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Everything posted by dennisjames71

  1. …Another great set of Random Thoughts this week, Y4L. First off, I love your title for Sarah Palin, the spokeswoman of the stupid. While I could care less about most aspects of politics; this dolt irritates me to no end. Why anyone would want to willingly listen to the ramblings of a person based upon her ultra-thin resume and experiences of being a quitter, is beyond me. …While I am happy that Raphael Soriano went to my other favorite team; I am sad to see the Tampa Bay Rays are now essentially the Durham Bulls with David Price and Evan Longoria. I would not be surprised to see a rejuvenated Baltimore Orioles team or the Blue Jays run the Rays down in the AL East this season. On the upside, I feel a great, classic Yanks/Red Sox battle throughout the season for the division crown. …No, the longest wait is being stuck behind the person who is waiting for the car leaving a parking space. …Although I am skeptical about Derek Jeter’s intentions about truly wanting to start spring training early…I really hope that he has a “fountain of youth” / comeback season this year because the Yanks are really gonna need him and maybe we’ll forget his off-season/negotiation acts this past fall.
  2. 106 downloads

    Here are some period-correct uniforms for the Boston Red Sox of 1927 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Red Sox default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. Enjoy!!
  3. 97 downloads

    Here are some period-correct uniforms for the Pittsburgh Pirates of 1927 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Pirates default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. Enjoy!!
  4. Hey Y4L, I neglected to mention in my point about the burning of comic book, lurid detective novels, and pulp magazines…that this was done here in the United States between the late 1940s and early 1950s. How hypocritical that we damn Hitler (rightfully so) for doing the same thing just a decade before and then in Anytown, USA…they were lining up all the school children to systematically participate in these book burnings. Pretty disturbing stuff. “So what did you do today at school, son? “Well, we had an outdoor assembly where we all re-enacted the Fascist book burnings that Adolf Hitler practiced a few years ago.” “That’s great Johnny…just as long as those evil comic books were destroyed.” Anyway, a great source for this information is a 2008 book by David Hajdu called “The Ten Cent Plauge”. It highlights the censorship and purge of comic book and pulp stories of the late 40s and early 50s. Here is a great review of the book from the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/10/books/10masl.html?_r=1 Man, I can’t believe I forgot to mention To Kill A Mockingbird… I think you are right that it will surely be the next book to be censored in the name of not offending anyone. I remember those Book-of-the-Month clubs at school. Next to anticipating the new baseball cards that would be released as a kid; I looked forward to when the next shipment of books would come to the classroom and I would be able to read something I chose. My dad used to take me and my sister to the library nearly every Saturday afternoon and those memories and the foundation that formed will surely last a lifetime for me.
  5. 103 downloads

    Here are some period-correct uniforms for the St. Louis Cardinals of 1928 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Cardinals default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. I made the 1928 uniforms because I think they look better than the 1927 versions with the "World Champions" surrounding the Cardinals logo on the front (they are awful looking IMO). I put a 1926 NL Champs patch on the home uniforms instead as a compromise. Enjoy!!
  6. Hey Y4L, Really enjoyed your Random Thoughts today…I dont think the Rays will lose 100 games but Im afraid that they are going to be looking at a distant 3rd place in the AL East behind the Yanks and Red Sox. Since Ive been a Yankees fan since I was about 6 years-old; its kinda weird that I dig the Rays too because Ive liked what they have done with their franchise and I enjoy watching them play. Knowing that the Rays were gonna lose many key components; I would have much rather have seen Crawford and Garza sign/trade with the Yankees. (Im still ticked off about the Crawford deal I suppose). I also shook my head for many moments about the Huckleberry Finn censorship saga. What an absolute slap in the face to the authors of the past and any aspiring writer in the modern era. I spent 2 years to acquire my MFA in Creative Writing (in 2009) and what does this censorship/political correctness garbage tell us?...that some political hack or fly-by-night family group next month or in the 22nd Century is going to censor the hell out of our work? You highlight the best point about this Y4L, that these FICTION stories need to be assessed in the proper historical context. It truly does not matter what was written in a work of fiction because it is from one persons (the authors) perspective and you simply cannot change it. These PC groups of today need to take accountability for peoples actions and behavior right here, right now and quit placing the blame on what someone wrote over a hundred years ago. I agree with Mykal94s comparison to Fahrenheit 451 wholeheartedly. People seems to have a very hard time with seeing things in their proper and historical context and also do not learn from their history. One person gets offended about something, a knee-jerk reaction follows and all of the sudden, the issue has to be of monumental importance. Case in point, not 3 years after the end of World War II and barely 10 years after Nazi Germany was regularly burning books en masse as a form of censorship; schools, churches, and family groups were publicly burning pulp magazines, novels, and comic books for the very same reasons. Talk about short-term memory loss. I agree with Dylan that next on the list of censored books will by the Sherlock Holmes series…then I predict Lewis Carrolls work, Oliver Twist, Forever Amber, The Catcher in the Rye, and most of Ernest Hemingways material. Heres a tip people, why dont you spend 2 minutes with your children and sit down and explain to them about historical context and what words are inappropriate to use instead of having your attention glued to your smart-phone or parking them in front of a television/internet? Youll be surprised…
  7. 108 downloads

    Here are some period-correct uniforms for the St. Louis Browns of 1927 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Browns default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. Enjoy!!
  8. That's pretty funny redeck. I knew I shouldn't have told you the story about that ultra-drunk girl at the sports bar who thought I was Matt Garza. Regarding the real Matt Garza, I've been pretty mad over the sudden mass-exodus of everyone from Tampa Bay. Yeah, what a horrible team they have had to suffer on the last 3 years. If we lose Soriano; the pitching staff goes down to above average and the offense (like last year) will only get worse. Instead on Longoria saying (in the 2K10 Commercial) "Are you ready to battle?"...he should say "Are you ready for 3rd Place in the AL East?" for the 2011 Slogan.
  9. That is just Legendary HFLR. What a great accomplishment and I couldn't be happier for you. Your work is beyond amazing. I really dig Joakim Soria too, so that's really cool you met him and got a pic with him. :good:
  10. 111 downloads

    Here are some period-correct uniforms for the Cleveland Indians of 1927 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the Indians default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. These are technically 1928 Indians uniforms but I thought they were a good compromise for the TC 1927 mod. Enjoy!!
  11. 137 downloads

    **Version 2 Update** Apologies for basically posting a 1924 White Sox ROAD uniform rather than a 1927 one. The correct 1927 White Sox uniforms are in this pack now (with all-white sox too). Here are some period-correct uniforms for the Chicago White Sox of 1927 and Total Classics 1927. Use TiT to install the Home and Road uniforms along with an updated Uniform Select Screen. These will replace the White Sox default "1927" uniforms in the TC mod. Enjoy!!
  12. Mark, Man, what a great early Christmas present to see you back here. This site will never be the same without you around. Thank you for the kind words. You, Y4L, and Jim have all been my positive influences in my rookie year, here at MVP Mods. I’m very happy to see your re-appearance and I hope you have a great Holiday. Take care friend. Dennis
  13. Damn that's funny as hell DJ...I think I accidentally made a Dirk_Diggler74 account at one time when I was updating all the 1970s Stadiums this past summer.
  14. 407 downloads

    I know that, historically the 1920s Shibe Park did not have ads in the stadium for the most part. But I went ahead and added vintage 1920s advertisements to the re-colored Shibe Park that originally came with the game and it looks more interesting to play in. This is primarily for use with the TC 1927 Mod. I hope all us Total Classics junkies enjoy the stadium. Copy the .TXT file to your /data folder for proper data/collision info.
  15. I definitely wish you the same great Thanksgiving too Y4L. I always enjoy reading your contributions around here and appreciate your insight on the many topics you write about. You've been a great bud to me since I've joined up this year and you and many other members here have been an encouragement for me to want to contibute to the site. I wish you and your family the best on the upcoming holiday weekend.
  16. Hey you are welcome...knowing that my efforts help our memebers enjoy the game even more; makes all the work worthwhile. Yeah, I'm so done with the bar/club scene which I was prone to before and after my brief marriage days about 9 years ago. I can't believe the money I blew in those places over the years. I do my guitar gigging and surfing trips a few times a year, but otherwise this stuff has been a fun "release" at the end of a long work day. Thanks again and I'm glad you are enjoying the stuff.
  17. Ahh, that's a simple one...just live by yourself and have no social life
  18. Hey Y4L, As always...excellent presentation on this TC Mod review. Everytime a new one (or update) is released I look forward to reading and looking at your reviews. Great example with the 2 World Series Teams. I'm gonna definitely make some time this weekend to play a few games of this Mod. Dennis
  19. Wow, I cannot remember ever being so bored in my life where I would get a thrill by texting someone sitting next to me. Needless to say, I couldn’t agree with you more, the prevalence of the cell-phone/in constant communication obsession is definitely a problem. The next generation of young people are going to be so socially maladjusted that if they cannot communicate through a cell-phone/texting/computer/twitter; they will be effectively lost. I am a counseling psychologist at a mental health center and I see this nearly every day with the younger people I talk with. Whether it’s a mild or major form of psychological problems; I find that the 17-23 year-olds seem to struggle with verbal communication in almost every capacity, more than older individuals. Younger people have a much more difficult time when trying to express themselves in person; but I bet if they could text/twitter someone; they would be more at ease. That’s fine and dandy that they are master phone texters; but what’s going to happen when they are trying to maintain personal relationships later in life or trying to get through a job interview without imploding? It’s no surprise that there has also been evidence that people who are so extremely dependent on this form of communication also suffer from greater anxiety; it because there is no such thing as “down-time” when you are attached to an electronic leash and have to be in constant communication. My worst cell-phone story happened this past spring when I was up in San Jose, Ca. 2 or 3 times a year I get up there to play (guitar) in my buddy’s blues/rock band and to hang out. We were playing this gig in April on a Saturday night and we had a substitute bass player because the regular one had a bad flu. I swear, in the middle of a song, the bass player’s phone went off/vibrated and he took it out of his pocket to check it. We found out later that it was a huge emergency, his girlfriend in the audience was texting him. I wanted to go Babe Ruth on his head with my Strat. Needless to say, we never used him ever again.
  20. 173 downloads

    Here's a cool late-60s music update for the Intro/Inning Transition themes of the Total Classics 1969 Mod. I used 2 different portions of a Jimi Hendrix guitar instrumental called "Trash Man". The intro music is one part and the inning transitions are another part. This file will replace the stock MVP Baseball 2005 intro music. This will not affect any of the Jukebox music since that is a different file. Copy the included "bdcstdat" file into your /data/audio/cd/bdcst_mx folder. Here's a sample of how it will sound in the game:
  21. Thanks a lot for these downloads Y4L. I've been re-watching the Ken Burn's Basebaal documentary lately and these radio broadcasts are a great addition to the experience. :clapping:
  22. 431 downloads

    Ok guys, here's the scoop on this one...I wanted to get this one out there for everyone to use and to enjoy but the field on this one has me mystified. I had wanted to get rid of the "box" shape in the home plate area. I tried everything I could think of in the Z-Mod realm with no luck. I will continue to look into this issue to get the stadium looking as accurate as possible and if I make progress, it will be released as an updated version. In either case, I hope everyone enjoys this Yankee Stadium update for use with the 1927 TC Mod. Copy the .TXT files to your /data folder for proper data/collision info.
  23. 371 downloads

    To go along with edtench's awesome Classic Reds uniforms; here is an update to Redland (changed to Crosley in 1934)Field. Some of the exisiting eye candy was removed to reflect a stadium for the 1927 Total Classics Mod. Mainly, I removed the lights and light towers, the large signs on the warehouse building and the clock on top of the scoreboard (a small clock was added in 1934). This is all based upon the few photos of the field from the 1920s. Copy the .TXT file to your /data folder for proper data/collision info. If you haven't already, make sure to grab edtench's classic uniforms to use with the Total Classics Mods of the era. Enjoy!!
  24. Hey Guys, The Yankee Stadium shown is the CAS (Create A Stadium) I made in May. You'll find it in the MVP Baseball 2005/Stadiums Download Page (Page #7). This Stadium must be used in "Owner Mode"...you'll see instructions on the thread for this stadium. Enjoy!! Dennis
  25. 64 downloads

    Here is an updated intro/inning transition music pack for the 1927 TC Mods. After trying out a few 1920s tunes; I decided to use Louis Armstrong's "Ain't Misbehavin'". I know the song wasn't released until 1929, technically but it makes for a good intro/inning transition theme. This file will replace the stock MVP Baseball 2005 intro music. This will not affect any of the Jukebox music since that is a different file. Copy the included "bdcstdat" file into your /data/audio/cd/bdcst_mx folder. Here's a quick sample of how it will sound within the game...
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