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MVP Fonz

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  1. I just wanted to say that this configuration file is the most efficient and most accurate file i've found in this thread. Like some of you, I stumbled around for a while wondering if I'd need to get XBCD or needed to tweak the file myself. Then I noticed I had missed this layout here. Here's a description of your control layout(it a wired xbox 360 controller): Apart from having ALL the fundamentals mapped correctly, it closely mimics the old xbox layout. -The START button brings up the PAUSE menu, while the BACK button brings up your SWING ANALYSIS. -Clicking in and holding the LEFT THUMBSTICK bring up your PITCH HISTORY, and you can use the bumpers to cycle through at-bats. -The RIGHT TRIGGER brings up what I've always called the MANAGER MENU, hold it and then use either the bumpers to cycle or the d-pad The only thing That took me a while to figure out was how to lead-off. Pushing RIGHT THUMBSTICK UP, DOWN, or LEFT would cause SELECTED RUNNER TO LEAD, ALL RUNNERS RETREAT, and ALL RUNNERS ADVANCE respectively. If i didn't spill apple juice on my controller it would be nearly perfect. Oh and lastly, despite the fact that the game tells you that BUTTON 8 is cutoff/relay, its actually located on the RIGHT TRIGGER. Hope this is helpful to someone who just picked up the game recently. try this. 1st: Copy the above config. Then Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Delete you Config file. 3rd: Start MVP BASEBALL 2005, goto My MVP>MVP OPTIONS>CONTROLLER CONFIG. Highlight "SWING" and hit A. Now Save. (this makes a brand new config file for you) 4th: Exit MVP BASEBALL 2005, Goto: My Documents/MVP BASEBALL 2005. Open your Config file. Highlight everything below this and replace it with the config you copied from this very thread. profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller) device= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller) player= 1 number_of_buttons= 10 number_of_povs= 1 number_of_axis= 5 (PLEASE NOTE: it will not read profile= XBOX_360_For_Windows_(Controller) in your file, I think you should leave it as is and just make sure that yours has the same number of players,buttons,povs, and axis.) Lastly, SAVE the file and go test it out. The only reasons i can think this wouldn't work is because i've made a mistake in my instructions or your controller isn't compatable with the config.
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