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Everything posted by DetroitStyle

  1. Looks good! Keep up the good work!
  2. they removed it last year because it was spamming the front page every time a new download was submitted. but they do have the downloads banner on the front page showing recent uploads (just below the shoutbox).
  3. Here's a screenshot of the glaring issues: It seems to the same picture overlapping which is scott downs of the angels. Interestingly enough, his portrait is the first one to show up on the Mod tool. I wonder if that has anything to do with it since I imported all textures over that portrait in the mod tool and then exported them....
  4. I think you put it in the wrong folder. I listed the appropriate path above. It needs to be in the "Saves" folder.
  5. update: Partial success...It seems the portraits work when looking at a roster in roster management and even in most in-game overlays. However it gets junked up on scoreboards (showing the wrong portrait of a completely different player) and on stat overlays when your batting it shows the correct portrait overlapped by the incorrect one seen on the scoreboard. No idea how to fix this yet...
  6. thanks for looking into it jim.
  7. Version 1


    Welcome back for another year! =DS= Thanks you for downloading! -------------------------------- Brandon Allen - 3056 Jose Bautista - 3229 Eric Bedard - 3269 Billy Butler - 6463 Melky Cabrera - 6484 Phil Coke - 3074 David DeJesus - 2020 Adam Dunn - 1425 Jeff Francoeur - 6286 Chase Headley - 6371 Aubrey Huff - 0537 Howie Kendrick - 6740 Paul Konerko - 0623 Russell Martin - 6742 Brian McCann - 6324 Brad Penny - 0900 Chris Perez - 2689 Carlos Santana - 0251 Travis Snider - 3155 Johnny Venters - 0295 Installation: ------------- Place the .iff files in you MLB 2k12 directory overwritting the originals. In case you don't like the cyberfaces be sure to backup your originals! Let me know if there are any issues with them. Screen shots are included in the archive. If you like these mods, please consider supporting the MVP Mods website!!!
  8. I checked them in detail side by side and there's very little difference between the two. I couldn't find anything that would suggest lower quality other than the caps of course. It might be a lighting thing this year, as they did change that.
  9. I might be doing something wrong but the download section: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=80 isn't showing thumbnails. They are all blank...
  10. Yep, you can always upload a blank file to the texture and the bump map and just mod directly onto the uniform. In some cases (such as the tigers home and yankees home) you will HAVE to mod directly on the uniform because the "D" and "NY" are moved to the left side of the uniform. In other words, if you don't mod directly to the uniform, then you'll have no control of the logos placement. Also, is it just me or do the unis seem lower res quality in general compared to last year, even though they are the same size?
  11. NP
  12. I tested importing cyberfaces directly from last year and it crashes the game. It's not a big deal, but i thought I'd give it a try since nothing has really changed in that department. Either way, it should be relatively simple to just copy and past the face .dds and alpha layer into the 2k12 one and then re-import it.
  13. try my color correction infamous! Looks good though!
  14. HAH! I know, "Now batting, Brennan BOOSH" It makes me chuckle. It's good to hear about some variety from the engine. So maybe after a few roster updates, it can find a nice middle ground for realism. Interesting about injuries...Last year I reccommended turning it up to 100% because WAY too many players were playing 150-160+ games. I'm talking 50-100 players. Thus, turning injuries all the way up would prevent that. I noticed in my Sim this year, with injuries at 50, only 1 player played 162 games which was encouraging to me. More testing needed! Ahh, here was my original thread: http://www.operationsports.com/forums/mlb-2k/503979-franchise-injury-slider-testing.html
  15. Hollywood, use my color correction roster and they should be fine. I got all my colors from a specific hex# used by the MLB. They're as accurate as can be.
  16. SUCCESS!!!!!!!! I tried 50,000 different combinations and found one that worked. You need to save .DDS as a DXT5 WITHOUT Mipmaps. I swear that wasn't how it was last year. Regardless, that's how I got it to work. You need to use the mod tool of course to decompress the portraits as well. But that's all, happy modding! Also, you still have to import and export from mod tool first.
  17. Thanks Raiders. I tried it out and still no go, in fact the portrait decompress froze during the process (when it opens the mod tool and asks you to find your portrait.iff). So I think only the newer mod tool can decompress it. This is what's leading me to believe that you need to do a different form of compression when making the portrait but I have no idea what... As well, ONLY the portraits I replaced do NOT show up in game. As in, it's the virtual cyberface instead of a portrait. All the other portraits remain intact which is why I think it's a compatibility issue with the individual ones I made.
  18. Version 20.0


    **COLOR CORRECTED UNIFORMS** **UPDATE 5/4** - Various other fixes and tweaks. - New color.txt file - Updated Atlanta Red Alternate ------------ Same as last year, 2K made the colors for these teams too bright or off color. Since the entire uniform can't be changed via my color corrected roster, I'm releasing these fixes. They will change the fielding hat colors as well as more uniform colors and socks. So expect true dark navy and midnight blue for these teams. Place the .iff files in your MLB 2K12 directory and overwrite the original files. Be sure to backup your originals! Be sure to check out this thread to suggest any uniform changes that should be made: http://www.mvpmods.c...40
  19. Scratch that, I deleted the tool a few days ago. Can someone link me the tool via mediafire or something? It's strange though because I didn't even need the tool last year, the NBA Mod tool would decompress it just fine...
  20. IF there is a next year....let's hope they keep going!
  21. yea, very cool!
  22. Interesting. I did not use the official decompressor. I just decompressed it with the 2KXX Mod tool. I'll try it out with the actual decompressor and see if it works.
  23. Version 2.6


    This is the 2K Official roster update with applied color corrections. I will apply the color correction to each official 2K roster update. Screen shots can be found below. Basically, 2K's color scheme is off making colors look bland and incorrect. This mostly affects teams with blue colors such as the tigers and Yankees. This affects most aspects of uniforms including batting helmets, undershirts, and numbers/names. This won't change fielding cap, you will need to download a uniform mod for that to change. Please let me know if corrections need to be made such as a different color undershirt and whatnot. Enjoy! As well, I included the base .txt file for the colors. Modders, you know what to do with it. This works best with my Color Corrected Uniforms!! To install, just place the .ROS file in your C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
  24. I'm not a newb Don I did that...lol I think the issue is with the format. I got it at 256x256 @ DXT5 but if you extract a vanilla one and compare it with the .dds you create they look considerably different. There might be a different way we have to compress them or something...I'm not sure.
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