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  1. Was sarcasm.
  2. all of kc players are 99 over all ...great job!!!
  3. wheres the trade updates
  4. no the problem lies that all the old modders are gone. Im not bashing his hard work im just saying it dont work if you need to do what he says. we had a working roster last yr? so why not this yr.
  5. no im saying if you have to control all the teams turn off 40 man auto then the roster dont work..
  6. then it dont work...if you have to do all that
    Why are users sharing incomplete rosters.....or rosters that cant play in franchise mode. uploads should be for working rosters only ...not someones experimental rosters
  7. Why are users constantly uploading rosters that dont work?
    I dont know the point of uploading a roster that doesn't work properly.
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