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Everything posted by dcstadium

  1. Dear Sirs, I'm new to the Reditor, it seems everytime i try to download it my norton pops on and removes it its the same for total installer thingy. How can I prevent this? Please help.
  2. is this file corrupted? I get this message: The Archive is either unknown format or damaged. Why? is it my system that's rejecting your file? Please respond.
  3. The file flashed C\ users\HP3405\ Unknown method in total frontend 2k17zip, when I tried to install the file .Why does this happen how can I correct this? Help!! Please respond. dcstadium
    Your file has a virus and it was deleted from my computer.
  4. DaSteelerz,

    I'm still having trouble opening your stadium files, I've changed from WinRa to WinZip and still get error message. Please show an old man how to correct this.


  5. Dear Sirs, I am a complete novice to this, I need your help to convert my game to win 10. I thought if I up grade to win 10 this would enhance the game and I could add more files. Can someone show me how to do this either step by step( you may have to dummy it down for a 64 year old) or post it on youtube.....Please! Quick should I upgrade Direx9? Thank YOU dcstadium
  6. Your Installer Thingy has a virus, please send me the uncorrupted file. Thank You


  7. Dear DaSteelerz,

    Your Dodger stadium file has an error message, 'Unknown Method' I fact all of your stadiums including your allstar file has this message whenever I drag to me files. Please help!


  8. Scottybilly, could you please redo the face for Jason Worth. My wife thinks he looks like Jesus. If and when you have time could you do this. I wish I could do this.


  9. Dear DaSteeler,

    I have downloaded your recent stadium files, my problem is when I try to load them to my game I get an error message saying its unknown. I have the window 10 system could this be the problem? The stadiums in question are Tropicana, Dodger Stadium, and others. Please respond.


    Thank you! Please fix your new stadiums, dodger stadium, etc, there are error messages on those.
  10. I've loaded mvp baseball 2005 to my computer but will not load is it due to my having Windows 10? If so how can I solve this? dcstadium
  11. Downloaded your updated global file, works beautifully great looking shoes and gloves. Did you update the bats as well? If you could do the same for your stadiums.
  12. Would you do the same for your recent stadium downloads. dcstadium
  13. Thank you for doing this!
  14. Yes I am dragging the files and the iff files as well. Still get that message, could me having Windows 10 be the cause?
  15. Dear kccitystar, I've downloaded your new Global Update three times now, and when I try to install it I keep getting the message" Error Unknown Method" What does this mean and how do I install it? Please help and please respond. Oh by the way your Dodger Stadium gives me the same message. dcstadium
  16. dcstadium

    Mound Visit

    I play CPU vs CPU when the pitcher is getting rocked, why doesn't the manager come out ?
  17. Please!!! someone explain to me how to use this program. Every time I try to update a team's anticipation my file gets corrupted, what am I doing wrong?
  18. Could someone explain to me or where can I find explanations to terms in the game such as: Batters Eye, Anticipation, and Tendencies?
  19. Wish You could.
  20. dcstadium

    KATY Roy

    Thank you GoRedsox.
  21. Thank you
  22. dcstadium

    KATY Roy

    Thank you, so where do I put Katie Roy ?
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