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    New York
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    Baseball, music, life

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  1. Dazedcat

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  2. Dazedcat

    o's 95 96

    Thanks a lot for doing these. I can't stand their "new" softball cap retro look, these uni's will be my defaults now. They look terrific. Thanks again.
  3. Nice sliders. I've been using them without any changes and I find them to be very accurate. As long as I don't chase crazy outside pitches (that's on me anyway) I find they're really very well done. Thanks for doing this.
  4. Well if the MLB 2K series it dead, it'll become abandon ware. That's when gaming software gets really good, the community takes over then. Look at MVP2005.
  5. I bought both 2K10 and 2K11 from the old direct2drive.com as digital downloads and never had a problem with either game. Unfortunately they've been bought out by another company who's not offering 2K12 for the PC. If someone has downloaded the new game from Amazon, how is it? Any problems? Does Amazon support their digital download games with patches? The other place I used to buy from always did. Thanks in advance for any info.
  6. Thanks for doing this. The couple of casual games I've played with them really were great.
  7. They look terrific, thanks very much.
  8. Ty; This has truly turned into THE killer app for MVP. Thank you. Regards;
  9. "I was also thinking of adding an 'X' option for exhibition games." I play a lot of exhibition games too and that would be terrific. Thanks for this Ty, the one thing this game always lacked is a respectable box score. You're fixing that for sure. Thanks again.
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