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    Tampa, Florida

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  1. Thank you for all your time in making the cyberfaces !! It is very much appreciated!!
  2. Thank you for all your time in making the cyberfaces and the rosters!! It is very much appreciated!! We are very fortunate to have someone as dedicated to this old game as you and Karelaf!!
  3. Thank you for all your time in making the cyberfaces and the rosters!! It is very much appreciated!! We are very fortunate to have someone as dedicated to this old game as you!!
  4. The Indians still wear the Chief Wahoo logo on hats. Let's keep the political correctness out of here.
  5. Thank you for the cyberfaces, very much appreciated.
  6. That's what you have to do, to make it work. That is pretty much standard for all the rosters due to the nature of the bugs still in a game that is six years old and not being supported. if that is such a hassle, make your own roster instead of insulting a person that did what he could within the limits of the game.
  7. Thank you for your time and efforts to add realism to this great game with your cyberfaces. It is very much appreciated.
  8. Excellent work, great looking faces. How do you convert these faces from bmp files to iff files for use in the MLB2K game?
  9. Thank you for adding some new faces as well as updating old ones. Thank you also for your time and effort.
  10. Thank you for your time and effort, it is very much appreciated.
  11. Thank you!! Very much appreciated!!
  12. Thank you very much for your time, dedication and effort making these cyberfaces. It is very much appreciated.
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