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  1. Haha, desperation, dumb luck and google: "site:(MLB team domain here) style guide". So in this case the google search query was "site:http://sandiego.padres.mlb.com/ style guide", and lo there it was at the bottom of the page. I wonder if this is some sort of oversight or has something to do with a media buy/tie-in with the all-star game. Hmmm... Whoops... I accidentally quoted LouisvilleLipp; I have no idea how to properly use this site... Anyway, yeah, I like the SD blue and gold way more than just blue and that beige business from a couple of years ago. Their color sceme is a mess from a design and usability standpoint. I'm pretty sure they're using a couple different hues of blue plus white, yellow, brown, grey... No consistency.
  2. Thanks. Not according to the style guide, but I could work off an example if you have one... Here's the only example I could find.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    My best rendition of the 2016 San Diego Padres uniforms. Thanks to raidersbball20 and kccitystar because I'm sure I used their assets (like pants - I have no idea how to change belt color, lol) at various points along the way. Color rgb is picked from the official style guide while the alt camo I kinda just eyballed. NOTE: Alt grey away uni will overwrite #474 slot of your roster uniform list.
  4. Thanks!.. Where does one find the templates for the uniforms and, more importantly, the typeset for the nameplates and numbers? Also, I followed jaosming's GIMP normal map tutorial and the lighting on the unis was way off: way too bright on the front half of the torso and way too dark on the back. Is there a better method or a more detailed tutorial? I ended up just layering the textures over more basic maps - so I guess that just makes certain textures just 2d.? Why does tyseditor crash every time I try to edit a team in the Marlins organization? Does that happen to everyone? Oh, I think my roster was c.t.d.ing because I had just 9 pitchers on The Arkansas Travelers. So I added Vince Foster and Hillary Clinton. I hope they get along.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Slapped Jim Davenport and Monte Irvin memorial patches on default jerseys and raiderbball20's unis from 2015. Additionally removed Lon Simmons and WS patches. Most thanks should be directed toward raaidersbball20. Started doing this a day ago so any kind of INFORMATIVE TECHNICAL advise would be helpful. OH, and I made a 1989 WS throwback jersey which I included. P>S> fragged my roster file in the process so I attached it if anyone would care to look and possibly fix it. F-edRoster.rar
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