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  1. NM, I got it working now.
  2. Hmm, not getting it. I follow the instructions but it's just the regular rosters when I play.
  3. Yeah, MLB 2k ones. I've found some old ones now in the 2k11 section.
  4. I was wanting to try my hand at cyberfaces but need a tutorial to get started.
  5. Bo Jackson certainly should be in the discussion. Maybe Jeff Franceour also..
  6. I've had this game with the mod from 15 for a while. Love it but it's very hard (for me) with the default settings from the mod.
  7. The Roster file goes in your C:\Users\Your Name|\Appdata\Roaming\2k Sports\Major League Baseball 2k12\Saves. The Audio file just goes into the games main folder so no idea why it wouldn't work.
  8. This game is starting to feel very predetermined to me. I've probably played 300 games or more and the more I play the more I believe that. It's like there are games where the opposing pitcher can just throw almost down the middle all the time and every ball hit goes right to someone and sometimes it can go on game after game. Or your pitcher is just cruising along and then suddenly no matter what you throw or where they get hits off it.
  9. I just started a new one and after my wheeling and dealing at the start I simulated to after the series I was just playing.
  10. Well, my franchise save file got corrupted.
  11. Finally got a big win. https://youtu.be/ljksSN8ojjw MLB 2k MOD Indians @ Royals highlights.mp4
  12. Two more games and two more losses. Cubs sweep. Just getting ridiculous now.
  13. @DaSteelerz you might like this. I gave it a shot. https://youtu.be/plCJ6_bmbLM How do you insert youtube videos so they can be imbedded?
  14. I actually thought about doing that for each game. Probably wouldn't be that hard with the xbox dvr app on windows 10.
  15. Another loss. Volquez was great but Pineda for the Yankees was better. Complete game shutout for the Yankees.
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