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File Comments posted by Abdias

  1. first of all, I did not work with the intention of taking credit to anyone.
    but I wanted to share something good for everyone
    use your roster because I found the most appropriate, and this should cause you joy rather than anger.
    if you're offended, ok .. I ask apology.
    and there will be someone else to lend me one updated roster or else climb the batting stances in another format.
    and finally, it is the first time I upload something and not even speak good English and use a translator.
    but as wound your pride, I have no problem in removing the file, if there is some method to do so.

    Roster 11-01-2013

       695    12

    le modificaste los batting stances y contratos de los jugadores.?

    yo estoy preparando una lista para que las caracteristicas antes mencionada, sean los mas real posible en los jugadores.

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