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Everything posted by pena1

  1. The tools made over at modding way (cant thank Ariel enough for them) work for the latest mlb game. Seems like you will need to this de-compressor before your run iffs through the modtool though. Modtool works almost the same, exporting 3d Player head models for blender still intact Stadium.iff file structures are nearly identical to 2k11. The modtool now loads the frame models of the stadium though I was unable to extract anything visible into blender.. Team colors should still be in the ROS files (and fra, cmg, etc) PA music and Jukebox audio are really compressed again..no luck using old sample rate from 2k10.. A couple things I will be tackling over the next week or so.. An onfield display mod - huge white circles are back.. Accessories Pack - This will take a little longer as now there are 6 different batting glove styles and 5 shoes that the user can choose from (so anyone have any request ha?). 2k changed the way the dds files are put together, some channels have shuffled around and these textures are no longer 3 files, but now 2. I will have a separate post about this later. MLB 2k12 FAQ thread - much like this post last year. Will include the full layout of global, gamedata, uniform etc IFFS
  2. Hey DS! This is looking good, would like to help out more with formulas and what not. Have you ever been over to fangraphs?. For a lot of the question marks, it should be able to help. http://www.fangraphs.com/library/ offense: covers speed, tendencies, etc defense: covers UZR and RZR will help with range, arm strength can be pulled out of these stats as well There is a TON of info on pitching there as well. One thing you can use for composure is LOB%. There is also a pitch F/x tool for calculation movement. Ill pop back in with other stats soon!
  3. pena1

    2K12 Modding

    Hey gentlemen, hope all is well! I'll be here for this go around too. We may run into some kinks early on if 2k has implemented this feature with mlb 2k12 as they did in nba, something we should be prepared for... kraw, if you need help with the potraits again this year, would be more than happy to, or if I can help with any of the tools you are working on, let me know.
  4. Version 1.0


    Hey everybody, Brushing off the rust with the new 2012 Miami Marlins uniforms. So far I've got the Home Whites and the Black Home Alts. From the images I have seen, they should be pretty close. Thanks to lusigregg for doing the ground work and gettin me back in it! To get all the colors correct, you will need Ty Wiggins editor to change the HEX colors in your Roster File. I have included screenshots of what each jersey should look like in the editor. To install, back up the originals, then place the IFFs in your MLB 2k11 directory. Enjoy! peña1
  5. 407 downloads

    2k11 Josh Hamilton Cyberface Worked the model a bit and added the beard. to install: 1. create a backup of the oringal player head. 2. Extract player_head_6081.iff into your mlb2k11 dir 3. OR rename the file # and use ty's editor to assign. Enjoy! peña1
  6. 523 downloads

    Hey everybody, This is a small pack of dds files for different umpire uniforms. You will need the NBA/MLB mod tool to install. Slot number is 655 in the GLOBAL.IFF!! Includes: blue, baby blue, black, and red Only one can be installed at a time. If you have any questions let me know. Enjoy! peña1
  7. pena1

    Modding 2K11 Faq

    Thanks for adding this Micropterus58. There are a few other IFFs that I will add this evening. Going through it, I realized I left off the gamedata.iff :facepalm:
  8. Hello everybody, hopefully with help from the rest of the great modders here, this can answer many of the questions about modding and updating MLB 2k11. As of now I have list below and could write a few tutorials if there is an interest. If anyone would like to add to this, please let me know! Tools to get started: MLB 2k MOD tool - Opens most IFF files for updating textures, can't thank Ariel and the rest of his crew @ modding way enough for this. You can export / import player head models with this as well. Make sure you have Java installed! (Thanks Micropterus58) Cyber Face Converter - Another player head model export / import tool [only works on 32 bit systems] To open DDS textures you will need a plugin: Photoshop, GIMP are the most common. Paint.net will work as well Roster Editors: Ty Wiggins Roster Editor - Ty's Editor has more features that I can list here, check out this thread for all the info. The ability to finally edit the team colors is huge for any uniform modder. REDeditor II - Not much is available now, but Vlad has done some great work with the NBA 2k series. IFF Files: dds slot number in MODtool [#:# means it is a subfile] - description english.iff: 11 - keyboard buttons 30 - xbox buttons 54 - generic controller buttons englishbootup.iff: game logos during load Global.iff: Batting gloves - 198, 471, 618 Bats: Logo - 457:1 Wood grain - 457:0 Pinetar - 457:2-3 Colors - 48, 713, 269, 32, 398, 48, 290, 81, 709, 272, 46, 384 Catchers Gear: Chest protector - 61, 276, 697 Shin A - 86, 268, 689 Shin B - 80, 260, 685 Cleats 1- 263, 407, 682 Cleats 2 - 271, 402, 688 Gloves: Closed Glove - 92, 512, 585 Open Glove - 34, 324, 651 1st Base - 84, 265, 408 Catchers Glove - 242, 523, 573 Reg Baseball - 226, 602 WS basbeall - 127, 224 Dirt Marks - 367 Eyes: gray - 27 blue - 44 green - 83 hazel - 110 amber - 503 brown - 444 Sweat - 64 Umpires: Hat - 233 Shirt majors - 655 Shirt minors - 363 overlay static preload.iff 52- TV logos [batters box located here as well] Player heads_XXXX.iff: 0 - skin texture 3 - head model *player head files can be assigned with tywiggins roster editor Portrait.iff: List of 1834 portraits, as of now I don't think there is as corresponding list... Stadium_XXX.iff: Usually 12 slots with most signs located under the last section. Title page.iff: 0:3 - Title screen player Uniform_XXX.iff: 0 - Letters Colors [note that any changes should correspond with RED- main color, BLUE - border 1, GREEN - border 2| Per tywiggins Roster Editor] 1 - Hat green screen 2 - Letters green screen 5 - Jersey 6 - Jersey green screen 8- Hat logo green screen 11 - Hat color 12 - Hat/ helmet logo 14 - Numbers green screen 15 - Number Colors [sEE LETTER COLORS NOTE] 17 - Hockey mask layout *Not all uniform files will be the same but will follow a similar layout. Uniform_XXX_crowd.iff: Team crowd clothes
  9. 369 downloads

    Updated icon for MLB2k11 from last years version - Original by Trues.
  10. 3117 downloads

    All the changes here are subtle but I think they make in a big difference in the gameplay feel. *3.26.11- Fixed a few glitches that happened when importing the buttons* 1. All landing markers changed to 50% opacity. No more solid white circles covering half the outfield. Here is a screenshot. Top row is the original, Bottom row is the changes. Version 3 - white circles 10% opacity and small landing circle (most difficult) 2. B3 and B5 button icons changed to Left bumper and X button. 3. Took off the ball while pitching. unfortunately still cant find the arrows though. *also have a version with the ball* Instructions: 1. As always, back up everything 2. I would recommend downloading and using Jonesoft's Mod Enabler. Otherwise extract the gamedata.iff to your MLB 2k11 folder 3. Click yes to copy and replace Please let me know if there are any problems with this file. Enjoy! peña1
  11. 2374 downloads

    Rangers Ballpark in Arlington - 2k11 UPDATED with Opening Day Signs! Includes New Signs: Chick fil A Stubhub Uniden Lexus Mazda Reliant DQ Scotts Gulf Snapple Dr Pepper Budweiser Southwest Verizon New Dugouts Tops, all benches are now green, gatorade cooler Wall Numbers - Updated to current font (same as jerseys) Touched up Bases - Texas Rangers emblem added Concourse - updated umbrellas and other details Texas Flag Stadium seats To install: Unpack the file, then place the stadium_ter.iff in your 2k11 directory enjoy! Peña1 Thanks to JHTAPP76 for letting me include some of his work in this file!
  12. Just uploaded 2k11 Accessories Pack

  13. 5254 downloads

    Peña1's 2k11 Accessories Pack - UPDATE 3.27.11 Hey everybody, this is a new accessories pack for 2k11! This mod includes: Real eyes Fixed eye black Umpire hats (I will be releasing an umpire pack soon w/ blue, baby blue and black shirts) TPX Louisville Slugger fully customizable batting gloves Mizuno cleats - completely re-done NEW 3n2 Cleats Mizuno fielding glove - replaces open back design Akadema Glove - replaces closed back design Rawlings two tone first basemen glove Wilson A2000 catchers glove NEW Under Armour catchers chest protector 2 NEW Under Armour shin guards UPDATED Marucci Bats - with new color fades and gold labeling Fixed tape - not much to work with here but now the tape only extends to the top hand. Updated version of the official baseball by Trues is included as well. A whiter ball is available in version 2.2 Instructions: 1. As always, back up everything 2. I would recommend downloading and using Jonesoft's Mod Enabler. Otherwise extract the global.iff to your MLB 2k11 folder 3. Click yes to copy and replace Please let me know if there are any problems with this file and feel free to let me know what you think. Enjoy! peña1
  14. Working on an Accessories Pack for 2k11... should be up by the weekend

  15. Hey fellas, in the meantime you can download the file here!
  16. Hey jorodedo, having some trouble with the upload, will let everyone know as soon as the update is online
  17. Tony worked this out in another thread http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=48156 not terribly difficult but it will take some time.
  18. this.is.awesome. ha love reading these man! and thanks for the early 90's rangers unis!
  19. is learning blender...

  20. just sent a pm, let me know if that works
  21. just sent a pm, let me know if that works
  22. Just updated! Looks like we have a series!
  23. 222 downloads

    Hey everybody!! Still can't believe that my boys are playing in the World Series!! This mod has all home and away jerseys for the Rangers / Giants with the World Series patch on hats and right sleeve. I HIGHLY recommend using a generic mod enabler to install so you can switch back to the originals easily. I use Jonesoft's Otherwise backup your originals and just copy uniform_xxx_xxx into your Mlb2k10 DIR Enjoy! peña1 :popcorn:
  24. Rangers Ballpark 2010 update out, big thanks to JHTAPP76!

  25. 1028 downloads

    This is an update to the already great mod by JHTAPP76. Thanks again man for letting me re-upload the stadium with my work. Updates include: Dugouts - New era logos added, sized other logos to match real thing, all benches are now green, gatorade cooler Wall Numbers - Updated to current font (same as jerseys) Bases - Texas Rangers emblem added Concourse - updated umbrellas and other details Texas Flag - 7.24 - Added the tops of the dugouts Stadium seats Rangers crowd My apologies to those who have already downloaded the file and have to reinstall again. To install: Unpack the file, then place the stadium_ter.iff and unifrom_ter_home_crowd in your 2k10 directory enjoy! Peña1 Thanks again JHTAPP76
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