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Everything posted by cygfocus

  1. Hello Everyone, cygfocus here, long time listener first time caller. Happy New Year, Merry Christmas-Hanukkah-Kwanza-Winter-Yule! I wanted to share something I've been working on thinking about for a while now. This is meant to be my attempt to find a a way to give back to the community that has helped keep this game alive for me for ~ 20 yrs now. I am a casual updater every season and seem to be re-inventing the wheel for my own personal knowledge base on some aspect of the game. I wanted to create an asset map of the game for reference when I make updates & some basic guide to import community mods (where ever) I want in the game. so I've been creating an HTML guide/encyclopedia. This far from ready to be posted as any tutorial yet, i would say pre-draft and proof of concept at this stage. I had originally planned to share this at the all-star break however my team decide to wake up and start playing good baseball starting June onward and I got side tracked. haha. First and foremost I wanted to make sure everyone is OK with this before I even post and I'm not crossing any lines or stepping on anyone's toes here. How I approached this was I pulled information from many of the forums and I tried to walk through the processes step by step and taking screenshots and adding tips based off of questions I had. There are some instances I have place holder info (See the PBP editing section) that i have not been able to walk through and refine the tutorial yet. (future state). I've tried to provide links for further information and sources. Any will gladly add any links or credit I missed. This is coming from a place of love for the game and the community. So please let me know if anyone has any issues or objections. As I said above the idea was to create some step by step guides so when I forget how to edit things I'll have a reference to go back too. My other thoughts are to the future. If we had a break down of type game and where the assets are, maybe we can help build a database that we would be able to use for some of the Open source AI models to help modding. Example off the top of my head using AI Voice cloning to replace PBP with any announcer (example: have Vince Scully and Red barber as a PBP option or Mel Allen & Bob Murphy at PBP). Have AI models take a roster from the web and convert it to the roster DAT files (i know thats a bit tricky translating ratings). You get the idea. The other aspect if I move forward I will definitely need help from some of the experienced modders for some QC and refinement + guide me on things I missed. Example I use eazip to un-pack & repack. I know the Total Installer thingy is what most folks use. I have personally had some issues with getting it to work all of he time (I'm close to an intermediate user in some aspects and noob in others...i digress). So my step by step guide is with this method (eazip), however I do want to add how to install mods with TiT. I'll try and add that in future state, however will need community help when I get stuck. Also looking for suggestions to add to the sections I already created and welcome suggestions on future instructions. It's important to note I'm not really including info of how to actually create my own uniforms or cyberfaces themselves, I think there are some really good tutorials in the tutorials section for that and I don't think there is too much to add. I am looking at it to bridge the gap between taking a baseline vanilla copy of the game and install a community mod or take the raw files and place them on a team player, or stadium of my choice. Sorry for being long winded, I just thought it was necessary to explain my thought process and add some context. Again if anyone has major objections, i can hold back and not move forward publishing this to the site. I really just want to contribute to the community in my small way. My self imposed goal would be to have a first version with very basic info in time for the end of spring training / start of the season (earlier if I can swing it...pun intended). Like many of you I have a 9-5 and 4 kids so its been a slow go at this... Here is a link to all of the current draft files i posted to google drive (I created all of the HTML, CSS, Javascript, .xlsx & images myself so this should be as safe as it gets): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DJdt04jUNr-BTFFzkcCXSCvgJY2PtlOs?usp=sharing I also created a google form for feedback (my first attempt at this, apologies ahead of time if its basic): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYWoRPJIrMjIRj71VuGPodOgp6Bd-cCGqS8-UFWB_38asUlQ/viewform?usp=sharing Below are some screenshots for quick reference Thank you all for all of the work & guidance through the years. ~ cygfocus
  2. Thanks Jim825. I'll give that a try. I figured I need to do some extensive updates no matter what. I'm just curious how the game would handle my minor league team switching to the Majors since i would linking minor league teams in the org.dat. well i'll give it a try. thanks for the advice.
  3. Is it possible to add teams, or is there too much hard-coded in the game engine? So essentially add a national league team and an american league team (even 2 in each league to make the schedules a bit cleaner), for season play. I know that the stadiums are hard coded in the game engine so i would need to just play with one of the existing stadiums. Searched through the forums, however unable to find a definitive answer.
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