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jc121081@yahoo.'s Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. You are the man, BSU. Works beautifully. Looks right on the money. Great work!
  2. lol @ 2K's horrid effort to represent the players that earned their shot by giving them the decency of an accurate name. Might as well wait for BSU-FAN's Roster to come out, since it will have the accurate names, etc. Can't believe they shafted Galvis like this. Fail.
  3. Epic news. The work you're putting into it is greatly appreciated, and I hope others can realize the same. I'm sure it isn't an easy task in the least.
  4. Thank goodness for this. 2K did a horrid job modeling players of Asian descent.
  5. Likewise. I have some free time over the next few weeks to give it a healthy test.
  6. Couldn't get his cyberface to load, but the one I'd like to see is Freddy Galvis. Shame 2K missed out on giving many prospects the decency of a cyberface. Awesome job last year with the NFN Rosters! Used them exclusively and they were very solid. Particularly liked whichever methods you used to devise the player ratings. In my opinion, they more accurately reflected each players' actual strongpoints than the official rosters. I won't even bother with My Player mode until the real prospects are actually in game, and I'm sure your NFN will handle that as well as it did last year. Thanks!
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