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Everything posted by thespungo

  1. Ugh, what a mess. Thanks for being on top of things.
  2. You're my bug man, Fred, and I love it. Twins = fixed.
  3. If you haven't installed them, how do you know they're beautiful? Which reminds me, for those who haven't gotten it by now, I'll add a sentence in my download info about how to install the uniforms. Hint -- here's a majority of the sentence: TiT.
  4. I think I've already spent way too much time on the AL Central and I need to move on. Maybe after this is all done I can go through and add in some more concepts for various teams. Right now concepts are only being included for teams that have no real-life alternate jerseys.
  5. I dunno. I'm thinking I might release my AL Central uniforms as kind of a "preview" for my work and what to expect from my full MLB release. After I see the kind of reception that mod receives, I'll decide how to release the rest of the uniforms...
  6. Yeah, and David Wright is the only Met that wears the orange undershirt, yet I threw that in for two of my Mets uniforms. I think the different undershirts look really rad with the Cards and Mets, but if enough people complain I can put the red shirt back in for the Cardinals home uniform. In the meantime, use their home alt, it's got the red undershirt. And don't tell me that orange shirt doesn't look awesome with my Mets jerseys...
  7. Good suggestions... so good, in fact, that I already had them included in my set before you asked.
  8. KCcitystar has the Forum Fanatics, Jesse's got the Mod Squad...
  9. I'd like some feedback from Tigers fans -- what equipment do you want to see your team in? Right now it's looking like Franklin gloves and Nike Air Zoom Clippers are popular with most Detroit players, so that's currently what I'm going with.
  10. No more of the home uniform packs, I'm doing a full league uniform pack instead. It will take a giant chunk of time... Wait 'till you see the Phillies uniforms in-game -- they're easily the best things I've ever created with my own two hands. And my new computer is on hold for a bit until I can round up enough cash. Maybe if each person on this site donated to my cause and gave me a dollar, I could get my killer comp and speed up my big uniform pack...
  11. I think you're using more than enough of my work in your uniform update as is, KC. People already assume you do everything in there, so I think adding my templates would only add to that confusion and rob me of any credit. I didn't really care before, but now that I'm trying to do some new things with uniforms and also release a league-wide update, I'd like to make my work singular and one of a kind.
  12. Thanks, I put a lot of work into the Cubs uniform. I'm glad someone noticed my penchant for details. I'm trying to go above and beyond what everyone around here expects from a uniform mod.
  13. I dunno. I'm kinda thinking about holding off on releasing individual teams and taking a little break. I haven't gotten a lot of feedback on this, so I'm beginning to think that this whole project might be a gigantic waste of my time. I really believe that unless I change my name to KCcitystar, no one's going to download my uniforms...
  14. Guess what folks, my Reds pack will feature Griffey's 2007 gloves and shoes...
  15. I'm in a throwback kinda mood lately...
  16. Looks like the Devil Rays are next. Here's a glimpse of one of the throwbacks that will be included. Who can spot the real-life picture?
  17. Throwback to what? What were the tarpons? How many times have they worn this? When was the last time they wore it?
  18. I doubt I'll do a throwback that old. We'll see, though... And I can do nothing for names on the backs. As everyone should know by now, that kind of stuff is hard-coded into the game and cannot be changed.
  19. What the hell is that Tarpons jersey?
  20. Looks like the alternate blues are already included in the default game, so I'll probably do those. I can do the 1984 uniform, but I'll need pictures of that and any other jersey you'd like me to try. I won't do any more than 7 uniforms, though.
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