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goodgod1979's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Nevermind, I figured it out. :)
  2. I gotta a question. I tried downloading the bigger pitch meter, but it isn't working. I used TiT when I did it, like it said, but it's a no go. Any advice? Is there something I'm missing? Thanx. Goodgod1979
  3. That's what I was afraid of. Thanx for all your help. It's appreciated. :)
  4. First off, I sincerely appreciate your help with this. I purchased MVP 2005, so I have the discs, and I downloaded the 2008 Mod from Kraw.
  5. Apparently not, what CD are you referring to? I'm saying the songs that were put on there in the mod I deleted. Now there isn't anything listed inside the music folder. I transfered the songs I made, and renamed, and put them in there, but that didn't work. I was told I had to overrite them, but how can I do that when there isn't anything in there anymore and I deleted the ones that were there? Is there a site or something where I can get them back or is there another option?
  6. That blows because I put them in the recycle bin and my bin automatically deletes. In all the excitement I didn't think of keeping them. Do any of you happen to know of a way that I can get them back?
  7. Do I have to "overrite" them? I took the old songs out and just put the new ones in. I didn't overrite them. It would be odd if that made a difference. I did all of those things exactly though.
  8. Maybe someone can help me out. I did everything that I was supposed to do. I converted the files, changed their names, and put them in the right folder. Instead of the songs playing I'm getting the ORIGINAL songs that came with the game. What do I need to do? Thanx.
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