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  1. When you do cyberfaces, do you generally release them with someone's rosters, or do you just leave it up to the downloader to manually apply each face? Forgive me, I'm new to the scene... For instance, I downloaded a roster set for 2010 and along with it came Homer's face pack...is that how it's normally done?
  2. Nevermind, I just loaded the MBE up in MVPEdit and exported it, and it worked fine in my 08 modded game, at least for the few innings I tested. Kudos...
  3. There's no readme file that comes with this download, and there's no "database" directory in this download either, just an MBE file and a .SAV file. Is there supposed to be a database folder included?
  4. Awesome! Been waiting for this...does this work for the 08 mod? Forgive me if this is common knowledge, I haven't used your rosters before (mainly because I could never get the game to work in the past). I got a working setup with 05 standard and 08 modded, so I'm ready to try it... Do your mods include all the correct faces and whatnot? Thanks for the effort you put into this. I know editing rosters is a painstaking process...
  5. I just installed 2010 rosters on the 08 mod for now until he fixes it, I get some time to fix it myself, or some releases different rosters...ar_key, thanks for the hard work either way, my good man.
  6. Rosters look good, but it crashes after an inning or two of play. Working on a fresh, base install of the game, I ran patch 2, and then patch 5 on it. The game plays perfectly fine on standard rosters, but whenever I load your custom ones, the game crashes back to the desktop after an inning or two. Sometimes its between innings, sometimes it's during game play. I see you just released an update beginning of February, I hoped since it was so recent it wouldn't be an issue. You have the only 2011 rosters I've seen (with Greinke on the Brewers and whatnot). I hope you are able to fix the issue, as I'd love to play with your rosters.
  7. Ok, found standardmaker...I read some stuff about possibly needing MVP08 for this? I only have 05, anything else I need to know? I like your rosters, I just want to shift a few things around...
  8. Sorry for the double post, i didn't see my original one (because I didn't page the comments and my post was on the second page). Standartmaker? What is that? I'll do a search on here to see what I can find...I'm completely new to this, so I've never seen or heard about that before...thanks!
  9. I downloaded this roster pack, got it working with no crashing on the first try. My only issue is that some of the Brewers players are incorrect in their positions (Counsell at catcher?) and I can't seem to get my lineups to be reflected after I use MVPEdit. I did try reseting the rosters and it didn't work...I'll keep trying...thanks for the effort on this. It's my first time ever meddling/playing with MVP2005.
  10. Do I need the mbe file? Or is that just for editing? Seems to work fine with out it, although for some reason Counsell showed up as the Brewers catcher...
  11. First time ever playing MVP2005, dropped this mod in, worked like a freakin' charm. Excellent work...
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