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Lexor's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. wtf is happening to the Cardinals? D:

  2. We need one face for Allen Craig, please D:
  3. Well, 2k is trying to make the strike zone more "real", so it takes the umpire vision into account
  4. The strike is zone is the distance between the batters knee, and the midpoint between his shoulders and the top of the uniform pants (that's why the tucked shirts). Some batters like Pujols and Barajas like a crouched stance, thus downsizing the strike zone and making more difficult for the pitcher to throw quality strikes
  5. Thank you man, helped me a lot here. Now I can interpret the inside edge a lot better
  6. I'm already at 100 pitch speed, but I think is too drastic to put 25 in power, well. My numbers are somewhat normal now that I'm playing out of division. Phillies just kicked my *** in the series, Halladay is a beast but I got two homers agaisn't him. I'm hoping it's just game mecanics, and somewhere down the road I'll stop hitting the fans D:. BTW, I'm playing in Hall of Fame, after trying all the other levels
  7. Just amazing
  8. Well guys, I'm having a little "problem" in my franchise mode, I'm hitting to many Home Runs D:. I tried a lot of difficult sliders of late, and in every one of them I'm hitting long balls like Ruth. In my last try I finished april with Lance Berkman hitting 15 HR's, that mean he just beat Pujols and A-Rod record of 14 in april lol. Any ideas? Too* sorry for the typo
  9. http://mlb.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=21452473&topic_id=&c_id=mlb&tcid=vpp_copy_21452473&v=3 Strike lol
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