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Everything posted by alvy2012

  1. you have to open the cmg with the tool select your player then save then if the cmg you opened wasnt in the saves folder then you have to place it in the saves folder cause i kno that when i use it i cant locate the save folder through the tool so i put my cmg in documents then replace the one in saves folder with the one i made edits too in documents then instead of opening the my player from home screen go to load save and open it that way first then u should be able to get to it from home screen after that hope that helps
  2. so i turned on mlb2k12 to see if it was updated and i have a yonder cervelli on the As and a yar devine on the rangers is this the same for anybody elses and if so im gunna be pretty dissapointed if this is the official update because if 2k cant even get names right somethings wrong hope someone can shed some light on this for me
  3. ok so the yu darvish cyberface from 2k10 was made by editing the headshape of bronson arroyyo i noticed this when i was going through files looking for hidden CFs so i will be editing arroyos headshape to get it like the one made for 2k10 if theres anyone that is willing to help out it would be appreciated i will do my best to get it exactly how they had it for 2k10 but i can use some help on getting the hair right so be ready for a yu darvish conversion from 2k10
  4. hey so 2k said darvish and cepedes will be in game def and i was wondering if anyone has gon through all the cyberface files in the 2k folder because with nba 2k all the rookies cyberfaces were in the folder but not in the game due to contract reasons and since darvish and cepedes arent in the game for the same reasons i was thinking that maybe their cyberfaces are already in the 2k folder just dont show up because they arent on the games roster yet just an idea and was wondering if anyone has done this yet
  5. alvy2012


    im not sure what your editing but i know that when editing cyberface textures in photoshop you have to make changes to the alpha layer as well or else whatevber you edited is gunna show up as well as what was there originally not sure if that helps you i use photoshop and not gimp
  6. hey is anyone on this forum really really good at editing headshapes because i have textures for players missing from game and when i try editing headshapes they just dont come out looking like the player atleast not 100 percent and i cant just put the textures on a similar headshape because to me it still doesnt look like the player you want it to look like so if theres anyone that is really good at editing a headshape to look like another player please let me kno because i really want to release CFs for everyone to use and enjoy but i want them to look perfect or if theres anyone that knows how to use blender and wants to help maybe between me and someone else my headshapes could get to where i want them to be thanx for taking out time to read this hope someone can help
  7. can you make a Trevor Bauer cyberface that would be great
  8. def need to see yu darvish hope you can get that done i didnt post a link to a pic cause u said u got that covered
  9. hey guys does anyone know if there is anyone out there attempting to make a Yu Darvish cyberface im dyingto see him in game ive attempted it but the headshape i made was a lil off i sent a message to twnlove requesting if he could make it but does anyone kno if someone else is attempting this
  10. hey everyone heres a preview for matt moore i dont kno how to take in game pictures so the pic is from my cell phone just for now so bare with me im relativley new at making CFs im looking for some feedback before i put more work into it if you guys think it looks like him ill perfect it so i hope you guys like thanx in advance
  11. hey everyone i was hoping someone could tell me where i could find tywiggin's roster editor i normally would find it at mlbmods.com but that website seems to be shut down so if someone can point me in the right direction would be great or if someone has the editor and wouldn't mind emailing me the application i would be greatfull send me a pm if you are willing to email me the application if so i would get a different serial number when i install it so you don't have to worry about me using your roster editor account if you happened to buy it just wanted to add that in case that was a concern thanx in advance
  12. okay so i wanted to make a matt moore cyberface and a few of the other prospects as well but through using reditor and last years roster ive determined that they dont have their own specific CFs so once ive made them from scratch how would i go about making it possible to assign the CFs ive made to them in the game is this possible i kno it is possible to do in nba 2k but can i do this in mlb or would i have to wait for an editor to come out hope someone has a good idea thanx in advance
  13. okay so i wanted to make a matt moore cyberface and a few of the other prospects as well but through using reditor and last years roster ive determined that they dont have their own specific CFs so once ive made them from scratch how would i go about making it possible to assign the CFs ive made to them in the game is this possible i kno it is possible to do in nba 2k but can i do this in mlb or would i have to wait for an editor to come out hope someone has a good idea thanx in advance
  14. how can i find out the cyerface id for this years roster without using reditor any ideas i know that the ids are the same as last years but im more intrested in the cyberface ids for the prospects such as matt moore jacob turner etc because some 2k default faces are pretty good and i cant tell at times if its a 2k cyberface or a 2k generic face for instinse jacob turner has a portrait but the cf doesnt look like him so im not sure if they just did a bad job or if its a generic because most players with portraits have a cyberface assigned to them but im pretty sure that there are a few that dont any help would be great thanx in advance IM TRYNA COME OUT STRONGTHIS YEAR
  15. Hey guys im looking to make a matt moore and trevor bauer CF im not as knowledgable with the mlb as i am with nba so i was hoping if someone could give me a few ideas on which current CFs in the game are a good base and closest to matt moore and trevor bauers head shapes so i can get started because i cant stand the standard 2k faces i will try making more of the top prospects and yu darvish as well because who knows how long it will take 2k to update the roster thanx in advance
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