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Everything posted by dennisjames71

  1. 1383 downloads

    Here are some ad updates for the MLB 2k11 Spring Training Stadium 2. *Just copy the .iff stadium file into your main MLB 2k11 install directory. Enjoy!!
  2. 1513 downloads

    I don’t know about you guys, but it bugs me to have the generic ‘stock’ ads in the stadiums. Here are some realistic ads for the MLB 2k11 Spring Training Stadium 1. *Just copy the .iff stadium file into your main MLB 2k11 install directory. Enjoy!!
  3. Hey, thanks a lot guy. I really appreciate the comments. Hope you enjoy the work.
  4. 2560 downloads

    2011 Nationals Park Here's an update for the Washington Nationals' Stadium. * New Ads * New 'Nationals' Stadium Sign * New Home Run Sign * New Nationals Logos Day & Night versions included. Enjoy!!
  5. Man, you are killing me with this stuff. I can't believe the attention to detail that both you and Homer achieve with these faces. I think that most of all; it's you and Homer's faces that really spice up the game more than anything else. Keep up the great work!! :clapping:
  6. 1756 downloads

    2011 The Orange County Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Down The Street from Disneyland and the Anaheim Convention Center Stadium. Here's an update for the Angels' Stadium. * New and updated Ads * New Home Run Sign * Angels Crowd Day & Night versions included. Enjoy!!
  7. Tremendous work. You make some very nice cyberfaces. :clapping:
  8. That's officially the best line I've heard in a while and I couldn't agree more. It does nothing but get the ultra-spontaneous morons into trouble. I'm with you on that one Dave. :good:
  9. 1614 downloads

    2011 Great American Ballpark Here's an update for the Cincinnati Reds' Stadium. * New Ads * New Dugout * New Home Run Sign * New Scoreboard/Video Screen Day & Night versions included. Enjoy!!
  10. 1290 downloads

    Here is an updated Pitch and Score Overlay for the 2011 MVP Season. INSTRUCTIONS Import into igonly.BIG (with EaGraph) pitchslc.fsh ingameov.fsh Import into feonly.BIG (with EaGraph) sdoodads
  11. 137 downloads

    Here’s a graphics add-on pack for the TC 1927 Integrated Pack that Redeck and I released a couple weeks back. Just some new background screens that feature some of the star Negro League players in our Mod, a new Loading Screen with Lou Gehrig and Oscar Charleston, and some other graphic updates that you’ll notice throughout the game. Simply drop these 4 files into your /data/frontend folder and start the game. Have fun and enjoy!!
  12. Ha! That's great...can't believe I forgot him. Back in the early 90s; I had a friend who built a collection of Permed-QuarterBacks. He had a rookie Dan Marino, a mid 80s Bernie Kosar, and an early Steve Young among others.
  13. Man I love those pics guys. Now, I can add that Maddox card on my wishlist for my special 'Big Hair" collection. I found this image on Photobucket last summer to inspire my collection goal. I have 4 of them so far:
  14. 120 downloads

    Originally I liked the 'stock' 1929 version of the Boston Braves uniforms in TC 1927; but after playing the Braves in the TC1927 Integrated Mod...they looked out of place. So, with that: Here are some period-correct uniforms for the Boston Braves of 1927 and for use with Total Classics 1927 (Standard and Integrated Versions). Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Braves' default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. With this, all 1927 Uniforms have been competely updated. The 2 New York teams, 2 Philadelphia teams, and the Brooklyn Dodgers are avaialable as part of the TC 1927 Integrated Mod. Enjoy!!
  15. Hey thanks a lot. I'm already getting excited for the 2011 season to begin.
  16. 1632 downloads

    2011 Oakland Coliseum Here's an update for the 2011 Oakland Coliseum. * New Ads * New Dugout * New Home Run Sign * Oakland A's Crowd Day & Night versions included. Enjoy!!
  17. Hector, you exemplify class, great creativity, tireless work, and you are probably the biggest rock star in MVP Baseball World. I couldn't be happier and proud of you man...your experiences are unbelieveably cool. :clapping:
  18. Well thanks to Jim and OTBJoel's great information; everything was a huge success! To everyone out there...don't bother with the MVP Walk-Up Music Changer program (complete waste of time). The NHL ASF Utility will do the trick for sure. Thank you guys a million times for your time and your help. :clapping:
  19. Hey no worries at all Jim. I really appreciate all the input I've gotten from you and OTBJoel on this issue. I plan on trying this all out when I get home tonight and I will report back with my results. Thanks again for taking the time. :clapping:
  20. Hey Joel, Thanks a ton for your suggestion. I was previously using the ‘Ditty Importer’ program which I realized doesn’t offer any way to control your settings. I tried the SX application with the default –rs switch and converted my .mp3 to .ASF and it worked perfectly. My ASFs are now in the 120kb file-size range and they ‘fit’ just fine when I use the Walk-Up Music Changer program. Now, I’m still having my 2nd problem <above> with actually hearing the changed music in the game. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong at this stage; my steps in the Walk-Up Music Changer program are: • I set my MVP2005.exe file from my TC 1927 folder/install • I click each (at a time) “POP” selection from the list on the left. • I click the ‘Insert ASF’ button and select the ASF I made for all of the ‘POP’ selections. • For each one it says that it was completed successfully. • I close program and check that the BATDIT.ast file is updated (date-wise). Still, when I start and play a game in TC 1927; the default Walk-Up music plays when each player comes up to bat. Since I was able to keep my ASFs down to the allowable size; I did not change the music to MONO…would that be the reason why I can’t hear it in the game?
  21. 1591 downloads

    *Version 2 UPDATE* *New Video Screen *New Out-of-town Scorceboard *"Dave" memorial sign in outfield *A few more updated ads 2011 Safeco Field Here's a minor update for the 2011 Safeco Field. Made signs for the outfield to acknowledge the Mariners wearing their ‘throwback’ green uniforms on Monday & Friday games this year. Updated a couple more ads, made a “Mariners” crowd, and a new home run sign for the stadium. Day & Night versions included. Enjoy!!
  22. Sincere thanks Jim. I couldn't understand why I was having such a difficult time with something that seemed so straight-forward. I figured it would be about as simple as changing the Intro/Between-inning music, but that's doesn't seem to be the case. It's great to know that you are an expert on this (and pretty much everything else in MVP land).
  23. Hey emath, not a waste at all...I appreciate any info that helps to solve this mystery. That makes sense because saving it in MONO would literally cut the file size in half. Thank you for your input.
  24. Hey All, I am having some more issues with trying to add/replace batter walk-up music for TC 1927 specifically. First off, I wanted to ask the walk-music experts…What are the specifics (settings) you guys use for making your audio selections before they are converted to ASF? I normally use Sony’s Sound Forge 10 and I’ve tried the save my 6-8 second selections of songs to: • MP3 format • 128kb / 112kb / 96kb (tried all 3 with no luck) • Stereo That gets my selections down to the 120kb range in file size; but as soon as I convert them to ASF…they jump back up to over 350kb (+) in file size, which always seems to be too large for my liking with the “Walk-Up Music Changer” program. Also, I was wondering if it’s advisable to save the file in MONO rather than stereo…would there be much noticeable difference in the game? My 2nd issue is that I tried to just import my selections which were slightly too big and I knew they would be ‘clipped’. I used the 2 ASFs I made to import them into the 10 POP slots in TC 1927 (1 ASF for 5 slots). So all POP slots have my created ASFs and I made sure that all the Yankees players are using the POP music slot for their music. When I start the game and played 5 innings…I get the same/original Walk-Up music. I checked that the BATDIT.ast file and it was updated to today’s date, so it tells me something was changed; yet there is no evidence of any changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Dennis
  25. Hey Kccitystar, I enjoyed your random thought this week as well. I also have been a fan of How I Met Your Mother for quite a few seasons. Back in 2008, my sister was a SAG member and was an extra in 3 episodes of that show. I got a chance to watch a filming of one of those episodes and I gotta tell you Neil Patrick Harris was the coolest, most down-to-earth guy there. While most of the other “stars” on the set segregated themselves from the extras and audience members mingling around; Barney was walking around shaking hands, signing a few autographs and just being a regular guy. I was glad to get a chance to shake his hand and chat with him for a moment. Nice guy. I also love his role in the 2 Harold & Kumar films; he practically “made” those movies. Also, thanks for sharing your story about your breakup with your girlfriend. First of all, I am sorry that happened; but you seem to have discovered the recipe for surviving these emotional break-ups. You are definitely on the right-track by finding “positive distractions” to keep your mind off of the past and surrounding yourself with the “right” people. I have been divorced (years ago) and about a year and a half ago, things broke off with my ex-fiancée of 2 years as well. It was a little easier in the respect that she (we) lived in Washington state and I moved back to California when it ended, so there was no chance of ever “running into her” again; but yeah, those damn memories are what really gets to you. So hey, keep up the good work and I wish you the best man.
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