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Posts posted by dennisjames71

  1. Hey rroy,

    In addition to trying to add the actual uniform slots to M, N, and O...are you also adding them to the Uniform Select sections to? What I mean by that is the data/frontend/uniforms section. If those do not correspond properly, you'll get crashes.

    Can you tell me when do you get the crash? When you are picking uniforms or does the game actually attempt to start?

    Also, can you tell me which minor league uniform slot you are having problems with? I'm confident I can get this fixed for you. With a lot of my custom installs, I have added a whole bunch of uniform slots into many minor league slots.


  2. Yankees4Life: ^ The above one. I have a 360 controller htat i am struggling to set up

    Don't mean to butt-in here but are you able to get your X-Box 360 controller with your computer? Or are you having problems with the controller/CONFIG file in the MVP Baseball game? If it's the latter problem, I could probably just send you my CONFIG file that I use with the same controller.

  3. I was hoping to play the 1994 or 1998 mod, but im a little more fuzzy than i thought on how to set things up. Im also having issues with shimmering grass which i fixed at one point years ago but dont remember how.

    If you ever need help with fixing the grass, I can help out and correct the problem fields or if you having that problem with ALL of the fields...I can take care of that too. Best of luck with everything. :good:

  4. Great choices to showcase this week Y4L. Obviously the work from these two men had GREATLY influenced my desire to create uniforms for this game. I was so surprised to see the attention to detail that these guys put into their work and seeing all of these throughout the Total CLassics series was a great treat and planted the seed for me. Next to Jim and Don (stecropper); the uniform mods from Sandman and Fizzjob, are the biggest influences in what continues to drive me to making mods for this great game. I'd like to think that guys like bctrackboi11 and myself took the torch for uniform modding and approached it with a ton of enthusiasm for classic and modern uniforms. :good:

  5. Where did these uniforms come from??

    Upload please!!!


    Clearly sir, you must be a Y4L imposter. I happen to know for a fact that Y4L would never want to be seen in the same room with a Seattle Mariners uniform. :crazy:

    Seriously, I had this idea swimming around in my head for at least a month or two and decided to make these along with a "new" main logo for them too.

  6. SEATTLE MARINERS Re-branding

    I wanted to post some screenshots of my Seattle Mariners re-branding that utilizes their early logos/wordmarks. Gone are the teal/green and silver from their color scheme and I wanted to use a navy blue (similar to Michigan’s), dark yellow/gold, and basic white for accents. I’ve always loved the old trident “M” and the wordmarks from the late 1970s and early 1980s. I’m having a blast playing some games with the team’s new look here.



  7. HA! HA! Yeah, regarding the Polish girl...she's not the absolute worst thing I've ever seen (in the first photo); but she's really nowhere passable for me. And remember, she's probably mega-dolled up in that first photo (make-up, hair done nice, etc) so that's not how she looks like on any given day. I think the second photo begins to glean the reality of the situation. Survey says:


    Yes, I agree with your points about Maddon...he's an excellent communicator, he's not bi-polar about the winning/losing streaks that occur in a season, and he's strikes a great balance between being laid-back enough, yet he has definite control of the ship. I agree that he would not be a good fit at all for any of the New York teams, just because of the social climate as you mentioned.

  8. The Human Rights Watch group that is based in New York are a good example of these kind of people. They got wind that the Dunkin' Donuts franchise in Thailand released an ad that promoted their new "Charcoal Donut" that showed a smiling woman with blackface makeup and bright pink lipstick holding up a bitten black doughnut.

    Yes, I read and researched this utter nonsense a couple of weeks back. Unfortunately, and especially in this country, everyone feels the innate need to be offended; and to make matters far worse, they want to be compensated for “being offended” in the form of public apologies, money, or some other manner in which the offended can pound their chests and be viewed as “right” while the alleged, offensive group is ridiculed and deemed “evil and wrong”. This fringe, so-called, “Human Rights” group thankfully represents only a small faction of idiots that want to read far too much into a harmless ad. The old adage applies to this situation in particular: “If you want to see something (offensive), you’ll certainly find it if you look long enough.” I lump these morons into the same category of people who sense conspiracy in virtually every single aspect of life.

    First of all, regarding the ad in question, this is NOT blackface make-up, nor is the young-lady “made-up” to portray blackface. She is “photoshopped” painted entirely in black (a la the charcoal color), her hair is styled to represent smoke, and key elements of her face contain the primary colors of the brand (pink for the lips, and orange for the eyeshadow). From a graphic arts/marketing standpoint, I think the ad is a winner; it’s very clever, creative and intriguing to the point that I am so curious to how a charcoal donut tastes, I would buy one in a New York minute.

    Oh, and here's one of the versions of this horribly offensive ad:


    Also, there have been numerous African-Americans who were asked about the “blackface” connotations of the ad and the vast majority answered that “that is not blackface, it’s just a woman painted black <along with every other item in the ad>”. It’s also funny to read some of the comments from Great Britain concerning the “controversy” of the ad…my favorite one was “Yes, the United States, the same country who ‘sees’ Hitler in a JCPenny teapot and the Virgin Mary in various food items, beverages, and trees.” :rofl:


    ...There's a twenty-one year old woman from Poland who has announced that she wants to have sex with more than 100,000 men from every major city in the world.

    Ummm, I don’t know where to begin, but if you were one of the guys who decided to “engage” in this endeavor…how would you like to be the 90,000th guy or hell, the 100th guy in the chain? I think I just threw up in my mouth. :bad:

    ...I really like Joe Maddon, manager of the Tampa Bay Rays. This guy recently held a party near his Long Beach, California home and he announced that anyone who came into a sports bar that he was at wearing Rays gear they would get a free beer. He called it a "Win or Weep" party because his team was going through a five game losing streak and they've been playing poorly at the worst time of the year. Nice way to loosen up the team.

    I agree…there are so many reason to love this guy and hands down, Maddon is the best manager in the game (IMO) and I would imagine he’s a blast to play for. The man just “gets it” and understands today’s players.

  9. I agree Jim...Paul's stadiums are masterpieces and I think that any of the Total Classics games wouldn't be the same with out his Comiskey Park, Milwaukee County Stadium, and one of my all-time favorites, Ebbet's Field. I happen to think that the mass environment of these stadiums are the key components in "immersing" the game player into whatever era we are trying to portray. The cyber-faces and uniforms are certainly important pieces of the pie; but these wonderful stadiums literally "make" the games true classics. Thank you Paul for giving these stadiums to the community.

  10. ...An Arizona Cardinals season ticket holder took his son to a pre-season game and at one point he decided he wanted to take a picture while he was there. Before he could take his picture he had to have his fifteen-year-old son hold his beer. He then gets his picture and takes his beer back. That's it. A short time later he was approached by undercover stadium police who informed him that they saw him serve alcohol to a minor and then they escorted them out of the stadium and handed the man a a citation for trespassing. How is this trespassing when they have season tickets and since when are there undercover stadium police and how come these same undercover cops are never around when a drunk is in your section wanting to start a fight with anyone around him? And cops wonder why they have so little respect from the public these days.

    I would fight this nonsense…I would explain in court that they need to provide proof that he was actually “serving” alcohol to a minor and that they definitely need to explain how the hell the man was ‘trespassing’ by being a ticket holder/season ticket holder. Undercover stadium police…what a joke. You’re right where are those idiots when there are drunken mini-riots in the stands at an NFL game. There’s probably a reason these losers (stadium police) are actively working an Arizona Cardinals game in posh Glendale, AZ. They would be running for the hills if they were assigned a L.A. Raiders games at the Coliseum in the late 1980’s <or hell, any Raiders/Chargers game>

    ...I wonder how proud Billy Ray Cyrus is of his daughter Miley after her little show at the MTV Video Music Awards?


    ...I like Australians, I really do. But sometimes the things they do I don't understand at all. Take last week for example. A birthday party was held near a crocodile-infested river in the Australian Outback and two guys who must have had too many Foster's Lager decided to go swimming in the Mary River, a river known worldwide to have the greatest saturation of adult saltwater crocodiles in the world. Why have a birthday party or any kind of party there? You can guess what happened next.


    The cat in question is about four feet tall and doesn't seem to be afraid of anything and that includes dogs. I don't get it. These people live with crime every day and they are afraid of a cat? There's got to be someone in that neighborhood who's got a gun and is dying to use it.

    Hmmm…apparently someone took your advice Y4L… I guess the cat was actually only about 2 feet tall. I love how people exaggerate details.


    ...There's something about the health of pitchers these days that I can not understand. There's been so many advancements in physical training over the years but the fact is more pitchers today are getting seriously hurt as compared to the pitchers from decades ago.

    You know, I’ve been thinking the same thing lately…and it’s not only with baseball pitchers, but with athletes in general. How in the world are these guys getting hurt seemingly far more easy than in years past? With the advances in training technology and sports-rehab clinics; today’s athlete is bigger, faster, and stronger…I just don’t understand how so many of them are doing on the DL (or worse), especially in a non-contact position like Pitcher. Even guys like TE Dustin Keller on the Miami Dolphins got tore up on a seemingly normal looking tackle on a missed catch during a pre-season game. The guy looks like he’s in superb shape, but now he’s done for the year.

    ...The city of Zurich, Switzerland, like most cities all around the world, has had a problem with open street prostitution but what they have done to try to curb it is, well, very Swiss-like. These people have converted nine buildings there into "sex drive-ins" where you drive in and park your car. Once you are there you place your order and instead of ordering a cheeseburger, fries and a coke, you order a girl.

    Ok, not to be vulgar or juvenile here; but in these “girls-of-the evening” drive-thrus…I have to ask, you know how when you sometimes order food from a drive-thru and they ask “Will you be eating in your car?”…well….are you supposed to consummate the act while in your car? Or do you get to take the lady to a place of your choice? Also, if you are required to engage while in the vehicle…do you get a discount in your car is smaller/not enough room and all that? I was also going to ask if these places take on the names of other famous drive-thrus in the world like one of my favorites like “In-n-Out”(Burgers) here in California, but maybe I wont. :db:

  11. Got a problem (MLB2K12) that just started out of the blue recently that I hope someone can help me fix. I'm 6 or 7 games into a new season and now I can't even get through the bottom of the first without the screen going black. When it does this I can still hear the crowd for a little bit, my pc sounds like it's working harder, and then the sound goes away and I have to reboot my pc to get back to the desktop. Anybody have any ideas ??? Would appreciate anyall help ! Thanks !!!

    You know what? I had something similar happen to me this spring with both the NBA 2K and MLB 2K games. Obviously these games use a lot of graphics card horsepower and especially if you are adding the graphics/color enhancements on them (like I do). Anyway my games were starting to stutter and then go black. I could still hear the crowd noises like you described and I had to shut down the PC.

    I thought this was strange because I was running these on a dedicated Gaming PC and I took the side panel of the case off to see if the GPU fan was clogged with dust or something. I typically run a program in the background called "GPU Temp" (it's free) and the damn temp on my GPU was up to 90+ degrees CELSIUS. That's way hotter than the averages (which are around 50-75 degrees celsius). So the problem wasn't dust...the entire fan on my GPU/Video Card had stopped and the only thing dissipating the heat was the thankfully large heatsink on the card. Luckily, through the warranty of the card, they sent me a brand new fan/heatsink combo for free and I just had to supply the thermal compound and install it myself.

    The temperatures went back to normal and I haven't had any further problems. Except for the obvious issues of making sure you have the latest video card drivers installed, your problem could potentially be "heat" related...so you might want to check that out.

    Best of luck to you, I know this stuff can be frustrating at times.


  12. Secondly, I was reviewing the yellow alternate uniforms in MVP 13 and they are awful.

    Dennis I think someone must have hacked into your account because I can swear on a stack of bibles that you've never made a bad uniform while you've been here. I won't rest until I find out how this happened! :D

    Thank you for this update!

    Thanks Y4L, but I am always a believer that we improve (or strive to improve) in whatever our endeavors are; whether they are our hobbies or work. I know I never released those yellow A's uniforms separately, but it would be my fault that I let them slide into the MVP 12 and MVP 13 releases. Oh well, I guess I would be really weird if I actively kept track of every uniform set for 120 teams in the game. :crazy:

  13. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: 2013 Oakland Athletics Uniform Corrections

    File Submitter: dennisjames71

    File Submitted: 27 Aug 2013

    File Category: Uniforms and Accessories

    Version: 1.0


    My apologies that some of these issues with the As uniforms, went under the radar when I checked them for MVP 13 release.

    The first correction in this pack is the now, modern/corrected wordmark for the Oakland road uniforms. As you can see from the Coco Crisp screenshot; the road uniforms had been using the pre-1993 wordmark. The correct ones are in this pack.

    Secondly, I was reviewing the yellow alternate uniforms in MVP 13 and they are awful. I feel I can say that because I made these back in early 2011 when these jerseys were announced and I think the colors for the uniform are terrible <see other screenshot>. My skills in color manipulation/application have certainly improved and these are far more accurate along with the correct white outline on the font numbers and letters.

    Lastly, I made some fictional alternate road uniforms for the As with the 'Oakland' wordmark and a yellow colored elephant shoulder patch.

    Right now, I have them in the following slots:

    Slot B = Road (Modern Correct Wordmark)

    Slot D = FICTIONAL Alt. Road

    Slot E = Alt. Home (Yellow)

    Extract the main ZIP file and install each of the individual ZIP files for the uniforms you want to update. Feel free to to put them into other uniform slots by re-naming them and re-Zipping them up. Use TiT to install.

    *Also included in the main ZIP are uniform select screens in BMP format.



    Click here to download this file

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