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    Broken Arrow OK

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September Call-Up

September Call-Up (2/10)

  1. Hi Don, Thanks for the reply. If I can figure out how to upload I will do that. I didnt change any photo ids just clicked on each photo and replaced it with my card. The music would be perfect for the intro but not necessarily the whole thing. I was able to contact Dennis James who uploaded a stadium with a view like I want and he graciously sent me a datafile that provided it. Unfortunately, its a bit too high up so it wont work either. It is encouraging though. There must be a way to move in a little bit. I would post what I am looking for but it wants an URL and all I can do is post from my computer. Oh well, thanks again for your help again, Don :)
  2. Thanks again guys! I completed adding 500 cards from my 1964 set. Although there may have been more than one, I did notice that Mudcat Grant was on two 25 man rosters. Once for Cleveland where he pitched 20 games and on Minnesota where he played in 39. I tried to replace the one on Indians but I couldnt seem to figure it out. No big deal though. On a previous post, I asked something about accessing the ballparks. From within the game, the view sometimes pans the field and it has me wishing that I could select a vantage point and then click print screen. I know print screen works but how do I get to the spot I want? It dawned on me that whatever utility application that is being used to create/edit the parks must also provide any view one might want. How else could the creation take place. Question is, how do I do it?
  3. Thank you sir. Does it have to be one of the hits in the jukebox or can I add it as a song that plays when it loads? I will play around with the utility. Thanks again for the headsup and the link for it :)
  4. This is an idea for anyone doing or planning to do an old 1960s TC. With all the wonderful nuances included in the current TC creations, I thought this song would be a good one. I recall hearing it on the on deck show for Chicago Cubs baseball games but from what I understand, other teams also had it. Maybe there is even a way for me to add it as I would definitely think it would be nice just as a game is about to begin.
  5. Thank you sir. My friend just shot me an email and said he was in. Thanks again :)
  6. Hi Don, I have a friend who would also like to download some of these classic seasons and he has registered and can log in. But now more than a week later, he still cannot post or download anything. I registered more than a year ago. I forget, how long does it take to be approved? He sent a couple emails to administrator without replies. Thank you, Jeff
  7. Bingo, that did it! Thank you Don! I am going to have fun doing these photos! Thanks for all the help you have so graciously provided.
  8. I saw the 2xPortaits somewhere but when I tried to convert them to 256x256, it didnt work. But maybe that was when I was trying to use the other editor called Portrait maker. It wanted a photo at grayscale too and I didnt feel like doing that as well. The bigger the photo though like you said, the better my cards will look. I just cant seem to lick this thing. Shame because I feel ambitious enough to add all my cards to 1964. Wonder why I cant add new photos now. So let me make sure I understand, Don. If I do like you have instructed, when I click on a player, the photo that I have seen in the game should come up, right? Then I just replace him. What or why would these guys not have any photos being found?
  9. Thanks Don. I thought I nailed it in terms of following your directions, but alas I must be missing something. I imported data from 1964. I then added new photos for the 1964 Baltimore Orioles. I exported back to the data/database folder for 1964 and then started a game. The photos were not there. The reason I know something is off is because when I went to adding new photos, there were no existing ones found. Now how can that be? When I went back into the game, the photos that came with 1964 were still there. So why were those not being found? The fact that the files didnt really export to 1964 leads me to believe I am not doing something right. Let me jot down my exact steps. I accessed MVPedit. I imported files from data/database from 1964 folder. I saved it as 1964.mbe. I added photos for all 1964 Orioles. I exported back to data/database from 1964 folder. Thats it. Anything here jump out at you? I just did something else you said to do which was to go into Tools to point it at the 1964 data/database folder. Upon trying this again, when I load the Orioles, none of the photos come up but not only that, I am not able to add any. I click the no photo found and nothing happens. So no idea why because that was never the problem. That said, it still isnt finding the existing photos that load when the 1964 Orioles play. I think until those load, I will be wasting my time because whatever I am doing, its not affecting anything.
  10. My assumption was incorrect. I am not sure where I was adding the Orioles photos to but after reinstalling 1967, they were not there. I went back to that mbe file that came with 1967 installer and the Cards I added were there. There were no other mbe files on my computer so I am puzzled as to how the mvp-edit could work. Its easy enough to use but if the cards are not going to show up in the game, no sense going to the trouble of converting the cards to bmp and changing their size to 128x128.
  11. Don, I downloaded the MVPEdit that was on here and I figured out that I needed to find an mbe file in order to access the photos. It looks though that the mbe file is in the total conversion "pre" install folder. Does this mean that I would edit that, add all the photos I want and then install the season to a clean folder? I dont see any other way to do it. I added all the 1967 Orioles, started a game and of course none were there. Another thing. The 1961 and 1964 installs do not have mbe files. So does that mean I cannot edit the photos from those seasons? Converting all my photos to bmp and 128x128 is not hard at all. But before completing such a task, I definitely want to make sure I am doing it right. Thanks again, Don. Jeff
  12. Thanks for the heads-up on the utilities. I will check those out. I finally began a dynasty by choosing Milwaukee from 1964. I won the first game but lost game two. Incidentally, glad you found some 1962 cards to use. I have another update that I will be posting soon. Included are nice color cards of Tommie Agee (Indians), Joe McClain (Senators) and a really nice Tony Cloninger (Braves). There are also some better cards of several Colt .45s players, mostly black and white ones. Would I be assuming incorrectly regarding the handling of relief pitchers by the computer if I thought it seemed very 2000ish? I had Cloninger pitching in game one and he was doing pretty well. I may have pinched hit for him myself in the 7th but what followed did puzzle me. Jack Smith came on to pitch the 7th and blanked the Giants. He was replaced by Clay Carroll in the 8th who was then replaced by Bob Tiefenauer in the 9th. The Braves lead 4-1 from the 7th on. Carroll was pinched hit for and I would have done that too. But I saw no reason to remove Smith unless the program is reflective of the current mentality of baseball managers today who believe there must be set up men and closers that you religiously go to. Perhaps there is a way to program the manager? One last question today. I finally tried some new visuals for the game choosing "reverse" to look from behind pitcher in addition to choosing the highest resolution. I really like both options. My question is this. For the other PC game that I play, ActionPC Baseball, the use of baseball park backdrops are used. Of course the best view is directly behind home elevated so you can see both foul poles and the sky line above the bleachers. MVP game has gorgeous ballparks and I would love to use a "still" from several of the more obscure parks. Is that at all possible? I have seen in between innings the camera pan the park and although not directly behind home plate, it has got me wondering if that is something that could be done? If I knew how to post photos in this forum, I would post something so you know what I am talking about that I am after.
  13. Thanks again for the info, Don. I saw where to turn injuries off but I never clicked on call ups or trades so I will do so to turn them off. From what I have read, you can at no time view any other team's games, correct? You can only view (full game w/stadium) your own team's games? I will check out those utilities also. Thanks again :)
  14. Once again I appreciate your response, Don. I spent a great deal of time last night getting each TC mod in their oun clean folder. When I tried Montreal, I am pretty sure I saw the red and blue trim at the shoulders which is something that came later and was not there for 1969. I could be wrong though. I havent changed anything with any of the TC's except that I added LA Wrigley to 1961, I will play it again tonight and confirm it. You select a jersey when you start the game so maybe I selected the wrong one. I am anxious to begin a dynasty where you play a real schedule and I can begin reviewing the stats. I am unsure whether or not I want there to be transactions, injuries etc. I would prefer I think to replay the season as it happened. Maybe that isnt even possible. Anyway, it will either be the '61 Braves, '64 Braves, '67 Cubs or '69 Cubs that I take my first stab at. Thanks again Don, Jeff
  15. Don, your instructions on how to use multiple mods worked perfectly. I found the thread that detailed how to do everything and it works great, thank you. I really appreciate your being gracious enough to answer my questions. I have two more including when approximately your 1962 TC will be made available. That is a fun season to replay. My other question has to do with the downloadable uniform files. I figured out how and where to use the stadium mods, but I have not been able to figure out which folder to place the uniform files. I am not sure how many are really needed since they appear to be there for most seasons, but I did notice that the uniforms for the Expos are not from 1969. I thought I would try to find an update for that season. Might not even be available, I dont know. Anyway, there must be a way to use the files that are available but I havent seen a thread that addresses it. Thanks again, Jeff
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