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Everything posted by ming

  1. Just chiming in here to say thanks for this dialogue. I respect you guys for your baseball acumen and have for years now and while I'm a Mets fan, I have been pulling for Judge to beat the record and have indirectly followed the yanks fairly close down the stretch even as my Mets faded...cough. You guys are spot on. Bombs and legends fill seats and create buzz, but baseball remains a sport for younger men and well-rounded rosters. Thanks for the intelligent thread!
    sweet royals set! thanks for your continued work on this !
    Sweet set! Best Mets set by far!
    Thanks again for your mods, they are awesome!
    Excellent! You should pack these into divisional downloads like last year when you finish them. These are all great uniforms!
    Thanks, great work as always!
    Great! Typical top shelf mod by UM!
    Awesome, as always! Top quality uni's, thanks so much!
    Thanks for these awesome bosox unis! You are appreciated!
    Very cool! I always liked those old Rays unis and they were quite popular with fans, as best I can recall. I never got why they changed them to those ugly green ones that were soon (understandably) replaced with the more current look... Thanks!
    Awesome! Thanks, again!
    Thanks for these! Great stuff!
    Excellent as usual! Great work on the helmet logo, too. I think only Domny got that logo right up til now! Lol, I'm checking the site for your new unis like a junkie!
    Wow, that's way more Yankee options than expected! Great stuff! Thanks, as always!
    Thanks for these! Awesome uniforms!
    Thanks, as always! Always a treat!
    Very nice, works great with the awesome logos! Thanks so much!
    Very nice! Best logos so far!
    Awesome set, you will never know how appreciated you are for these uniform sets!
    Sweet Bucco's set! About every set you put out is that teams best set available, especially with PB and KC chipping in... Great stuff!
    Absolutely awesome! Thanks for these!
    Finally got around to this global and I'm glad I did. Certainly my new base global....wrinkles look awesome!
    Ahhh, now it seems the awesome team pic you posted the other day really set the stage! Great set, love these new Nike sets you and KC have done!
    Killer set as always! Thanks for the mods you guys produce, they are very appreciated!
  2. I know I mentioned Rogers earlier, and that's probably not possible, but how about something like batting helmets? I know PB started trying to work some up a couple of years ago...could these represent the missing piece? I'm not sure RBI is worth modding, to be honest. But clearly some of it's assets could be useful to modding 2k.
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