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Everything posted by dennisjames71

  1. There is a HD resolution patch here on the site that patches the stock EXE file and "enables" 1920 x1200 and higher resolutions.
  2. @chirotob: Have you tried out the 4gb patch? I had similar issues regarding video resolution.....
  3. Bridgette, I sent you my modded EXE for the game with the 4gb patch applied, on FB. Give that a try because I was able to get MVP 15 and any of the Total Classics mods to work on a Windows 8.1 laptop with no problems/crashes.
  4. Awesome new Chris. That was my intention with my thread to hopefully solve all of those "game crashing" problems with MVP Baseball and all of the Total Conversion/Classics Mods.
  5. @chrisgooverthere: check out my thread and try the 4gb patch in the link (my 1st post). I'm betting that will solve your problem.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Use TiT to install the following patch. *This patch will correct the portrait for 3B Brooks Robinson of the Baltimore Orioles. *Also, this will correct the Chicago Cubs road uniforms from the gray color to the corrected sky blue road uniforms they wore that season. The uniform image I used from the Dressed to the Nines website appeared gray; but after viewing actual photos of the 1976 road uniforms, I realized that they were a sky blue-ish color instead. *The corrected uniform select file for the Cubs is also included in this ZIP file. Enjoy!
    I just wanted to say that, as always, it is a tremendous honor to collaborate with Jim on yet another Total Classics project. I know we both seem to learn something new each time we immerse ourselves into these projects and I can speak for myself that I am always extremely happy with our final product that we put out for the fans of the mod genre. Huge thanks to Jim for his painstaking and detail-orientated work and to every member who enjoys our efforts.
  7. Hey All, I wanted to chime in with a possible solution to the crashing/monitor resolution issues that were discussed in regards to a recent Total Classics release. This also applies to all installations for MVP Baseball however. My personal story/solution started last Spring (in 2015) when I upgraded my PC monitors to a pair of 27" Samsung 2K Monitors. I do everything from music editing, mixing, graphic arts work, and gaming with my main PC. After I upgraded my monitors, I discovered that every single one of my MVP Baseball installs (which includes all of the Total Classics, the Modern Mods, The Asia Series, and the MVP Caribe games) were crashing all over the place. The crashes would occur in varied stages of the games, the beginning of the 1st inning, the middle of the 3rd inning, of right before 1st pitch, et al. It was maddening that all these installs that worked previously with my older 1080p monitors worked fine. Current-gen PC games like the Call of Duty games and (at the time) NBA 2K15 worked perfectly fine with the new 2K monitors but all of the MVP Baseball games would crash. Last Spring, KCcitystar posted a link for the 4gb patch: http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php Simply put, this patch which modifies your existing mvp2005.EXE file, SOLVED MY PROBLEM. After applying that patch and the related .EXE file to my numerous MVP Baseball installations...every single one of them worked with ZERO crashes. I am convinced that this extra "buffer memory" that is applied to the .EXE prevents crashes due to mods or resolution changes of any sort. I typically play the MVP Baseball games at 1920 x 1200 as a personal choice and it's perfect to me. I highly recommend to use this patch if any user is having these resolution-based crashes with their game or any of the modifications. I hope this info helps. DENNIS
  8. You brought up many tremendous points Kccitystar and I wanted to offer my input. I agree wholeheartedly that we need to keep the focus of this website on Baseball, sports, sports game modding…past, present, or future. I was getting sick to death reading the rhetoric-fest in the shout box about everything other than baseball and gaming and we need to realize that this site will not survive nor thrive if the majority of input equates to another bitch & moan session about politics, religion, nonsensical current events. I think anyone with a nominal amount logic and common sense can realize that we can certainly go elsewhere for that content but it should not be MvpMods. It’s gets to a ridiculous point when I, as a regular member of this site and contributor of content, visit the site to get a pulse for what people are wanting or perhaps creating themselves; and I have to read the CNN comment section impersonating as the MVPMods shoutbox. I then get pissed and hop over the NBA2K modding site and work on modding my basketball games or something else entirely. The bottomline is that it creates a disconnect and that is not conducive to helping this site grow, thrive, and, evolve. Many members may not remember than in the fall of 2010; the MVPMods site almost went offline permanently. I became a member that year, in the spring and learned how to mod the MVP game and was extremely bummed when the prospect of this community disappearing altogether became all too real. What I’m trying to say is that the last thing we need to do is to take this community for granted and focus on keeping it strong as the world around us keeps changing and evolving, just as Kccitystar highlighted in his first post here. Moving along to his other points; I am a believer that we should focus in getting members more involved with contributions of any sort. I’m saying that everyone needs to become modders and start contributing that way; but posting a simple screenshot of the following ideas can certainly be an inspiration: Screenshots of projects or ideas someone is working on or perhaps a request and visuals. Screenshots of dynasty, franchise games or even a random exhibition game from any of the modern mods or the numerous Total Classics mods, and the 2K series mods. We could revamp/reboot a “Mods in Progress” or “Ideas in Progress” thread to generate interest as well (with screenshots). I know Y4L regularly updates his thread of MVP screenshots which is much appreciated because it creates an important aspect….interest. Interest is what will inspire the core component of what we do here, and that’s modding these awesome games. In addition to bhurt99’s Toronto Dynasty threads and JoeRudi’s dynasty threads in the past; my all-time favorite thread is the Share Your Game Images thread: http://www.mvpmods.com/forums/topic/55431-share-your-game-images/ I can’t tell you how much these random screenshots can get me inspired to create something or modify something, or to simply try a different camera angle or style of playing. I think that the more input we have in this area can help motivate someone into wanting or learning to create something “new”. Back in late 2010, my entire idea for creating the Negro League Mod started out as random talk about Josh Gibson with a couple of members here in the shoutbox. As far all modders, whether they are veterans or members just learning to mod; it’s important to creating an environment of encouragement; rather than being ultra-critical and dismissive about someone’s effort. I know that modding a 10 year-old baseball game and the 2K baseball games may not seem too hip and exciting to most but I agree with Kccitystar in that we should really utilize the social media tools to promote interest or wider spread interest. Perhaps, regular and relevant updates to the Facebook page could be a good start. It took us 10 years to get a snippet of public interest, in regards to the Grantland article this year, thanks to Ben Lindbergh…but we are certainly capable of generating our own interest outside of the MVPMods forums by spreading ideas through these other forms of social media. For the members who were here in 2010; the lesson to be learned was that we simply don’t know how long our online communities will last. As much as we tend to take things for granted, we have to realize that we need to take a pulse once in awhile. We have a strong community of talented and motivated modders and contributors and there’s no excuse not use the tools and social media sources which are available. Most of all, we cannot lose focus….the focus on baseball and baseball gaming.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Total Classics 1993 Update I had recently received permission from HAWK233391 (the creator of the full 1993 Mod) to upload a graphic update to Total Classics 1993. Since it was released, I have enjoyed this mod greatly and wanted update the uniforms to the accurate versions for the 1993 season and I upgraded the turf for all the stadiums and improved the look of some of them as far as ads go. There are also a few menu/cosmetic updates for the game included in these files. You can install these updates by simply extracting the contents of the ZIP file into your main game directory and overwrite all files. Please backup your game directory if there are any problems. A huge thank you goes out to HAWK for his permission and for his excellent work and effort on the NBA 2K Mods and Ultimate Base Rosters. Enjoy!! -Dennis
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