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xellos187's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. bryce harper CF wont appear in game? when i start a game.. its becomes default face..
  2. help... why i have the yu darvish with black hair? thanks.. dont know why it changed to black.. :(
  3. Yu darvish (with the hair ) and yoenis cespedes pls.. thanks!! :D :D
  4. Can you make a Yoenis Cespedes and Yu Darvish (with the hair ) cyberface I've been waiting for someone to make them.. hope you can help.. thanks!! and there's someone who already make a Yu darvish cyberface but its for 2k10.. do you think you can convert it for 2k12? thanks.. here's the link: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5826&k=bb2fe024f8a71424996db6d9af08c1fc&settingNewSkin=25
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