The Legends from the Booth has Yunel Escobar in slot 7562 but only has audio for 7562a.dat and 7562d.dat (last name only). The associated pnamehdr.big file also does not have the 7562c.hdr file. Try extracting the 2653a.dat, 2653c.dat, and 2353d.dat files from pnamedat.big using EA Graphics Editor, rename the files to 7562a.dat, 7562c.dat, and 7562d.dat respectively and import those back into pnamedat.big. Similarly, the 2653c.hdr file needs to be extracted, renamed to 7562c.hdr and then imported back into pnamehdr.big. This will replace the "Escobar" audio to "Mantle" and also add the full name to the audio.