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  1. Ty, are those injuries default injuries listed by the game or did you come up with that list? If you came up with the list your self - I am a Certified Athletic Trainer and could give you a more specific injury list. For example: you could also add in Moderate Concussion. Concussions could also be graded as Grade I (bell rung - headache and other slight symptoms - athlete may sit out the rest of the game or possibly stay in the game depending upon the symptoms, but would most likely return the next day with out any issues), Grade II (athlete has symptoms that do not go away and will be out for 24-48hrs), or Grade III concussions (athlete was knocked out and will not return to play for at least a week. Some athletes may return sooner than 1 week if symptom free for 24hrs straight post injury or the symptoms could linger on for 2 or more weeks.) Grade I Lateral Ankle Sprain = mild (athlete can still play - will need tape/brace), Grade II Lateral Ankle Sprain = moderate (athlete is out for 1-2 weeks will need to be taped/braced for rest of the season), Grade III Lateral Ankle Sprain = ligaments are completely torn and surgery may be required (athlete could be out 4-6 weeks). Just let me know if I could help in this area.
  2. Ty, thank you for all your help. I copied the text file that you posted and imported it back into my franchise. Everything is back to normal and I am able to continue without any issues. Sorry for the headache and confusion all on my part. Now that I understand what happened (user error) I will now be purchasing your excellent editor.
  3. When I get home from work I will send you the file. Thanks again for your time and effort.
  4. No it was not. It was the start of a new game/series - game 1 in the series Braves vs. Padres April 12th. I ended up starting a new ATL franchise last night, but if I can recover this franchise file and keep it from crashing to desktop after the 1st inning I will be ecstatic.
  5. Ty, I will try it. Thanks.
  6. Ty, thank you for your reply. I must have used the import function - I cannot figure out what else it could be. Is there a way to undo the changes and reset those numbers back to default? If I can figure out how I screwed things up and learn not to do it again I will definitely be purchasing your editor. Thanks again. PS. I have been deleting the .bak portion of the backup files when using these in order to try and troubleshoot this issue.
  7. Any solution to the issues I am having after setting up lineups within your editor Ty? I cannot move forward with my franchise due to: CTD after the 1st inning, no player portraits. I would be thrilled to purchase the editor, but as of right now this is a huge bug that has so far ruined my experience and wish I had never have tried the demo. Thanks for any help/assistance.
  8. It was my Franchise. Playing Franchise. 1. No player portraits 2. Crashes to the desktop right after the 1st inning.
  9. I downloaded the roster editor to try it out. I went in and setup my lineups for the RHP, LHP, RHP-DH, LHP-DH then saved. Now ingame all my portraits for players are gone and at the start of the end of the 1st inning the game crashes to the desktop every time. Is there a way to revert back to default/undo what roster editor messed up? 1. I tried putting the backup Franchise file back into the saved folder and deleting the current saved franchise file. This did not work.
  10. I know for a fact that Jason Heyward has a fake name - it's J. Hunter I believe and his overall in game stats are below average. Hopefully once the season starts 2K Sports will update his stats and name since he will be officially on the roster.
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