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  1. does this roster have mercyloard's feature of all the inside edge reports to help with realistic defenses
  2. Released in Octobor?? I don't get it when the season starts in april
  3. deano

    Blue Jays

    can you make a bluejays cyberface pack
  4. will setting the date back screw up my other programs?
  5. I downloaded the TV for MLB 2k12 v1.1 file, extracted the sportsnet overlay to my Steam folder (I have updates turned off) But when the game loads it frezes on the verlander title screen right before it gets to MLB Today. What might the problem be can you help
  6. The mods still don't seem to work. do i have to re-install the game & then tell steam no updates?
  7. I seem to be unable to use picklebrad's ultimate experience mod as well as the tv overlay mods - nothing seems to happen. It is because steam's automatic updates blockz it? I don't know what it wrong, is there anything i can do?
  8. deano

    2013 Schedule

    ive already downloaded an aug 7 roster from 2k share can i have it & the 2013 schedule?
  9. deano

    2013 Schedule

    I just downloaded mlb 2k12 from Steam. Is there a way to get the real 2013 schedule on this game with the Houston Astros in the AL West?
  10. when i go to load my game, it appears like the game is loading but then it a black screen flashes for a split second & then returns to my desktop. Any ideas why game wont work
  11. deano


    will there be a full wbc mod where u can play the tournament all i see are uniforms
  12. will u have the astros in the al
  13. i installed this, made my game run too slow. went to uninstall and now i cant even start the game. please tell me how to get the game back the way it was before i tried using this mod
  14. will this work on all modes of the game or just in the current season i'm in
  15. i cant remember is there any way to check
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