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Everything posted by ming

  1. Awesome. Rogers is consistently referred to as one of the worst home parks in the league, but it seems really cool and unique to me. Thanks again for all you guys do with these mods!
  2. Nice! Very nice! That grass could look great in your stadiums, PB. Just curious, I actually know almost nothing about modding, but do you think that Rogers Center in RBI could provide a way to update 2k with a version that actually has a dirt infield? I know it hasn't been possible previously, but that turf has bugged me for years and I am currently playing a franchise with the Jays.
    Awesome as always! Thanks for your unis!
  3. Yes, it's better than before, but still pretty sloppy. The hitting/pitching mechanics are an upgrade but fielding is still a nightmare, cut off guys leave the base uncovered to get the cut off meaning no body covers the base your relaying to, playing in Colorado outright crashes the game(pc), you cant disable the stupid "mercy rule", some pitchers only have one pitch, ect. MLB needs to be all in or all out with the series, imo. On the other hand, SMB3 will be awesome! If they add some more content, like home stadiums for each team, it could be the best baseball game in some time...they've been very close with SMB1/2. I still always come back to 2k with mods from here. It just feels right after all this time.
  4. Much better game than previous versions, but it may be more valuable as a mod source for 2k! I cant wait to see some of this stuff in the game, thanks guys!
  5. really nice! love those NB cleats!
  6. I really like the new hitting and pitching mechanics, and the series overall is worlds better than it was a few years ago. That said, it's still not perfect. I am playing it for sure, but I'm also getting geared up for SMB3 next month. It's really nice to have all these options for baseball gaming on the PC!
    Thanks, KC, love these new Nike unis!
    Wow, more unis from KC! Thanks for all your mods, KC!
    Nice work as always PB!
    Thanks as always machine, top shelf unis!
    Great work...hate he was left in too long!
    Top shelf as always! Thanks so much for your mods, and I was just reading a few weeks ago about the tragedy of the Expos...certainly not forgotten! Still missing this years alt road Braves jersey from you, but anything you submit will be greatly appreciated.
    Nice work again, Thanks so much!
    Busy bee...great for us! Thanks for these, nice to have your updates!
    Awesome! I'm so glad you did these...great job with them as always!
    Thanks for the continued work you do! Awesome stuff!
    great as ever...thanks!
    Thanks for working on this, still a tragic franchise...darn strike....
    Sweet stadium! Thanks for your continued work on the Jays!
    Awesome stuff as always. I love all of your unis since MVP days! You and KC are very appreciated for your uni mods. Hope you can do more sets that changed some for this season like the Indians and Braves.
    Just realized I had not given a thumbs up on these yet and should have! Excellent unis, especially the Mets set. They are really hard to nail, usually made too dark or too bright because the sewn on lettering and logos have a sheen to them that makes them seem to change color depending on the lighting. The Mets colors were taken from the teams that left NY prior to the establishment of the franchise, the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Giants. Your Mets unis capture these colors very well, Thanks!
    Awesome...thanks for keeping the game up to date!
    nice! Thanks!
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