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Posts posted by Qbrick808

  1. I don't have Windows 8, so this is just speculation which seems logical... have you tried the Compatibility Mode feature?

    Right-Click on the program's icon and then click on Properties from the context menu which pops up.

    Then click on the Compatibility Tab.

    You'll see an option with a drop-down list to Run this program in compatibility mode for:

    From that list you should be able to choose Windows 7 or just about any past version of Windows.

    Once you've set that up, you would try to start the game just as you're used to doing it.

  2. So I'm about to purchase the guru version, what's with the pitch tab? My questions are can you actually make a pitch go faster or slower then what the game maxes it out as? and also can u add a ton more break to the pitches, actually exceeding the normal highest amount of break?

    You can set pitches to go up to 127 mph, although they actually top out a bit below that. The funny thing is that when you set things up that way, it doesn't seem to have a ton of impact that's so different from the regular speeds. Batters -- even bad ones -- can smack your 114 mph heater right over the wall, so there must be some element where the program compensates for the difference. One good reason to throw pitches in the 110+ mph range is simply to hear that cool sound of the loud pop when the catcher receives the pitch in his mitt.

    You can set pitches to go slower also, but not to the same extreme. If you set your changeup to be 50 mph, 30mph or even just 1 mph, you still won't get any pitches to go much slower than about 57 or 58 mph.

    You can change the break and angle of pitches very drastically. You can make it so that you need to move the left stick as far to the upper right or left corner as it will go while aiming in order to get a pitch any where near the strike zone. You need to do some significant tinkering with those settings to figure out what you're looking for. The one thing about messing with the pitches in this way is that it doesn't just apply to you, but to the CPU pitchers as well. If you make it so that a certain pitch flies in a wild fashion towards the plate with tons of movement changing direction more than once during its flight, you may be able to learn how to use the pitch effectively in time, but as soon as you change those settings, any pitcher you oppose will have the same action when he throws that pitch, and it seems that the CPU knows how to make those kinds of pitches work properly right away... you can see some funky movement on pitches being delivered to you while hitting.

  3. QB,

    I did the rename the stadium iff part as listed, but, when I play the allstar game, the stadium is correct but has large blacked out areas around it on the walls and seat areas. I tried other stadiums besides the mets and got the same issue. Any thoughts ?


    Yeah... I forgot that there's one other step.

    Make copies of the files stadium_intervals_nym.iff and stadium_intervals_nym.cdf.

    Rename them stadium_intervals_als.iff and stadium_intervals_als.cdf.

    That should make those darkened areas of the stadium look normal.

  4. My All-Star game is at KC Royals Stadium. How could that be changed???

    Make a copy of stadium_nym.iff and rename it stadium_als.iff. Then paste the newly named stadium over the current one (in the same location).

  5. Well it seems to have worked! I really appreciate the help, Qbrick. This "problem" was bugging me more than it should've. haha :good:

    No problem at all. That's what this site is all about.

  6. Thanks for the reply.

    I tried importing the colorlist again, but nothing changed. I looked on the roster editor for a "fielding cap," but I couldn't find any options to change the color.

    Is there a program for me to edit the uniform file or some other way to use this .dds? I new to this, so I apologize.

    P.S. The batting helmet is the right color. The fielding cap is still the lighter blue.

    The fielding cap is just a way I referred to it for clarity. You don't deal with that in the roster editor.

    There are ways for you to manually insert that dds file into the lad uniform file, but if you download the uniform from this site, that shouldn't be necessary.

    If you get the uniform.iff files from this download, everything should be all done for you.

  7. I attempted to search for a post about either of these problems from before, but had no luck with the search engine. If you know there's a post from an earlier time, I'm sorry about posting this one.

    I have two different problems pertaining to colors.

    The first one has to do with hats. I play as the Dodgers on my franchise. I just added some mods (Total MLB Uniforms, some faces, stadiums, WUDL's Roster.) In my game, the Dodger blue on the hat, is different than the blue for the helmets, or any other accessory. It also seems as if the hat didn't get an update. It is the default blue, and doesn't have the better textures like everything else.

    The second problem has to do with skin tone. For example, I downloaded the Yasiel Puig cyberface from Howington, and it seemed to change his skin to a lighter tone. I went into the roster editor and it said it was on "11." I also tried changing the number, but the skin tone never gets darker. This problem is also visible on players like Carl Crawford and Juan Uribe.

    I uploaded a screenshot that shows both problems. Any help would be apprecatied!

    If you Imported the Color List Text File with Ty's editor, the color for the entire batting helmet would be the appropriate blue (Hex 52E6D).

    The Dodgers' fielding cap in the uniform file is also fully blue with a Hex value of 52E6D.

    For example, in uniform_lad_away.iff, texture #11 (the cap) should be this image below, and in Ty's editor all three pieces of the helmet should be Team Color 1 which is defined as 52E6D:


    lad 11.dds

  8. There are 2 separate blocks - on the left is popup stat "batter intro" which can't be reproduced

    On the right main scoreboard is easy to make

    When I say this looks very good, I do mean the entire thing across from left to right.

    The simple scoreboard bug portion to the right of the Cardinals logo is nothing special at all and would not be exciting.

    If you can't create a carbon copy, maybe you might get creative and see what you can develop with what's available to you while using this full model across the screen as a concept to try and emulate; perhaps go for something cool which is as close to that look as you can get, add a few things that you can make use of which are not in that design, and possibly produce something fresh and new based upon this solid fundamental idea to display the available info.

  9. I never really watch ESPN -- because they are SO awful -- so this is new to me, but I must say that it is a pretty sweet look and is the only one I've seen other than the CSN design that I think would be worthy of another all out effort to create.

    exrixxx -- do you think you can take a shot at making a scoreboard with your talents to match this one?

  10. the screen where you pause the game, in the lower center is the field and will show if men are on base or not, doesn anyone wher the field image is located.

    its gray and green for the most part

    I believe you are referring to global.iff 232.31.

  11. PITCHES BOX as in real in v4.0 (look at the picture)

    In v3.3 it was pitcher names for both teams

    Yeah, I did see that, but wasn't sure if that was the change.

    So basically, if we prefer the method you introduced first for the pitch count, with just one pitcher's number displayed but with the outs in the proper place, we should use version 4.0.

    If we prefer the style that you improved it to at one point along the way, where both pitchers' counts are always showing, we should use version 3.3.

    Very good to have options and choices for personal preferences.

  12. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&s

    File Name: 2013 MLB Post-Season Logos

    File Submitter: Qbrick808

    File Submitted: 31 May 2013

    File Category: Miscellaneous

    These are the MLB logos for the 2013 Post-Season. This updated and final version includes some minor color corrections, major enhancements to the contour of the images, and logos which appear during game intros and on the scoreboard as well as down the lines on the field. All field logos have been tested and confirmed good for perfect location placement.

    STEP 1:

    Unless you use a Mod Enabler, make backups of the following IFF files and save them in a safe location on your computer:

    • alcs_wipe.iff
    • nlcs_wipe.iff
    • world_series.iff
    • world_series_wipe.iff
    • gamedata.iff

    STEP 2:

    Copy and overwrite the following IFF files in your main MLB 2K12 folder with the files of the same name included in this download:

    • alcs_wipe.iff
    • nlcs_wipe.iff
    • world_series.iff
    • world_series_wipe.iff

    STEP 3:

    All "slot numbers" refer to the locations where images can be found using the MLB/NBA Mod Tool.

    For each of the following, it is suggested that before you import the new file, you export the existing one with the Mod Tool and save it to a safe location on your computer just for backup purposes.

    • Open largelogos2d.iff in the Mod Tool

      • Place World Series 1.dds in slot 116
      • Place Post-Season 1.dds in slot 140

      [*]Open mediumlogos2d.iff in the Mod Tool

      • Place World Series 2.dds in slot 116
      • Place Post-Season 2.dds in slot 140

    • Open smalllogos2d.iff in the Mod Tool

      • Place World Series 3.dds in slot 116
      • Place Post-Season 3.dds in slot 140

      [*]Open frontend_sync.iff in the Mod Tool

      • Place Opening Day 2013.dds in slot 86.41
      • Place Post-Season 4.dds in slot 86.43

      [*]Open gamedata.iff in the Mod Tool

      • Place gamedata 180.dds in slot 180
      • Place gamedata 283.dds in slot 283
      • Place gamedata 388.dds in slot 388
      • Place gamedata 595.dds in slot 595
      • Place gamedata 667.dds in slot 667

    STEP 4:

    The included 2013 Field Logos folder contains the images for each individual stadium with the Mod Tool slot number present in the filename. For example, open the stadium_ard.iff file with the Mod Tool, Export the image in slot 3.01 to a safe location for backup purposes, and then Import the ard 3.01.dds file from this download into that location. Repeat the process for each stadium.

    Click here to download this file



  13. Hmmm.....

    If I only knew what and where the "3D Camera" was, or if I just knew how to determine whether size values exist for an object -- and if they do exist, how to identify them and change them to what I want them to be.

    This can not be described for all objects all together with a single word..This is very imdividual depending on object and various methods could be chosen depending on various factors (is it a single object, in group of objects, is it connected with other objects, etc,)

    For some objects size can be changed via DiffuseTint section,, for some not.

    Some are controlled with size values, some not

    All (or at least all) can be resized by changing distance from camera.

    Some can be resized by recalculating verticles, some not

    Can you give me any helpful info from viewing this image of the location in the hex editor I'm working with? I used the same color method as you did earlier to define with outlines.

    Can you identify what any of the other numbers in this section mean with regards to the DXT1 I'm trying to make appear larger?


  14. How do I get that image to be proportionately larger to a specific percentage on the screen during gameplay?

    Decrease distance from "3D Camera" or change size values if they exists for that object


    If I only knew what and where the "3D Camera" was, or if I just knew how to determine whether size values exist for an object -- and if they do exist, how to identify them and change them to what I want them to be.


    Hey ex--

    I was wondering how you go about changing the pre-defined size for any of the slots where a dds image goes in an iff file.

    For example, the location where you now have the CSN scoreboard's basic structure is 768 x 768 (you mentioned that you needed a wider image to make the thing easy enough to see). Just to share a frame of reference, when using the NBA/MLB Mod Tool this dds image I refer to fills slot 54:49 in the overlay_static_preload.iff file. Before you got started with this project, the dds image in that same spot needed to have dimensions of 512 x 512.

    Clearly you were able to change things so that the iff file now wants an image of 768 x 768 there.

    How did you do that? What steps would you take if you wanted to change the dimensions of a different slot in an iff file where a dds image goes?



    (At first I want to correct that I needed larger image for better quality (less pixalated), but not for "easier to see" - these are different things)
    This is my personal discovery and I have no idea if someone used that method before.
    First you have to find in any *.iff file (must be decompressed) where these sectors are.
    Easiest way is to hex-search for 44 58 54 35, what in latin letters would be DXT5.
    Those who tried modding some pics have to know that DDS images are compressed with DXT1 or DXT5 method usually, therefore you will meet these 44 58 54 35 in any *.iff which has textures inside.
    LEt;s analyze texture from SN scoreboard.
    If you know that when looking with NBA2Kmodtool scoreboard's main texture is in section 54, subsection 49, then it is the same when exploring the file with hex editor. We need to find 49th DXT from beggining of the file (it might be 48th or 50th actually, don't remember which one is correct, you'll find out it by testing).
    So, in our case the main scoreboards Identity is 77 A5 95 86 - this is the beggining of sector.
    Next we see compression method (green frames).
    Here we have DXT5 - 44 58 54 35.
    We can change those numbers to 44 58 54 31, what would mean DXT1.
    Or even can change to BMP, it would be 15 00 00 00.
    Data with blue frames is size. 2K Default sceboards has 512x512 here in that file, I changed texture;s size to 1024x1024 in SN Scoreboard.
    You can change that data to any size according to the following values (but note that you have to maintain picture ratio, if it is 512x26, then I really advise to change keeping aspect ratio - 1024x52, 1568x78, etc.).
    40 00 - 64 px
    80 00 - 128 px
    00 01 - 256 px
    00 02 - 512 px
    00 03 - 768 px
    00 04 -1024 px
    00 05 - 1280 px
    00 06 - 1536 px
    00 07 - 1792 px
    00 08 - 2048 px
    00 0C - 3072 px
    00 10 - 4096 px
    There some more data to control here, but if write it here, this post will look too complicated I afraid :)

    Excellent explanation! Thanks so much for the lesson.

    I was able to find the image I wanted in the hex editor and I successfully changed the iff file to require a different sized dds image to fit in that slot.

    However, I now think the first thing you said about the difference between "better quality" and "varying pixelation" is a key point for me on this issue.

    I changed the size of the dds Import and was able to put a new larger image in the iff file.

    Then I went into the game, and the image I changed remains in the same place at the same size.

    So now the question becomes:

    How do I get that image to be proportionately larger to a specific percentage on the screen during gameplay? It is already in the correct location, but I'm simply trying to make it 25% wider (horizontally from right to left) while doubling its height (vertically top to bottom).

    Can the method to do this be explained in a manner as well as you covered the last question, or does it become much more complicated?

  16. What about the possibility of adding the FOX Sports Logo in the upper right corner during LIVE action (not just the watermark during replays) like they sometimes do? The problem of where to move the Contact/Power bar would still come in to play, but it's something to consider because it does look pretty good:


  17. I had it below scoereboard and it looked bad, plus too small to read text

    Plus it conflcts with picture-in-picture when runner on base, I do not want to devel it more, to move down pip, resize/move down pitcher gestures,as I do not like FOX very much,

    FOX - *impossible for team colors to cover all area they should cover

    -* impossible to make OUTS as dots, not numbers

    I do agree with you that the FOX Bug, and the limitations put on you by the program, make this scoreboard inferior to the CSN one despite your excellent work on the project.

    I don't think the Sportsnet one for the Blue Jays that you had started working on is very promising either.


    The bug the Yankees use on the Yes Network is not very exciting at all:


    The ROOT Sports design is even less appealing for Seattle, Colorado and Pittsburgh:


    There's nothing cool about what the Mets use on SNY:


    Same old stuff on WGN in Chicago:


    Nothing very special in Baltimore and Washington on MASN:


    The Red Sox aren't breaking any new ground on NESN:


    It looks like if the FOX bug can't be improved, your work may be close to done.

  18. I am not planing to move it as it does not fit anywhere else.

    Below scoreboard it will be to small (impossible to read). Above scoreboard will ook stoopid.

    I hadn't thought about placing it above the scoreboard on the left, but actually I don't think that would look bad at all.

    You should give it a try and take a look at it.

    If it turns out that it looks bad, then so be it, but it definitely looks totally out of place in the current position on the right so it's really worth looking for a better spot even if it's the last thing you do with the Fox Scoreboard.

  19. foxtv10.jpg

    Finished that one (with stats and without, only standard time as permanent crashes due to conflict related with stats phases appearing/dissapearing time I guess)

    It is not so good visually as CSN, but I have some excuses for that:

    - CSN has more details than FOX, therefore it is more spectacular.

    - Fonts can only be those that are installed with the game

    - Outs are rounds dot in real, impossible here.

    - some other minor things

    For now will upload same style as CSN. You'll have to modify mlb2k12.exe also.

    Hey exrxixxx--

    I was wondering if you plan to move the Contact/Power info bar over to the left side under the main part of the FOX scoreboard, or are you all done working on this mod?

  20. It doesn't. If you change the filename of the uniforms, the title of the slots would still be the same in the game.

    For example, if I renamed uniform_ard_home.iff to uniform_ard_road.iff and changed the road jerseys to the filename of the home jersey, all that would do is change the jersey but not the title of the uniform slot, so the game would read it as Home uniform but it show the Road jersey.

    When I add a uniform slot to the roster, all Ty's editor does is add the uniform filename to whatever slot I choose and assign the team ID to the uniform so it shows up on the list of uniforms for that team. I think I would have to reorder every uniform listed in the game to add those slots in the proper order instead of being in the end of the roster file and then assign all of them the proper team IDs/labels.

    I'll give that a try tonight and see what happens.

    If you haven't already, you should export the text file of the final roster I posted last night using Ty's editor and take a look at it to see what needed to be done (prior to the naming step with Vlad's editor).

    You'll see that the brand new uniforms which we've always placed in those empty slots up in the 400s have to be brought down into the cluster of the team they are associated with.

    The result means renumbering all of the subsequent slots. The first time you do it is a real hassle. After that, a lot of how annoying the process is will depend on what team you're adding a uniform for. If it's Colorado or LA -- near the top of the list -- it will require more effort. When it's the Yankees or the Rays -- near the bottom -- it'll be less painful.

  21. How about moving the additional uniform slots in front of the slot the game provides for the BP uniforms?

    I do not understand this question correctly. Please provide more details what exactly you mean.

    He was asking if the order of the uniforms when you are choosing which one to play in could be something like:



    --Home Alternate

    --Home Alternate 2

    --Road Alternate

    --Batting Practice Home

    --Batting Practice Road

    --Classic Year Home

    --Classic Year Road

    That is what is in the file I just posted.

    Earlier, the new alternate uniforms were displayed at the end after the classic year options. Now they are integrated just where they belong, although, I must say that it was a real tedious hassle to get it that way. Neither Ty's nor Vlad's editors allow for this process to be automated so it's pure manual adjusting via typing on each of the 486 lines.

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