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  1. I was going to take a look at this mod, but, I notice that the maker was banned... It wasn't because of this mod or what files it may change/edit, was it??
  2. In this screwed up world of ours.... where war is a constant and homelessness, starvation and broken families are common place, and therefore. largely overlooked and ignored. I noticed something .... well.... cool. Here at MVPMods. The fellowship, friendship and the overall feel of .... what? Loyalty? Yes ... Loyalty. I lurk this site often.... while I don't say much, having nothing intelligent to add to the already genius minds at play here. I notice that a very large percentage of the members that happen to be online at the same times as myself, have been members here for 4 - 6 years, on average.... not to take away from those who have been here 7 and 8 years. I've even noticed 9 and 10 year members. (Of course Trues being the 10 year veteran!) I just wanted to say that it is a testament to a quality site that can maintain a loyal fan base and manage to keep itself running for as long as MVPMods has. Thanks for the last 4 years of baseball fun, guys!
  3. Thank you, dennis..
  4. Thank you, Spungo..
  5. Thanks, Kraw. Keep it comin, brother......lol
  6. You just made a whole army of people very happy Kraw. Thanks a bunch.... I am sure that you have heard this a million times, but, I certainly hope yoiu stck around and continue the great work...
  7. SneakyBastard

    Mvp 08

    I found my answer. Too bad. Except for this.... WTF?? I must be on CRACK!! http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6586
  8. SneakyBastard

    Mvp 08

    Still no word on what is going on with MLBMods or EAMods? Their sites are still unreachable. I do not know of anywhere else that has '08 hosted. Anyone here have it?? If I can locate '08 on one of my hard drives or other computers, should I upload it to one of the admins here? I mean, if EAMods or MLBMods have shut their doors for good, I am sure everyone would love to have a place to go to find it..... Just a thought. Sorry about the question, guys. Got my answer. Sorry again. You might want to sticky a thread with "NO MVP '08 HERE!" or something like that for the title...Lol! Might save some headaches.
  9. SneakyBastard

    Mvp 08

    Just a side note, guys... and maybe some clarification on this? It appears that krawhitham's site, EAMods as well as MLBMods are shut down? Did he finally pack it in after all these years? It's a shame. He and his team were one of the first on the scene with this game and they really put some fine work out. ANyone have any information to back or deny this? It would be nice to know....
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