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Files posted by BSU-FAN

  1. MLB2K15byBsuFan



       (20 reviews)



  2. MLB2K15byBsuFanFX



       (3 reviews)



  3. MLB2K14byBsuFanFX

    This is a franchise file using my V4 roster release that has been edited to include Inside Edge for every team already purchased. Having inside edge for every game will make game play and simming even more realistic than ever. Teams will adjust fielders to players' scouting reports or throw the ball in different locations based on a players weakness's automatically. I have noticed a significant difference in AI when playing games this way. This took me a lot of time to set up so each team still had budget room after purchasing the inside edge reports...so I figured I would share. This has been simmed past spring training up to the beginning of the 2014 season. All pitching rotations and batting orders are accurate as of 8/6/14. This also includes my difficulty sliders as well by default. All you have to do to play a franchise is go into the franchise automation screen and turn what ever team you wish to play with to "OFF" for any of the MLB or minor league things you wish to control. This also includes a small update to players nicknames...something that isn't included in V4 of my .ros file.

    *To install extract to one of the following locations:
    For WinXP users: C:Documents and SettingsUserNameApplication Data2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves

    For Vista and Windows 7 users: C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoaming2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves


       (9 reviews)



  4. MLB2K14byBsuFan

    Changed portrait ID's on any duplicate portraits.(This will enable portrait makers to make portraits for any and all players)
    Updated all batting line-ups and pitching rotations as of 8/6/14
    Updated numerous small details such as player numbers and positions.
    Updated all cyberface Id's to match any cyberfaces released on MVPmods.com as of 8/6/14

    Added in 40+ additional create-a-player(CAP) slots
    Added in 75+ additional create-a-team (CAT) slots
    Updated all MLB transactions as of 7/16/14
    Updated all Minor League transactions as of 7/16/14
    Created 100+ new real players to fill up minor league rosters (Most teams from MLB to AA now have 24 or more players on each roster)
    Fixed many small errors throughout the entire roster (miss spellings, duplicate players, incorrect portraits, etc.)
    Updated more player ratings to closely match real life abilities

    I spent numerous hours once again trying to eradicate the staff resigning issue with no success.
    So as of now you will still have to manually resign all "staff" positions after 7 seasons in franchise mode to continue on. Attempting to sim past this part after the 7th season will cause the game to crash to desktop. Resigning all staff in game takes about 15 mins but will allow you to continue on to your next season and further. Another option is using the reditors roster editor and extend the staff contracts there. This takes less than 5 mins, but does require the guru licence to accomplish.


    Updated all transactions as of 6/27/14
    Updated line-ups, pitching rotations as of 6/27/14
    Updated all cyberface ID #'s to match cyberfaces released on MVPmods.com as of 6/27/14
    Updated team colors for Astro's and Indians to match those of real life.
    Added in and updated a few prospects to match their current ratings.
    Changed all staff contracts to 7 years. This will allow a franchise to be played for 7 seasons crash free until you will need to manually sign all staff contracts or extend them using reditor to get by the crash and continue to the next season.
    Added in 3 more blank create-a-player slots for those of you that want to add yourselves in the game
    Includes all prior updates from V1 listed below.

    This roster is a massive project with hundreds and hundreds of hours poured into it. Here is a quick over view of what this roster includes. This list is only some of what was updated. Too much to even list...I'm gonna make this quick so I can get to playing! If you know my work..you know what to expect.

    *Updated player ratings on over 1200 players!
    *Accurate 25 man rosters, line-ups, and pitching rotations as of 6/23/14
    *Updated any and all transactions as of 6/23/14
    *Added in correct 2014 schedule
    *Updated all player salaries and contract lengths as of 6/24/14
    *Updated any changes to minor league team names and logo id's (Ex: Akron Rubberducks)
    *Updated all front office staffs including coaches, scouts, and trainers...also corrected contract lengths.
    *Accurate minor league rosters. (This includes all AAA players, tons of AA players, and ALL major prospects as well)
    *Added in the ability to change skintone color via in-game player editor. (Also updated any skintone mismatch issues)
    *Changed over 1000 cyber face ID #'s to match the current mods released on MVPmods.
    *Updated hundreds of pitching repertoires to match those of the real life pitchers.
    *Updated all jersey #'s
    *Updated lots of gear to match what many star players are currently wearing. (Batting gloves, mits, glasses, etc.)
    *Lots and lots of hours spent tweaking little things to create a much more realistic gameplay/sim experience. (Arm strengths, base running aggression levels, etc.)

    These rosters are currently compatible with the latest portrait update but a few players still have missing or incorrect portraits. Overall though most 25 man rosters currently have correct portraits.

    I would highly suggest downloading all player faces and face packs released to date before using this roster. It will get rid of pretty much all of the generic cyber-faces!

    IMPORTANT: Currently there is one known crash when playing a franchise using these rosters but there is a work around. At the end of the season when you get to the "Staff resigning" period you wont be able to sim past this part. You will have to manually resign any of the expired contracts. Once you do you will be able to sim past any other of the off season tasks ahead and on to the next season. I have tested out tons and tons of ideas to fix this issue but more and more I am believing it has something to do with how the "staff" contracts are hard coded into the game. If you find anything out in regards to this issue please let me know.

    As of now I am not letting anyone release ANY other version of this roster without prior permission from myself. This is to ensure quality control and to keep any crashes that may pop up easier to pin point and fix. Some methods of editing can cause horrendous issues that can reverse endless hours of work. I hope you all understand. When I feel like I am finished updating these rosters I will open them back up to the community to edit freely.

    *To install extract to one of the following locations:

    For WinXP users: C:Documents and SettingsUserNameApplication Data2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves

    For Vista and Windows 7 users: C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoaming2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves

    A special thanks to all of the great modders who have helped keep MLB2K12 alive!


       (29 reviews)



  5. MLB2K14GraphicsEnhancer

    This is a combo FXAA and ENB mod for MLB2K12. This mod was made for high end gaming computers but should still run on mid range gaming machines as well. To install you must first make sure you remove any files currently have in your main /mlb2k12 directory that are from any previous ENB or FXAA mods you may have installed. Using this with any other graphic mods will cause frame rates to jump around creating problematic game play. Once you have cleared your main directory of any other ENB/FXAA mod files you can extract this zip file into your main /MajorLeagueBaseball2K12 folder. That's all you have to do to install this mod. If your PC can handle this mod then it will not only sharpen images and make colors and lighting more vibrant...it will actually stabilize your FPS (frames per second) to a constant 60 which will make game play much smoother and help with game physics as well. Test it out and post your screenshots for other to see. Grass looks more realistic, gloves reflect like real leather, and shadows on jerseys creases now pop out! Enjoy baseball fans.


       (4 reviews)



  6. BSUFAN2013UltimateRoster2

    Finally it is here!!!!!!!!!!! It's better late than never. This is a full years worth of editing into one massive roster update. I want to give a massive thanks to WundaBreadz for his efforts early in this project. While I have edited and changed every player on this roster myself, I do know he spent many hours on things like the schedule and I don't want his efforts to go unnoticed here. Without him this roster wouldn't exist. Also a big thanks to everyone in the community for the support and awesome mods that keep me motivated to do this. While this will probably be my final roster it has been worth the endless hours of editing to finally start a franchise I plan on playing for years to come. I also have attached my very own difficulty slider that I believe goes perfectly with the rating system. For the best results with this slider you will need to be patient at the plate like a real hitter. Wait for you opportunity and work the counts. They will throw balls and walk you.

    V2 Fixes the 2nd and 3rd year schedule problem in franchise mode. See support topic for more info.

    Here is a list of what is included in this roster.
    Updated ALL player ratings in EVERY organization!!!!!!!!!!!! This includes minor leagues as well. This means there are stat based accurate ratings on over 2,250 players!
    All rosters and transactions are current as of 10/27/13 (Non-playoff teams' rosters are as they were on the final day of the regular season) I have updated most if not all major contract extensions to date as well.
    Updated batting orders and pitching rotations as of 10/27/13
    Hundreds of batting stances and pitching motions have been added in or updated.
    Updated 2013 Schedule with the Astros in the American league. There are no crashes with this roster and you can play/sim multiple seasons. I have thoroughly tested it!
    Added in hundreds of prospects with correct likenesses and tendencies. This includes pitch repertoires and player tendencies based on real life scouting reports.
    Updated all manger and staff changes to the beginning of the 2013 season.
    As mentioned at Operation Sports I changed anticipation rating to 0 on all players to make game run more smoothly. I have also noticed more realistic and varied reactions from fielders now as well.
    Also changed all catcher ratings for "Blocking the plate" to 99. This was also discussed at Operation Sports and it makes the catcher stand between the runner and the plate now if the ball arrives early. Creating a much more realistic interaction from the runner and the catcher I too have found this to be a nice little improvement on overall gameplay.
    Updated all "Team" stats from the 2012 season. (This doesn't mean all individual players..just the entire teams' stats)
    Updated many generic player faces for prospects to look like their real life counterparts. This is also fully compatible with the cyber-face pack released by Wudl83 and is also compatible with most if not all cyber-faces released on MVPmods.com to date(This doesn't include ScottyBillys cyber-face packs since his were made for Wudl83's roster.)
    Many many more little updates like correct player gear such as mitt colors or batting gloves. I spent a long time on little details everywhere to make the game just that much more realistic.

    Here is what isn't in this roster:
    This roster is not fully compatible with any portrait packs released to date. While it may have many that do match up with Raidersbball's pack there will be many others on the wrong players. this is something I will leave up to the community to fix if they so desire. I myself actually play with my portrait files taken out of the game so it just shows a 3D player head instead of the players portrait. Something I would suggest to you to try out.
    While I have updated many cyberfaces... This roster still has many duplicate or generic cyberfaces. This again is something I will leave up to the community to improve upon if they so desire. (I would love for someone to update the Redsox players with their playoff beards...just an idea )
    While I made an attempt I was only able to input the individual 2012 stats for 5 teams. This just was way to long of a process and would have delayed this project much longer. However the first 5 teams alphabetically do have a stat line labeled "12" with those players' correct and actual stats from the 2012 season.
    A magical rating system that will make everyone happy. While I used an unbiased and stat based rating system, I know that there will still be those of you that don't agree with my ratings. To those of you that don't agree..don't use this rosters. It's an easy fix.

    *To install extract to one of the following locations:

    For WinXP users: C:Documents and SettingsUserNameApplication Data2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves

    For Vista and Windows 7 users: C:UsersUserNameAppDataRoaming2K SportsMajor League Baseball 2K12Saves

    This roster is available for anyone to openly edit and re-release under one condition! You must put BSU somewhere in your rosters file name when releasing it publicly. This will be ensure my favorite team BSU will be represented for years to come(even if it is a college football team). For the hours and hours of time put into this project I don't believe this is too much to ask. Thanks and enjoy!


       (14 reviews)



  7. UAR Photomod 2K12 V2 By Darth Skinett

    This is Darth Skinett's work and I am just passing it along since I see many people are still wanting a good ENB series mod. This is hands down the most realistic yet eye catching HDTV style color you will find for MLB2k12. This not only brightens colors significantly without over saturation but it also helps significantly with the grey tone 2K used instead of a true black. Also reflections and other textures take to light far more realistically with this mod. I have recently installed the new FXAA tool released and then re-installed this enb mod on top of that mod and my jaw about hit the floor. UNBELIEVABLE GRAPHICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This with all of the new stadium mods and others great mods takes this game to a whole new level! So here is a step by step guide for installation and once finished you just may have the best looking baseball game you have ever seen. Be sure to back everything up in case your PC can't handle this mod or you don't like it.

    1st: Install the FXAA mod by MissionMaximus

    2nd: Download this mod and extract the files directly into your main "Major League Baseball 2k12" folder.

    3rd: Start game and run a benchmark to see if your PC can handle the souped up graphics.

    4th: If it benchmarks well and you are happy play a game and watch as the shadows look crisp and the anti aliasing looks perfect. The colors will now pop off the screen and you will see for yourself what I am talking about.


       (5 reviews)



  8. BSU-FAN'S NoFakeNames Roster


    Special thanks to DonkeyJote for his help with hundreds of batting stances!

    Also a big thanks to Kccitystar; his color file was used in this update.

    Also want to thank Wudl83, DetroitStyle, ScottyBilly, dennisjames71, DonsPa, twnlove, and all of the other unmentioned modders who's hard works are helping make this game significantly better.

    NoFakeNames5.ros includes the following:

    A massive overhaul to the EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! ALL players currently in MLB, AAA, AA, and, A are now 100% REAL!!!!! With realistic player ratings and tendencies to go with it. The only fake players left on this roster are in Free Agency(about 25 of them) and they are rated so low you will clearly be able to set them apart from the real players.
    ALL Player ratings and tendencies match the most recent 2K rosters
    ALL MLB transactions/extensions current as of 8/23/2012
    Fixed the Drew Smyly and Yu Darvish "red" pitch problem.
    Accurate MLB batting orders/pitching rotations as of 8/23/2012
    This roster is compatable with the most current Raidersbball's Mega Portrait Pack's or NoFakeNames packs. If you use the "Mega Portrait Pack" you will find missing portraits.
    Includes all of BA's Americas Top 100 Prospects and each teams Top 20 Prospects!
    100% REAL AAA , AA, and A players with accurate ratings and cyberfaces.
    These rosters are meant to be used with all cyberfaces created and released on MVPmods.com Not all are faces released are in the game but to make sure you arent missing a face I would suggest downloading ALL of them so that way you know you are safe. You wont need to change any cyberface numbers on any faces released prior to 8/20/2012
    Hundreds of "generic" cyberfaces have been edited to closer match the player in real life.
    Added in tons of "hidden" cyberfaces to the correct players.
    Corrected batting stances for countless players. Big thanks to DonkeyJote again!
    Full ratings adjustment (MLB and AAA) accurate as of 8/20/12
    Updated gear on many players and a few complete teams to this point.
    Over 800 hours of editing total into this project. Enjoy!

    Any injured MLB players can be found in AAA unless the player is out for the season in which case those players can be found in single A. Same works for an injured AAA or AA player...they will be found one level below as well. With the 40 man rosters right around the corner I didn't spend as much time in this release moving around minor league players.

    *To install extract to one of the following locations:

    For WinXP users: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

    For Vista and Windows 7 users: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves

    Due to the enormous amount of work that has gone into this project I am placing a donation button below for those of you that appreciate my hard work and want to help counter some of the pains of doing a project like this with a small donation. It is definitely not expected and these rosters will always be 100% Free to download. I do ask however that you do not release any version of this roster without prior permission from me. I have a large amount of time and energy invested into this project and would like to see it keep this level of accuracy and legitimacy. Thanks again to all of you with your encouraging words in the forum over the past months. It has been a wild and crazy year of editing and I am happy to take a break for a while and actually play the game some. Thanks again everyone and I hope you guys enjoy. PLAY BALL!

    If you enjoy my work and would like to leave a small donationtion click the "Donate" button above.


       (50 reviews)



  9. NoFakeNames18 Franchise File (W/Real Injuries)

    This is a franchise file using the NoFakeNames18 roster(7/9/11). It is set up to have "User Control" of all 30 teams and has been simmed up to opening day. ALL starting line-ups and rotations are still accurate and in place. I have added every single player currently on the disable list in real life to the DL on the game. I then moved them up to the majors so that when they heal the AI will automatically have them up in the 25 man roster and make adjustments acordingly. I edited the injuries so that players will return close to the same time they would in real life starting from today. Example: If a players is set to return in August(one month from now) I set it up so they would be healed in approx. 30 days. Since it is already so far into the season it was hard to try to come up with an exact formula of when players should return based on when the injury originally occurred. Some (understandably) may not like how I have done it but I figured since I did it for my own franchise; I might as well upload and see if anyone would make use of this. Once you have loaded it you will need to go into "Franchise Automation" and turn "OFF" the automations for the team you want to use. Also a heads up...This has my custom sliders pre-loaded into it so use them if you like or change them how you see fit.

    To INSTALL Place the extracted .FXG file into the following folder:

    XP USERS - C:/Documents and Settings/ACCOUNT NAME/Application Data/2ksports/mlb2k11/Saves

    WINDOWS 7 USERS - C:/Users/youusernamefolder/AppData/Roaming/2K Sports/Major League Baseball 2K11/Saves


       (1 review)



  10. NoFakeNames18 Roster (Updated 7/9/11)

    NoFakeNames18 Update Includes:*

    *A massive update to player ratings making them match that of the most recent "2K rosters" This was a huge undertaking but well worth the finished product.

    *All transactions, line-ups, and pitching rotations current as of 7/9/11.

    *100+ pitchers' pitch repertoires fixed using PitchFX. Most efforts were focused on pitch selections, pitch movements, and pitch frequency.

    *ALL of DonkeyJote Battings stances added in to date. Nice work!

    *This roster file used with Raidersbball20's "Mega Portrait pack BSU-FAN/NoFakeNames" which you can download here will update hundreds of players portraits. He is continuing to work on more and more AAA teams and updating others as he goes...so a huge thanks to him for his hard work!

    *More players numbers corrected.

    Prior Additions from NoFakeNames17 included in NoFakeNames18:**

    **Very thorough update of all AAA teams with over 100+ new players added in. This expands the minor league rosters immensely and fills up much of the AA rosters with real players as well due to injuries and call downs.

    **Updated massive amounts of gear from batting gloves, bats, sleeves, pants, batting stances, and so on.(Baggy pants now on every player that wears them ) A huge thanks to Zach for help on this. He thoroughly completed half of the teams gear and did a great job! This is a very long process but makes things so much more realistic.

    **All 1st round draft picks are now on the single A team of the organization they were drafted by. (Though some players have yet to sign it looks as though most if not all first rounders eventually will...so I have added them in.)

    **Updated portrait numbers for many players to match that of the the "2K rosters".

    **Updated many more MLB player ratings to closer reflect how they are doing currently in real life.

    **Updated colors for every team to make gear match the jerseys more. (Corrected team colors)

    **Countless minor adjustments from corrected position ratings, pitch selections, numbers, etc...

    **This update includes all prior additions like the "fake name" fix and the Top 10 Prospects for every team. This added over 150+ relevant prospects that will most like see MLB playing time within this year or the following years to come. All prospects were checked extensively for proper ratings, gear, pitch selections, and so on to ensure complete accuracy. This added with BA's Top 100 makes over 250+ REAL PROSPECTS...not to mention ALL of the AAA players as well!

    This roster has ALL (AND I MEAN ALL) MLB transactions and current line-ups and rotations as of 7/9/11!!!!!!!!!! This roster now has ALL 30 major league teams and ALL AAA teams updated with accurate AAA rosters as of 6/22/11 as well. All 60 teams have been checked and rechecked for complete accuracy. Every single player that has played in a MLB game this year is now in this roster. Any players who are currently injured that are up in the majors are now healed but in AAA. Any player injured in AAA are now in AA. To go along with that it also has every prospect on Baseball Americas Top 100 prospects list plus each teams top 10 prospects are all added in now as well. Each prospect is complete with accurate attributes, birthdays, and cyberfaces to look as much like the player as possible(I could only use what 2K gave me...and they don't like beards on white guys for some reason lol) I also matched gear they wear, batting stances, and pitching motions for the ones with videos and photos available. This also has 200+ of the non-MLBPA players or "Fake Named" players changed to their correct names. This roster has over 150+ hours of editing involved at this point so alot was done to ensure accuracy. Once again I want to give a special thanks to Zach who fixed much of the gear in this update to match it to what the players wear in real life. I hope everyone appreciates the endless hours put into this from ratings to the small details on what players wear. Like always ENJOY and let me know what you think!!!!!

    Also a few tips for franchise mode with these rosters:

    1.Watch out for High rated prospects like Bryce Harper moving up into the majors too fast. I play my franchise with the "make changes to the computer team" option on or use the "Control all 30 Teams" method; so if i notice any players have moved up and I think it's too early I send them back down.

    2.The AI ALWAYS re-adjusts the batting orders and rotations after spring training is over and the regular season begins...UNTIL NOW. So...If you are like me and want to have each teams correct line-ups and rotations after spring training; follow these fairly easy steps. First you'll need to set your franchise up so you have "user control" of all 30 teams. Next you will need to turn injuries "OFF"(Only Temporarily if you want to still have them throughout the season). Once you get into your franchise it will ask you if you want to make your 40 man roster moves; select the option "DO NOTHING". Then sim through all of spring training and when it asks you to make your 25 man roster moves again select "DO NOTHING". Then once the regular season begins you'll need to change each teams settings under "Franchise Automation" to CPU auto-manage; except the one(s) you will be playing with. Now ALL batting orders, line-ups, and rotations are still in tact and 100% accurate. Now it will stay that way until injuries or fatigue forces the computer AI to make changes. I used MLBdepthcharts.com to get the unbelievably accurate line-ups and rotations for this roster so I would check there if you are looking for the most current ones before you began your franchise.

    3.If you want players that are injured in real life; injured in the game. I use Ty Wiggins' Roster Editor and make the players I want injured once I have simmed through spring training and started playing the regular season. I usually just focus on severe injuries where guys are out for extended periods of time and let the other just happen in game. This is a very easy and affective way to manage all of your injuries in a very realistic way. I can set exact dates I want players like Johan Santana to come back from injury on. So long injury bug.


       (8 reviews)



  11. NoFakeNames+BA's Top 100 Prospects+infam0us' "color fix"(Franchise Edition)

    *This roster includes ALL up to date 25 man rosters and line-ups as of 4/18/ along with imfam0us' "Color Fix" which is a very nice improvement so a big thanks to him for his hard work!!!!!

    This roster has ALL (AND I MEAN ALL) MLB transactions and current line-ups and rotations as of 4/18/11!!!!!!!!!! All 30 teams have been checked and rechecked for complete accuracy. Every single player that has played in a MLB game this year is now in this roster. Any players who are currently injured are now healed but in AAA(read further to find out why). To go along with that it also has every prospect on Baseball Americas Top 100 prospects list. Each prospect is complete with accurate attributes, birthdays, and cyberfaces to look as much like the player as possible(I could only use what 2K gave me...and they don't like beards on white guys for some reason lol) I also matched gear they wear, batting stances, and pitching motions for the ones with videos and photos available. This also has 200+ of the non-MLBPA players or "Fake Named" players changed to their correct names. This roster has over 30 hours of editing involved at this point so please let me know if I missed anything. I'm sure I had to have even though I checked many many times to try and make sure this one would be EPIC! So let me know what you guys think and PLAY BALL!

    Also a few tips for franchise mode with these rosters:

    1.Watch out for High rated prospects like Bryce Harper and Mike Trout mostly moving up into the majors too fast. I play my franchise with the "make changes to the computer team" option on so if I notice any have moved up and think it's too early I send them back down.

    2.The AI ALWAYS re-adjusts the batting orders and rotations after spring training is over and the regular season begins...UNTIL NOW. So...If you are anal like me and want to have each teams correct line-ups and rotations after spring training; follow these fairly easy steps. First you'll need to set your franchise up so you have "user control" of all 30 teams. Next you will need to turn injuries "OFF"(Only Temporarily if you want to still have them throughout the season). Once you get into your franchise it will ask you if you want to make your 40 man roster moves; select the option "DO NOTHING". Then sim through all of spring training and when it asks you to make your 25 man roster moves again select "DO NOTHING". Then once the regular season begins you'll need to change each teams settings under "Franchise Automation" to CPU auto-manage; except the one(s) you will be playing with. Now ALL batting orders, line-ups, and rotations are still in tact and 100% accurate. Now it will stay that way until injuries or fatigue forces the computer AI to make changes. I used MLBdepthcharts.com to get the unbelievably accurate line-ups and rotations for this roster so I would check there if you are looking for the most current ones before you began your franchise.

    3.If you want players that are injured in real life; injured in the game. I use Ty Wiggins' Roster Editor and make the players I want injured once I have simmed through spring training and started playing the regular season. I usually just focus on severe injuries where guys are out for extended periods of time and let the other just happen in game. This is a very easy and affective way to manage all of your injuries in a very realistic way. I can set exact dates I want players like Johan Santana to come back from injury on. So long injury bug.


       (2 reviews)



  12. NoFakeNames+ALL BA's Top 50 Prospects!!!(Update 9)

    This roster now has ALL of the fake names changed to the correct players names plus a few major prospects here and there added in like Bryce Harper, Brett Lawrie, Mike Trout. Since i am an avid Braves fan it also has a complete Gwinnette Braves roster as well as updated batting stances and such for current Atlanta Braves players. I also edited all of the fake names using the MLB 2k11 roster editor by Ty Wiggins so there should be plenty of more players you can edit names for yourself in-game before running into a max player edit problem. Let me know what you guys think and if I missed anything major or have any productive feedback at all. Go Braves! P.S. Just realized I forgot 2 Players on active rosters so I fixed it.... NoFakeNames1 has Brandon Belt on SF and Tsuyoshi Nishioka of Min on it*****NoFakeNames2 Update has recent moves through 4/1/11 along with a few minor tweaks such as fixing Tommie James to Michael Pineda of Sea and a few more prospects added.****NoFakeNames3 Update added Pedro Beato and Brad Emaus to the Mets.*****NoFakeNames4 Update has Jason Nix trade to Tor, Luis Ayala and Bartolo Colon on the Yankees along with a few more prospects added.**********NoFakeNames5 Update has ALL of the players that had fake names now changed to the correct name!!!!! There are literally now hundreds of real players throughout the minors and FA on this roster.******NoFakeNames6 Update now has all 50+ of Baseball America's Top 50 Prospects throughout the minors with correct b-days, ht. wt.,ratings, and even batting stances and pitch motions(for the ones I could find). I also tried to match the cyberface to the prospects actual likeness. *******NoFakeNames7 Update has transactions up to date as of 4/9/11 With any injured players being moved to AAA and replacements called up. I also added Manny to the FA list and dropped all of his ratings so no teams would try to pick him up. Along with that I have changed the portrait numbers on Pete Orr, Bartolo Colon, and Luis Ayayla to give them an actual player photo (just like in the most recent official 2K roster). *****NoFakeNames8 Update has roster moves as of 4/10/11 I also added rookie Hector Gimenez to the Dodgers AAA(since he is currently on the 15 day DL) and wasn't on the game yet.*******NoFakeNames9 Update has roster moves accurate as of 4/11/11 and I added SD rookie CF Cedric Hunter to the Padres AAA along with former Cubs pitcher Mark Prior to the AAA Yankees. Like always let me know if you see anything I missed and thanks for all the downloads and help!

    Also a few tips for franchise mode with these rosters:

    1.Watch out for High rated prospects like Bryce Harper and Mike Trout mostly moving up into the majors too fast. I play my franchise with the "make changes to the computer team" option on so if I notice any have moved up(usually after spring training) i send them back down.

    2.No matter how hard I have tried to edit injuries they all seem to heal after spring training of a franchise so for players like Strasburg and Wainwright who are out for the season you can send them back down to AAA after spring training and then check periodically to see they don't get called up as well; or you can use Ty Wiggins' Roster Editor and make them injured once you have started playing the regular season. I have done this to my own personal franchise and have run into no crashes editing injuries as of late.

    3. If you do use the roster editor in franchise mode to add in injuries I STRONGLY suggest moving them to AAA first then make them injured. If you leave them in the starting line-up or current rotation and make them injured; the game will crash when trying to sim a game they would be playing in. If you notice this happens just remove them from the DL in the roster editor and send them to AAA before adding them back on the DL.(I do believe Ty Wiggins fixed this issue in his latest roster editor release)

    4.The AI ALWAYS re-adjusts the batting orders and rotations after spring training is over and the regular season begins. So...If you are wanting to have each teams correct line-ups and rotations after spring training you'll need to set your franchise up so you have user control of all 30 teams. Then change each teams settings to CPU auto-manage except the one you will be playing with. Once spring training is over and you have began the regular season you can now correct each teams line-up and it will stay that way until injuries or fatigue forces the computer AI to make changes.


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