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Everything posted by profit89

  1. I don't see a problem (other than giving credit). It's a basically a total conversion mod.
  2. ​Lol... The trend is the exact opposite. Have you been living under a rock. PC is growing exponentially. "As Global PC Game Revenue Surpasses Consoles, How Long Should Console Makers Keep Fighting?" http://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2014/04/28/as-global-pc-game-revenue-surpasses-consoles-how-long-should-console-makers-keep-fighting/Tablet isn't taking over anything... It's an introduction for more people to gaming and pc gaming at that.
  3. Played a couple of games. Quick arcade style game that is perfect for local couch multiplayer. Hopefully someone releases a roster update. The community does a much better job at Rosters than the Publishers ever could.
  4. ​Raiders, will you be providing your great portrait pack for his latest 2015 roster ?
  5. One thing that I think would help 2K12 tremendously would be a yearly total conversion mod (updated jerseys, rosters, cyberfaces, portraits, etc.. into one mod).
  6. It's about baseball first and foremost I agree. And I for one am definitely going to be picking up RBI 15 on PC (Steam). I have it on PS4 and it's fun for a quick game of baseball, but I think PC modders can take it to the next level. It's not a simulation of course and will never be as good as MVP/2K with mods, but we have to remember it is not trying to compete woth those games. It's great for a quick 20 min game of arcade baseball, and it at least has stat tracking in season mode.
  7. Very unfortunate. The modding commnity can use as much help and cohesiveness as possible. I only come here for 2K so it's sad. Now we have another PC game coming in RBI 15. It's a nice little arcade title. I have for PS4, but I think PC mods can improve it even more. It's real fun. We all need to come together for the benefit of the sport and the benefit of PC gaming.
  8. 5 out of 5. And easily too.
  9. profit89

    Matt Carpenter

    top notch !!
  10. The great thing about wudl's rosters is that he included the cyberfaces so that there were no baldies in game.. BSU's roster is very good, but to many baldies in game.
  11. Hi raiders... Where is wudl83?.. is everything ok with him?... Man, his rosters with your portraits was the best combo ever !!
  12. Sorrry to hear wudl. Most important is your health, so get well soon. We send our blessings. Health is most important thing in life.
  13. I think he means the cyberfaces... will you be including the new cyberfaces with the roster, like you did last time. I believe that's what he means.
  14. The guy with the big beard looks awesome
  15. Wonderful !!
  16. You're getting better and better
  17. Even an improvement in appearance is an improvement in gameplay. Sometimes that's all that's needed.
  18. Very cool and interesting stuff wudl.. I love the modding aspect of PC gaming, it's so interesting !
  19. That sucks. Individuality in abilties is so important in sports gaming. The more individuality the better.
  20. That might be because the pitch break influence slider is set to, say, 50. If you set the pitch break influence to 0 or 100 (I think 0), all of a sudden the individuality in pitch break infleunce shows up and ratings do matter. An idea.
  21. In game pics please
  22. Looking forward to it !
  23. profit89

    Starlin Castro

    very nice
  24. Wudl, You will be including some of the Improved + New CyberFaces that have been released ?
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