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chief nocahoma

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chief nocahoma's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Absolutely spectacular work, keithj! Simply beautiful. Thanks so much, mate.
  2. I'm in New Mexico for a couple days, but will post a shot when I get back home late Wednesday. Thanks again.
  3. Thanks for Target Field, Smokey. The only issue I've seen with it is the Qwest banner out in right field has a grayish light blue box effect around it. If you could please fix that, we'll be golden. Thanks again, mate. Nice work.
  4. I said it in the forum area and I'll say it here...outstanding work, Pardek. Wonderful high resolution ads everywhere (not a single eye-sore among them) and beautiful hometown touches like the Skyline Chili ad. Amazing job, mate. If this is the kind of quality stadium mod you're going to be bringing to the table, I can only hope that you're going to be giving us more. What park can you take on next? Thank you again.
  5. 208 downloads

    This icon (unlike the original) scales beautifully if you display them larger, as I do. I hope you enjoy it.
  6. Outstanding work, Barnes! Beautiful job giving us the actual alternate road jersey. Let's go Bravos! :clapping:
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