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Everything posted by Cavicchi

  1. Kei Igawa is listed at 72 inches and 190 pounds, but ESPN and MLB official site list him at 73 inches (6'1") 212 pounds and 73 inches 210 pounds respectively: http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/players/profile?statsId=7909 http://mlb.mlb.com/team/player.jsp?player_id=506432
  2. I assume you do know to save the file you imported from MVP 07 with a name in MVP Edit--and that has to be an .mbe file. You do need an .mbe file that came with your roster. Did you first open the .mbe file, save it with a name, import from MVP 07, make changes and export to MVP 07 and save to your .mbe file in MVP Edit? If you did all that, I suggest uninstalling MVP Edit and deleting the folder in Program Files and reinstall MVP Edit and see what happens.
  3. Do you first import the database file from within MVP 07, make changes in MVP Edit and then export back to database in MVP 07?
  4. I suggest the cyberface in this download: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=4137.html I installed it using EA Graphics Editor and compressed it using bigGUI, working fine so far, and he looks a lot more like the portrait than 908 which makes him look black.
  5. Don't know if it's been mentioned, but Carlos Villanueva of the Brewers has a 908 face and skin tone of 8 which is totally wrong looking at his portrait. There is also a face number 803 for him, though his file had 908, but again his skin tone is way too dark, just like 908.
  6. I don't know if it's been mentioned before, but Reegie Corona (6888) on the Yankees A team doesn't have a portrait, but instead has a black face.
  7. Hernandez also has a lower ERA thus far in 2007, dropped from 4.52 to 4.11, although the 4.52 is for a full season. I am a Yankee fan and certainly not biased against Wang, but I just don't see him as Awesome, and I don't go by one year. I like to see Pitchers with an ERA under 3 or very close to it before thinking of them as awesome. We can always use MVP Editor to change a pitcher's rating if he suddenly becomes a dominating force on the mound.
  8. I wasn't suggesting to use awesome for players past their prime, and that should be clear from what I said above about when they were dominating pitchers. Felix Hernandez and Wang are not dominating. Wang had a good year in 2006, but he is not doing so well this year. I remember the time I argued that Grienke should not have such a high rating in UR, and that when he was a starting pitcher. I was told how he has this great stuff and will be a top-notch pitcher. Well, I said his stats did not dictate such a high rating, and what happened to the great Greinke? He is now a relief pitcher and his rating is? I checked the stats for Hernandez on ESPN's web site and, err, kind of pathetic. He may have great stuff, just like Grienke did, but he has to prove being worth that Awesome rating. I still say the term Awesome is too loosely used in rosters. Felix Hernandez may have lots of potential, and so he should be rated Lots. Wang is not awesome; I don't think he's scaring too many batters ;-)
  9. Sorry to add still another post, but I feel a need to express what I think Awesome means. Awesome to me is Pedro Martinez, Randy Johnson, Mariano Rivera, Curt Schilling and Roger Clemens when they were dominating pitchers. I would not put Felix Hernandez or Wang in their category.
  10. Okay, now I feel better :-) Honestly, I was concerned the game may use the All-Star roster and give those players an "extra boost." Sorry, I am a worrier by nature ;-)
  11. Grienke also had what was thought to be "filthy" stuff. And? I looked at the ERA for Hernandez and what he's done so far and I am not impressed. I am not singling you out, the UR is same situation, although more loosely using the term Awesome. I like your ratings better because you don't use Awesome as easily as UR for players. In my opinion, FWIW, the term Awesome is used too freely in rosters. By the way, Totte's UR rates both Wang and Hernandez as awesome.
  12. Doesn't matter how close because the game may take the All-Star roster into account when computing players, which is what concerns me. In any event, the All-Star roster should be from the 2006 season; we will create the 2007 All-Star roster by playing the 2007 season. On a side note, Felix Hernandez of Seattle is rated Awesome and Wang of NYY is rated Lots. If you take a look at what Hernandez has done so far and compare to Wang, I don't see how Hernandez can be rated higher. Anyone remember Greinke and how he was rated so high? Well, how is he doing now? The problem with ratings is giving guys high ratings when they have not proved they deserve it. Potential is theoretical.
  13. I like your roster ratings but the one thing I think was wrong was putting in the 2007 All-Star roster. Since we start with season 2007, the All-Star roster has not been decided yet, so it would have been better in my opinion to use the All-Star roster from 2006.
  14. I'm not sure but I think season 2 is 2006, not 2007. You have a good idea if it works, replacing the season. By all means please post what you find out.
  15. I can deal with the road game issue, but it bugs the hell out of me playing the same NL teams every year when I play in the AL, very unrealistic and disappointing. This whole issue makes me want to go back to the original MVP 2005 Baseball and start with new rosters, but the age thing would be off.
  16. Guess this is the right place to post this about a bug in MVP 07, at least I think it's a bug. I finished my 2007 season and discovered the 2008 season has the same schedule as 2007, which means playing the same NL teams. I used the 2007 Schedule for MVP 2005 to begin my new dynasty in year 2007, but the schedule stays the same in 2008 and likely will remain the same every year thereafter. Very disappointed after going through a whole season to find this "bug" in MVP 07, may also occur in MVP 2005 if using the 2007 Schedule for MVP 2005.
  17. You can change the levels in the game, think it's in Game Options. You want it harder? Play on a higher level, such as All-Star. You can also adjust the sliders to make hitting harder. Hitting home runs was one reason I moved up to All-Star, because PRO was too easy.
  18. I was referring to the text under the icon: mvp2007. The original icon shows MVP Baseball 2005. This is not a real issue since it can be renamed, but then the original icon can be renamed MVP Baseball 2007 and that also works; in fact, the original logo does look best to me, maybe a matter of familiarity. Actually, I did rename the original MVP Baseball 2007 :-)
  19. I like yours better, but instead of mvp2007, I prefer MVP2007. I think the MVP in caps looks better. I think MVP Baseball 2007 is another alternative that looks good and fits the new game, although MVP 07 Baseball also works well.
  20. kgbaseball, I just wanted to say thanks for making your 3.0 roster available. I started with UR 8.3 and found many ratings that I thought were wrong, one of which was A-Rod, and I made many changes to UR 8.3 based on your ratings. Yes, it would have been so much easier had I started with your roster, but I thought UR was the way to go since I started my old Dynasty with UR 2.3. Anyway, this is just a thank you for what you do. :salute:
  21. In kgbaseball's roster readme it recommends the spungo's glove mod 5.0 downloaded on this site, but I don't see it anywhere and it's not listed on the first page with all that spungo has done. Anybody know where this mod can be downloaded? Does it exist?
  22. When starting a dynasty in MVP 07, is it done as before in 2005 or a different way? I am a bit confused because the readme for 07 says this: "Once done play the game or use the included 07maker to start a dynasty in the 2007 season."
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