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Posts posted by Jed

  1. I agree with you all the way here Sabathia Era. But we can't be talking about this in this thread. This is reserved for daflyboys' posts about the latest MLB moves. If we start talking about other things in here it will take away from what he's doing. No problems, you just made a comment. :)

    As for you, you have your own thread here where you post images of your newest cyberfaces. Why are you coming in here to do it now? Please don't do this again. This thread is just for transactions and this is handled by someone else. Thank you.

    Favorite game of us gathered here, is not it? Faces are old, it was cute to show how the new players look at Yankee uniform. Sorry ...

  2. Because I'm 100 this year? I lied on the application to join here....I'm only 90! ;)

    Hahhha, I knew you'd understand my jokes, old boy. Best regards to you ......

    Thank Fiebre, you're right. In the name of reconciliation and tolerance, I present .....

    Cyberface No. 12 - MOD 2014



  3. Hhehheh, and finally you leave a comment on my topic. . As you avoiding me? Your business administrator is such that you have to criticize, it seems to me that the old man just expressed a desire for an administrator title. The joke, of course ...

    Old man = Daflyboys

  4. What exactly do you mean by this? It's an unconstructive comment and it sounds like you are attacking Yankee4Life. Please stop or there will be consequences....

    Old boy was daflyboys. I spoke to him in a humorous way. Because he criticized some posts as the administrator. That is the style of Yankee4life, which does the administrator job. Relax a little, or I do not have a right to joke with my friend daflyboys???? The fact is also that Yankee4life rarely leave comments on my topic. The reason I do not know but that's his thing. If you think you do not need me, no problem at all. I'm try to keep this place to be interesting after the end of the season, and to keep this site alive. This means that you have not noticed .. Jogar84 left this job, I can do the same if you did not need me. I am very disappointed ..............

  5. Hhehheh, and finally you leave a comment on my topic. . As you avoiding me? Your business administrator is such that you have to criticize, it seems to me that the old man just expressed a desire for an administrator title. The joke, of course ...

  6. This is why I pointed out earlier that cybermakers should really concentrate on making faces for prominent, MLB level players versus a flash-in-the-pan rookie or perennial AA player. However, you can't as an open website deny someone from making a face or doing the work.

    Kyleb is only volunteering being the keeper of the ID list and can decide to keep it open or constricted. It may be getting to the point of people deciding what face and what to trash (e.g., I recently got rid of Johnny Damon for someone who needed a number but didn't have one) and what to keep based on what's being produced and changing/substituting the cyber no. (very easily done). You don't even need mvpedit to do it. You can simply match up the number in the attrib.dat (roster sub-file).

    :good: :good: :good:

  7. So that everyone knows, the chances of me updating any more face IDs until the spring are very slim. I'm grateful for the faces that have been contributed, but I'm just about out of open slots.

    And now we take away those ID numbers that we assign them. I said that you need to create order in the allocation of ID numbers. Chaos was created here .... Regards kyleb ....

  8. Jed,

    You are doing a great job, you will be great to carry the torch from Jogar (who will be sorely missed). The difference from your beginning faces to now are astounding.

    Thank you and all the other modded that keep this great game going.

    Thanks man....

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