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  1. great job man!
  2. did you download the game or did you actually purchase it? as long as you have the disks, it should work fine. i had no issues installing the mod.
  3. a alright thanks a lot man, really appreciate all the support youve given me on this forum !! :)
  4. thanks Jim! i just want to replace the default MVP 12 mod overlay with this one: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4081, but i dont want all the backgrounds that come with it.. so do i just manually copy those files you mentioned earlier?
  5. 1) does anyone know what overlay comes with the MVP12 mod? 2) how do i switch the overlay of the mod if I am not satisfied?
  6. Hey jedi, I've got a request for you... maybe an upgraded cyberface for Ricky Romero??
  7. Alvarez looks fantastic! Once again, great work jedinstvo!
  8. As shooter said earlier, a cyberface for Henderson Alvarez would be nice!!!
  9. lmao, its still better than the generic face... :)
  10. Thanks a lot man!! really appreciate it.
  11. Holy crap!! Great job with Cecil!! Looks exactly like him in real life.. I know you are probably a little tired with all these requests (and I know you put a lot of work into these cybers), but maybe a cyber for J.P. Arencibia?? I don't know what else to say except thank you for all your work you put into these cybers. I promise you 100% this will be my last request.. You are the best jedi!
  12. Thanks a lot man!!! Can't wait to see it!!!
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