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  • Interests
    Baseball, Modding, European Football

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  1. Would you believe me if I just told you to remove some description text and the site took it as an update? lol
  2. Once again, the section says "EASY" and they come with questions of of Cricket and NHL
  3. 10 of 10, 39 Seconds. It took a while to respond on the laptop
  4. We are tied in results but you win by coming first lol
  5. 7 of 10 Easy my @ss They ask questions about cricket and hockey and I completely down for that
  6. 4 of 10, 89 Seconds I have not been feeling very well these days and that is why I have been absent from the trivia
  7. 10 of 10 in 45 Seconds THERE IS NO WAY I BEAT YANKEE4LIFE TODAY LOL
  8. 10 of 10 in 46 Secunds, what happen to you Jim825?
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