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Everything posted by volgroth

  1. 145 downloads

    White Uniform Template.
  2. 100 downloads

    This is a fantasy uniform. Space Day for the Nationals! You won't find this hat and jersey at the team store. First make a backup of the uniform_wan_alt_1.iff file in your MLB 2K9 directory because this file WILL REPLACE the Alternate Uniform for the NATS. Extract this uniform_wan_alt_1.iff to your MLB 2K9 directory, which by default is something like c:\Program Files\2K Sports\MLB2K9\ Overwrite the old file and then start the game. Select The Nats and then select the Alternate Jersey 1. The Matrix jersey should appear. Enjoy.
  3. 71 downloads

    This is a fantasy uniform. The matrix Code Jersey. You won't find this hat and jersey at the team store. First make a backup of the uniform_wan_alt_2.iff file in your MLB 2K9 directory because this file WILL REPLACE the Alternate Uniform for the NATS. Extract this uniform_wan_alt_2.iff to your MLB 2K9 directory, which by default is something like c:\Program Files\2K Sports\MLB2K9\ Overwrite the old file and then start the game. Select The Nats and then select the Alternate Jersey 2. The Matrix jersey should appear. Enjoy.
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