns in my uniform mod, that much is true. Also, if you have installed my uniforms I would recommend always pitching around Zack Greinke, if you catch my drift...
  12. I might make the St. Patrick's day uniforms for my spring training update. And I have no idea why your game is crashing. If the game crashes everytime you see Manny Ramirez either at bat or in the field, then it should be a cyberface issue. That's all I can really help you with.
  13. And we're back, kids! What have we learned from all this? That's right -- when dinosaurs hold grudges, they last for eons. But eventually those dinosaurs turn to fossils and their grudges go un-noticed to the point where no one can even remember the dinosaur itself because it never did anything important enough to actually be remembered, which is probably why extreme right-wing religious politicians can dismiss their existence so easily. So their grudges ultimately proved to be a giant waste of time -- much like the existence of the dinosaur. Now enough history, let's live in the now! The support line is open, so go download the uniforms and let's discuss...
  14. I don't wanna get into a site war here, but I want everyone to know my big uniform update is finally complete and available right here: http://eamods.com/Downloads/details/id=282.html I'd love to get as many comments/critiques as possible, that way this thing can be as flawless as I want it to be. So download it and enjoy, you knuckleheads...
  15. Ok, so here's what I'd like from everyone: Equipment updates. From you, the people, the users, the fans of teams I don't watch. I wanna know who's wearing what shoes, what batting gloves. I want pictures, recent pictures, of star players in their new gear. If a certain player's gear isn't represented in my uniform update, post some pictures of his stuff and tell me to get on it. I want to see what you guys would like in these uniforms, equipment-wise. Who's gear do you want in-game? Start posting and I'll make it happen...
  16. Finished up the Angels today, complete with Vladimir Guerrero's signature Adidas cleats. That's the kind of realism you're going to get with my uniform update, anal-retentive attention to detail: A-RAD.
  17. No, I don't have the answer to your question. Why don't you just download the uniforms and find out for yourself? It will probably take 5 minutes, at the most.
  18. Why don't you try it out and let us know?
  19. No. No, no, no, no. There are NO all-star jerseys included in my update. Read the download description, it's actually quite descriptive...
  20. Where exactly did you get the impression that all-star uniforms are included in my update?
  21. No, no, I need you. Everyone just gives me kudos and praise, but I like it even more when somebody gives me a critique or finds a bug. I want these things to be 100% perfect, so don't you stop buggin' me about the errors. And as thanks, I'll do the Blue Jays next. (I'll even send 'em to ya when I'm done so you can test drive 'em)
  22. Well it shouldn't, because I've included the necessary uniform.big files that add my own jersey selection pictures.
  23. I checked my files and they look good, so it must be something on your end. Looks like it should be something with your 028 file in uniforms.big.
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