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Major Leaguer

Major Leaguer (4/10)

  1. Try this http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri
  2. kccitystar can you release it ?
  3. Can some one do the yankees my 9 overlay.
  4. Can you do David Robertson and Francisco Cervelli.
  5. http://www.mlbmods.com/index.php/downloads/mlb2k10/portraits/convert-mlb-ids-to-mvp-ids you must be a member of mlbmods to download it.
  6. does anyone no how to install these portraits
  7. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=60

  8. hey i need portraits

  9. thanks kgbaseball for all the hard work.
  10. i understand why you had to do this.
  11. ty am getting a error on mvp 2005 editor 30. Error : C:Program FilesEA SPORTSmvp07724_MVP2005_Editor_v0.30MVP2005 Editor.exe file has been corrupted. i have downloaded it :cry: 4 times at both ea. mods and mvp mods still get the same error message. please help!!!!
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