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  1. Cheers for the quick reply Yankee :good:
  2. Hey guys. Sorry if this is an old topic, but where can I get the box score extractor? I've had a nostalgia moment and decided to play MVP Baseball 2006 again and I wanted to save some scores but I can't find a link to it. I've done some searches to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Ian
  3. 3022 downloads

    Ok here it is. The first release of the walk-up music changer. Should be fairly simple to use. Any problems, post on the forum and I can hopefully easily answer.
  4. 2943 downloads

    This tool makes it easy to overwrite EAs broadcast music with music of your own. Thanks to everyone whos been working on this.
  5. 209 downloads

    A video of clips of the Florida Marlins from MVP Baseball 2005
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