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Posts posted by dennisjames71

  1. Thanks for your response Y4L, but that doesn't seem to be the case. For example, I changed it last year for MVP 13 and I wanted to basically correct a typo I made and plug that in. Like I said, the weirdest part was that it worked correctly 2 nights ago and yesterday it doesn't. I've never seen this in 4 years of modding the game. :nea:

  2. I don't know if this additional information will help, but if I copy another "sushared.BIG" file from another mod (I used the one from MVP 13); then the proper CTS screen shows up. Then I tried to re-import my new License and CTS screens and I'm still having the problem with the CTS Screen NOT showing up. This is bizzare.

  3. There may be a problem with the Cubs uniforms this year Dennis. Seems as if they are going to be wearing ten different ones in 2014.

    LOL! Ummm yeah I did see that a few weeks back...but I don't know if I will make all of those since they will be worn in likely only a single game during the season. Luckily I've made many of those years' Cubs uniforms and I will see what I might fit in. Besides, I'm starting to have nightmare with the prospect of making those new Akron Rubberducks and El Paso Chihuahuas MiLB uniforms in the coming weeks. Sheesh!

  4. Hey Y4L,

    You know, you do have a good idea there…but I am OK with keeping it “open” here for the time being. My reason, is that I want to try to stimulate some initial interest in the mod and just throw out some of my ideas I’ve been working on. To be honest, I haven’t even spoke to kyleb and daflyboys to see if they are gonna be in with a full-fledged mod and I didn’t want to just assume they were either. Of course, I am at their disposal with this project at anytime. I feel I can stave off any “When is it coming out?” questions for the time being and if it gets ridiculous; then we can make the move to the Modder’s Den. I truly appreciate you concern regarding this. Much Thanks.

  5. That Braves jersey... :facepalm:

    Great job Dennis. This should be a awesome mod.

    LOL! I couldn't agree with you more. Almost all of these uniform updates are downgrades in my opinion (from the previous year). The Boston away uniforms are better, the Royals and A's are decent; but those Braves one's are horrendous. :bad:

  6. Hey All,

    This is the first time I’ve seen this weird problem and I researched the forums and noticed rroy0824 had this problem back in 2009. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=42080&hl=screen Unfortunately I didn’t locate a conclusive solution.

    Anyway, what happened in my case was this:

    I’ve been working on updates for a MVP 14 mod update and changing the Splash/License/CTS Screens. I’ve done this at least 25 times with no problems in the past. So, I used the “All Screens Maker” utility and made the Splash/License/CTS Screens and everything worked fine. I shut the computer off last night and turned it on when I got home today and fired up the game. This time the License screen stayed and the CTS Messgae (Play Ball!) appeared instead of it switching to the CTS Screen that worked the night before.

    I re-imported all the screens back into the game and it still uses my License Screen as my CTS Screen now. What the heck happened here? Any suggestions…?


    My License Screen (fixed a typo from last year's)


    My CTS Screen


  7. That happened to me as well a couple of years back. The Active X file you need is in the ZIP folder <attached>.

    Download that and follow these steps:

    1. Extract comdlg32.ocx to WindowsSystem32 folder.

    2. Type the following command from Start, Type Run then Hit enter then under Run type

    3. regsvr32 %Systemroot%System32comdlg32.ocx

    After this, the LocLook program should work fine.

    I wanted to add: if you have Windows 7 64-bit (rather than 32-bit)...make sure to copy the file in the ZIP folder to WindowsSysWOW64 instead of the System32 folder. And then change Step #3 to: regsvr32 %Systemroot%SysWOW64comdlg32.ocx. Good Luck.

  8. I want to put my own music in the MVP13 mod and change the text, but when I go to open "loclook" I get this:



    Any help?

    That happened to me as well a couple of years back. The Active X file you need is in the ZIP folder <attached>.

    Download that and follow these steps:

    1. Extract comdlg32.ocx to WindowsSystem32 folder.

    2. Type the following command from Start, Type Run then Hit enter then under Run type

    3. regsvr32 %Systemroot%System32comdlg32.ocx

    After this, the LocLook program should work fine.


  9. Yes, I get carded for this all of the time too. The reason is that the stuff in the can is not "air" in the traditional sense...it's a refrigerant liquid that's under pressure inside the can with a extremely low boiling point. When shaken, it becomes a propellant and can be inhaled in order to get "high" rather quickly. The bad news for the morons who do this, is that is also effectively kills numerous brain cells at the same time. I know Y4L...unbelievable. :facepalm:

    ...Not so fast, Dept: One of the things that I enjoy doing by myself every so often is going to Staples to walk around and look at the newest laptops and tablets for sale along with everything else they've got there. I think I've been down every single aisle in that store and I never get bored doing it. I know I'd have a lot more fun walking around at Best Buy but that store's too far from me so I go to Staples. Well, last Thursday I made one of my trips there and I picked up a few things, one of them being compressed air so I can keep my keyboard and mouse clean. When I was cashing out I was asked by the cashier to show my ID. I asked her what for and she told me no one under eighteen was allowed to purchase compressed air. After assuring her that I was over eighteen and proving it by letting her see my driver's license she told me that minors were not allowed to purchase the compressed air and when I asked her why she said she didn't know. And I still don't. When I got home I was going to google it but I got involved in something else and forgot to and then when I remembered to do it I realized that it really wasn't that important anyway. My guess is that someone under the age of eighteen did something with these cans of air that they shouldn't have and either harmed themselves or someone else. Whatever did happen the result is that we now are treated exactly the same as if we were buying a six pack of beer. Oh well, no big deal. Now if they start carding people for buying printer paper then we'll have problems. :D

  10. I am constantly reminded by how much I hate the default CAP face from 2K12.

    Yeah, it's pretty sad when a dime-a-dozen, typical bad guy in any Call of Duty game has a MUCH more detailed face than the MLB 2K Create-A-Player options. Also the 2K baseball faces are worse than the basketball faces because the MLB series gets to "hide" behind the cap and batting helmets. :crazy:

  11. First, is it possible to make the Braves alternate home uniforms (the non-red ones) more a cream color (like San Fran)? Second, it is possible to make a Rangers regular home uniform with a blue cap instead of a red one? Thanks.

    Try these Braves Alt uniforms. I made mine with a bit more of the cream color as a personal preference. See if these fit the bill. :good:


    Cream-colored Braves Alt Uniforms.zip

  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: Total Classics 1967 Complete Uniform Set

    File Submitter: dennisjames71

    File Submitted: 02 Feb 2014

    File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

    Version: 1.0

    Total Classics 1967 Complete Uniform Set

    Here is an updated set of completely redone uniforms that will drop right into Total Classics 1967. Of course you can download the ZIP and plug the uniforms into other mods by renaming the numbers/letters if necessary. I have also included redone Uniform Select files here too.

    Simply install the included ZIP file with TiT and it will update your TC 1967.



    Click here to download this file

  13. Yeah I had the same issue when that roster was first released. From what I recall, it's an issue that's tied to the schedule and the placement of the Astros in the American League for 2013. The solution is to load your roster but DO NOT go back to "HOME". Simply move to the "GAME MODES" and choose exhibition game, season game, franchise, whatever...and it should work fine. If you do go to "HOME" it will freeze like you described.

  14. Basically what i'm going to attempt to do in my thread is have Dynasties, for all The Sports i love. and they will have stats, recorded full video of the game, little write up's, trades, trash talk etc...so be on the look out, i'm going to attempt something i thinkwill be alot of fun.


    NICE!! I am very much looking forward to this. I love the visuals and other eye candy of all kinds of dynasties. This should be good. :clapping:

  15. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: Total Classics 1964 Complete Uniform Set

    File Submitter: dennisjames71

    File Submitted: 02 Jan 2014

    File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

    Version: 1.0

    Total Classics 1964 Complete Uniform Set

    Here is an updated set of completely redone uniforms that will drop right into Total Classics 1964. Of course you can download the ZIP and plug the uniforms into other mods by renaming the numbers/letters if necessary. I have also included redone Uniform Select files here too.

    Credit goes to bctrackboi11 for his Cincinnati Reds and and New York Mets uniforms featured in this pack. I only added the 1964 World's Fair patch to the Mets jersey.

    Simply install the included ZIP file with TiT and it will update your TC 1964.



    While testing out these uniforms in TC 1964; I played a sample game with the White Sox versus the Indians. I used Juan Pizarro as my pitcher and he turned in a perfect game. I knew nothing about this guy but discovered in 1964 he had his best year logging 19 wins and making the All-Star team. Juan was also handy with a bat that season and hit 3 HRs and 15 RBIs


    Click here to download this file

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