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Posts posted by Qbrick808

  1. One question:

    Does anybody have a good place for me where I can find an overview of the team's scouts or even who's the respective teams head scout? Scouts are quite a blank spot for me.

    Each of the 30 MLB franchises has a front office position known as the Scouting Director. The Scouting Director is not just the top scout for each team, but he is in charge of everything related to his organization's scouting on all levels.

    Current MLB Scouting Directors:

    Arizona Diamondbacks

    Ray Montgomery

    Atlanta Braves

    Tony DeMacio

    Chicago Cubs

    Tim Wilken

    Cincinnati Reds

    Chris Buckley

    Colorado Rockies

    Bill Schmidt

    Florida Marlins

    Stan Meek

    Houston Astros

    Mike Elias

    Los Angeles Dodgers

    Logan White

    Milwaukee Brewers

    Bruce Seid

    New York Mets

    Chad MacDonald

    Philadelphia Phillies

    Marti Wolever

    Pittsburgh Pirates

    Greg Smith

    St. Louis Cardinals

    Dan Kantrovitz

    San Diego Padres

    Jaron Madison

    San Francisco Giants

    John Barr

    Washington Nationals

    Kris Kline

    Baltimore Orioles

    Gary Rajsich

    Boston Red Sox

    Amiel Sawdaye

    Chicago White Sox

    Doug Laumann

    Cleveland Indians

    Brad Grant

    Detroit Tigers

    Scott Pleis

    Kansas City Royals

    Lonnie Goldberg

    Los Angeles Angels

    Ric Wilson

    Minnesota Twins

    Deron Johnson

    New York Yankees

    Damon Oppenheimer

    Oakland Athletics

    Eric Kubota

    Seattle Mariners

    Tom McNamara

    Tampa Bay Rays

    R.J. Harrison

    Texas Rangers

    Kip Fagg

    Toronto Blue Jays

    Brian Parker

  2. Exrxixxx--

    After getting your initial instructions, and then additional help from KC, I was able to change all of the primary team colors using the hex editor.

    Now I've got one problem with your scoreboard mod that I hope you can fix for me.

    The team colors in the background behind the team name abbreviations are apparently affecting the background behind the score of the game so that it is no longer white.

    This wouldn't be so terrible except that it prevents me from seeing what the score is.

    If I get close to the monitor and look hard, I can see that the numbers are there. In my attached screen shot you'll be able to just barely see that the score is 0-0, but when playing the game you really can't make it out without putting your face right up near the screen.

    Anyway, the bottom line is that yesterday I could see black numbers over a white background displaying the game score.

    Last night I was able to change the team background colors with a hex editor.

    Now, in my first attempts to play the game since changing the team background colors, I can't see the score in your mod because the white background has disappeared.

    By the way, on the screen which displays when you pause the game, the line score shows clearly with white numbers over the team background colors (I know you didn't make changes to this view).

    Anything you can do to resolve this for me, please?

    Thank you.


  3. I'll just take baby steps and work this out with my roster and see if it's similar to any other roster sets.

    This shouldn't be too hard to implement in a roster editor if the color value is consistent in a certain number of bytes/blocks in the data, honestly.

    So far I've completed about 10 teams. I'm pretty pumped.

    HEY KC--

    You say that you've identified about 10 teams so far.

    Could you post the Hex values and the associated teams for those, and continue posting new ones as you discover them?

  4. Hehe...

    As predicted, these colors are in *.ROS file.

    Offset for Houston Astros Theme color is


    Format simple hex color xxxxxx (don't forget in hex everything is upside down (left to right/right to left), so if your color in image editing software is 12 34 56, you have to type 56 34 12 in roster file)

    Could you please provide a little more of a detailed explanation about how to make this color change. I don't need help determining what the new value should be, but I'm not quite sure how to go about the process.

    Start from this point:

    • I have a ROS file.
    • I have a Hex Editor.

    Okay... what do I do next?

    How do I identify which MLB team I want to change this color for (let's say I want to change the color for 5 specific teams)?

    How do I specifically go about making the changes?

    Thanks for the help.

  5. This is directory where my pluggins are installed, check if this helps

    C:Program FilesBlender FoundationBlender.blenderscripts

    Yeah, I had the plug-in files in there for both 2.6.4 and 2.6.6... didn't work.

    One thing I noticed is that the last modified date on these 2 plug-in files is November 2009. Any possibility they are out of date, or should those still be good?

  6. BEfore answering, some Blender ....

    Yes, you are right - you have to see N2KM in IMPORT/EXPORT.

    If you see direcotry Pluggins inside Blender root, that does not mean this is true Blender directory.

    It might also be dublicated at C:/User/xxx....

    It could also be an issue that you have new version.

    Try download 2.6.2 (I was ready several about similar problem earlier re. file versions).

    This is a nice tool, but useless for scoreboard modding.

    IT can't help with other files tho

    I can tell you that I pasted those two plug-in files in the directory where the instructions say to, but I also checked and saw that they were present in the C:Users%username%AppDataRoaming... folder. It was just crazy... made no sense at all... seemed like I could import just about any file type which has ever been created EXCEPT n2km!

    I'll take a look at 2.6.2 as you suggested.

  7. Regarding watermark - yes, I moved it to top right corner as in original.

    Screenshot is is few post above.

    I could share dds files for importing if someone is interested - for injecting to global.iff

    Personally I don't need dds files like that as I have those images myself.

    I was more interested in the method you used to move the watermark image. If it's just another thing you can move around like you've done with so many other elements, than I guess there's no point in having you explain it.

    I guess the point is that if you do a FOX Sports version, just to name one example, I suppose you'll see where FOX places their replay watermark icon and do it the way they do it.

    I was guessing that FOX might be the next project you tackle after this one is all wrapped up because they air so much more baseball than anyone else. According to my count, 6 MLB teams are broadcast on CSN while FOX Sports broadcasts the games regionally for 14 MLB teams. The other 10 teams break down like this: ROOT Sports 3, MASN 2, STO 1, NESN 1, YES 1, SNY 1, Sportsnet 1.

    I was not successful with my attempts to get the Python plug-in working last night. I followed the instructions perfectly, but it would not work. I even uninstalled Blender and installed the most recent version (2.66), but still I can't seem to get the n2km file type to appear as an option on the Add Ons screen (to install the plug-in) or to show up as a choice when I click on Import or Export. I'm totally baffled because it should so obviously work yet it won't.

  8. Yes, I am readfing all posts. Thanks GL GL GL

    QBRICK 808 - regarding moving batter stats I will answer in more detailed manier laer, but mainly I want to keep scoreboard as it is in original (witout addiditional elements).

    For now just shortly can say:

    - yes, batter stats bar can be moved anywhere

    - don't forget it is not steady - it change it's height when "Bad matchup with a picthcer"

    - "Ball/Strike and mph info goes so quickly in the present version"- I did not change anything, timing is the same as default 2K scoreboard

    - You can't swap phases timing 1,2,3 to 2,1,3, etc - max can be done is disbaling a phase, but this will only mean that nothing will be shown during it's time

    - Ball / Changeup / 85 MPH can not be displayed at the same

    - "The current method doesn't show the pitch type" - iit is still shown, just you can't see it through fielding indicator. Some longer pitch names (like knucklecurveballlllll overlays home team score slightly)

    Okay... I understand what you're saying. The problem with clearly seeing the display of Ball/Strike and the Pitch Speed could also be related to the smaller size of those characters on the screen compared to the original version, so that may just take some getting used to.

    By the way, the issue with 100 mph pitches is still there... only the last two digits display so a 102 mph pitch shows as "02 mph."

    Regarding the Contact and Power numbers for the batter... even if you don't move them from the current position on the right side, can you make it so they display before every pitch of an at bat instead of just the first pitch?

    Finally, I've been playing with the mod for an hour or so and I've noticed that the number portion of the Pitch Count sometimes does not appear. I've been trying to isolate the circumstances when it happens but I haven't narrowed it down just yet. One example of this occurs when a pitcher throws over to a base to keep a runner close to the bag. After that happens, for the remainder of the at bat, the number of pitches above or below the Outs indicator remains blank. There are several other cases like this when the number of pitches just goes away from the display and doesn't return until the next batter (even if that means 5 or 6 more pitches to the batter who is already at the plate).

    With the presence of the new Pitch Counter, it would seem that the pitch count that is shown by default at the start of each new at bat (with the pitcher's name temporarily replacing the team name abbreviation) is no longer necessary and could be turned off (if you can do that).

    One other observation: is there any specific reason that you moved the replay watermark from the lower left to the upper right corner?

    I'd say the two key things to look at are showing the Power & Contact numbers before all pitches, and getting the number of Pitches thrown to show all of the time. Even between at bats when the number of pitches seems to naturally disappear for a bit sometimes, it would be preferable if the number remained visible.

    Again, everything is suggested or proposed with the understanding that some things may not be possible, but I'd guess that a lot of the stuff I'm talking about is.

    Continue the great work... it's very much appreciated and really high quality.

  9. Okay, please keep in mind that as I’ve told you many times, I absolutely love the work, so these are not criticisms but rather ideas and suggestions to improve upon what you’ve done. There are some things that I’m not sure are possible, so that may explain a lot and I understand that you have to deal with certain limitations.

    I guess the most significant question I have is about whether the horizontal row that displays on the right, with the Contact and Power info, can be moved to the left side underneath the main scoreboard creating what would become a three-level object.


    Then there is the issue of how the scoreboard displays information about the previous pitch.

    1 – Prior to the pitch and as the pitch is delivered, the count is displayed.


    2 – After the result of the pitch, we see either “Ball” or “Strike” where the count was.


    3 – Then we quickly see the speed of that last pitch in the same location.


    4 – And as things reset for the next pitch, the cycle returns to display the new count.


    Regardless of whether the Power and Contact info can be moved over to the left side, would it be possible to display this information about each pitch below the scoreboard on the left side as I have previously suggested in my 3 Phase Repeating Cycle? Phase 1 is the display as in #1 above prior to the pitch and as the pitch is delivered. Phase 2 displays the Pitch Type, the Speed of the pitch and the Result of the pitch all in one place at one time (with the count and Pitch Count updated). Phase 3 returns to the next instance of Phase 1 with the new count and new pitch count reflected. If the Power and Contact bar cannot be moved over, then this request would simply be to create Phase 2 of my 3 Phase Cycle.



    1) The Ball/Strike and mph info goes so quickly in the present version that it's often there and gone before you see it. With the 3 Phases it would sit in a stable position for a bit longer.

    2) The current method doesn't show the pitch type up top in the scoreboard. The 3 Phases includes this right next to the other relevant information.

    3) If you can get this to swap in and out of the same position (or near it) in a third level below the other scoreboard info, we would be able to see the Power and Contact numbers for the batter as we prepare for each new pitch within a single at bat. In past years, 2K used to show that info throughout the at bat, but now they show it just once before the first pitch and then you don't see it again. We should see that prior to every pitch.

    One of the biggest criticisms of MLB 2K12 was that they sped up the process between pitches WAY too much. This resulted in less of an opportunity to view information like what I'm describing here. What I'm proposing would allow for a better chance to see this data and keep it on the screen for longer stretches of time. The end result would be a much smoother pacing feel and flow to the game.

  10. Took some time this afternoon to figure out what the Astros values are for 2K's brick color they have on the overlay.

    I downloaded the 2K rosters from 2KShare, extracted the Astros color list from the roster using Ty's editor, took the RGB values, divided each by 255 to give me a decimal value (the floating point) and converted it to hex format.

    Hopefully this format makes sense (Hex, 32-bit float):

    Astros Brick color:

    RED: C898 1B3F

    GREEN: 80B7 403E

    BLUE: D3DE E03D

    What I want to do is change this to the orange I use on my uniforms:

    Astros Orange

    RED: F7E4 613F

    GREEN: CC7F 883E

    BLUE: 499D 003D

    I really don't think it's even that complicated. I'd bet money that there is a table and a column that we just aren't seeing right now, and crossing with that column there is a row for the Houston Astros which presently holds the value of 9B301C. All that we need to do is identify that location, and replace the 9B301C value with E14408.

    The issue has to be about table and column location that we just don't currently have. Perhaps Vlad could be of assistance with this.

  11. I have houston's team colors as 000418 (navy), E14408 (orange) and 000000 (black, for equipment purposes)

    2K's stock houston colors are 9B301C (brick), 1E1E1E (black/dark grey) and E7D19A (sand)

    To swap the Houston colors you would want to change the brick red to orange. In this case, you would have to find a way to replace 9B301C with E14408. This has already been changed across all current rosters (to my knowledge) since they affect fonts and equipment colors, but the overlay graphic color (the gradient, in this mod) remains the same color value as the 2K ones for some reason.

    I wish I had some sort of knowledge of Hex, all I'm good at is just texture/visual work :|

    There is no issue with any lacking knowledge of hexidecimal numbers regarding this issue of team colors as we're talking about them here. 9B301C is a hex number just as 000000 and FFFFFF are. The element we seem to be missing is the location in some table where each team is assigned one color (in hex number format) for use throughout the game as that team's inherent team color unrelated to any uniforms or other stuff we deal with. Houston has that brick color assigned to it just as Oakland has a certain shade of green associated with it, and we see these colors just about everywhere we see a reference to the teams throughout the game.

    There must be a column in some table where each team has a color assigned to it, but it is not related to the Team Colors we see when working on uniforms.

    In Vlad's editor I felt certain that the TEAMS tab would be the proper location for this, and perhaps this column of colors is right there in that table, but the editor doesn't show it to us. I have looked through every tab in Vlad's editor and cannot locate the table column where these primary level colors are assigned. If we could find that table and column, we could change every team's color to whatever we'd like; you don't need any knowledge of hexidecimal numbering for this.

  12. The color used in the overlay is isolated from what you assign in terms of team colors through a roster. You can edit the colors of the teams through Ty's editor but that's all I know.

    Hey KC My Brother--

    When you say you can edit the colors of the teams with Ty's editor, do you mean Team Color 1, Team Color 2 and Team Color 3? If so, then I'm right with you and I edit those all of the time for use with the uniforms.

    But to change each team's "Main Associated Color" (for lack of a better phrase) which you see in the scoreboards, menus, schedules and elsewhere throughout the game, according to an earlier post by exrxixxx it has to be done in the ROS file. The problem I've been having is locating where in the file the teams are linked to those respective colors.

  13. It's looking really good. Exactly how do you change the team colors from the overlay? The Astros have had the same brick color forever. If you could provide a brief tutorial as to how to change the colors that would be awesome. Keep up the good work!

    Following up on this question...

    It was previously stated that the team color could only be changed in the roster ROS file.

    I was also wondering how this is done more specifically.

    Is there a parameter where you can simply change the color by using REDitor or Ty's editor?

    It would seem that REDitor would be a better bet, but I found no such field in the TEAMS section or under any of the other tabs.

  14. Not sure if this will be helpful information... Note that when you save a game and then resume it later, the dirt/batters boxes always revert to 1st inning conditions, regardless of what inning the game is in upon resumption.

    That could turn out to be very helpful in this context, but doesn't it say a ton more about the approach used by the designers of the game?

    That has to be added to the long list of LAME elements in the way they went about writing the code and paying attention to detail.


  15. This is pretty contravertial decision, but I went this way as in the picture. This is regarding Pith Count.

    "Pitch count" can't be dispalyed at the same spot without negativly affecting other elements of scoreboard, therefore I had to move "OUTS" to the middle of the box....

    Maybe someday later I'' manage to find something that coould solve this issue, so far it is as it is.

    I see what you mean about moving OUTS to the middle.

    Just curious, is the following option available to use, or does it also mess up other aspects of the scoreboard?


    Or what about either of these 2 additional approaches below?

    Does any combination solve those other problems you referred to?


  16. This is pretty contravertial decision, but I went this way as in the picture. This is regarding Pith Count.

    "Pitch count" can't be dispalyed at the same spot without negativly affecting other elements of scoreboard, therefore I had to move "OUTS" to the middle of the box....

    Maybe someday later I'' manage to find something that coould solve this issue, so far it is as it is.

    I see what you mean about moving OUTS to the middle.

    Just curious, is the following option available to use, or does it also mess up other aspects of the scoreboard?


  17. ya, it is possible. just need to move every single element to new position:

    - team ID text

    - team ID 3D structure

    - Score text

    - Score 3D structure

    - inning arewa ....

    - ball caount area...

    - logos ...

    - main background 3D verticles

    - main bacground effect (plenty of them, better to dissable them)

    - all info text and their 3D structures

    - and many many more elements

    Hey Exrxixxx--

    That's a lot of really tremendous work you've been doing with the scoreboard.

    I have a couple of more detailed questions that I'll get back to you with soon, but for now I was just wondering what tools and what software you use to manipulate the models and the underlying effects. I assume you're using the 3DM Mod Tool and maybe the NBA/MLB Mod Tool as well, and I can guess that you use Photoshop or something similar to alter dds and bmp files, but what are the tools that allow you to extract and make changes to the models within the iff files?

    Thanks, and I hope you'll keep up with the brilliant enhancements.


  18. in 2k12 what is is proably the closet park o play in in to the old Montreal expos played in?

    The fact is that there truly isn't one, but if what you're really asking for is which is the "closest" it would likely have to be Toronto.







  19. Yeah of course it would be no big problem for me either to have AA or A players or to have them not. But I have the fear that sooner or later Reditor will screw it all up nevertheless.

    Yeah, I can relate to that thought.

    The reliability factor to give you the confidence you need to feel comfortable plays with your head as soon as you have reason to question the stability of the project's foundation.

    I guess I'd feel all right about that as long as I always maintained clean and safe backup versions which never have this problem and can be drawn upon at any time to avoid the nightmare of losing more than just enhancements to the core elements.

  20. If I do not find a workaround for this I either won't be able to edit enough minor leaguers or I won't be able to edit service time, contracts and skin tones. Both options don't satisfy me to be honest.

    I was so deep into this and now this damn thing occurs again. I could puke.

    I know we all have different ideas of what's good enough to continue on with a project, but I can tell you for certain that as long as I have a fully functioning MLB organization level, I'm happy enough to make improving the game well worthwhile. I have to imagine that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I usually have little involvement with any AA and A level players except to release the worst ones if I make a move which requires me to do so because of roster size rules and limitations.

  21. I remember that it happened first (when I was editing some rosters some weeks/months ago) after I had edited a certain amount of players. Now that I have edited many custom players for the Angels affiliate teams this happens again. It seems that always when I edit too many of those generic players I cause this problem...

    Hmmmmmm... I don't know all that much about editing lots of generic players.

    Could this be related to that internal file which has a hard coded size limit preventing you from changing more than a certain number of player names in the game? I remember hearing about that limitation last season when I had a plan to make an all-time classic mod with the top players in franchise history for each team. It was explained to me that I'd never be able to do it because at some point I'd be unable to change any more names. Nobody specified what would happen if I reached that point, but maybe the table freaks out instead of just giving a message saying that it's full or that changes can no longer be made.

  22. That is pretty major. Did you say there's any explanation for what causes this to happen for the first time with any given roster tables?

    I just used REDitor to open each of the rosters I've been using recently and all of the cells in all of the fields appear normal and populated.

    I'll be checking that periodically to see if I can identify some specific action which precedes the change to a database looking like the one you just displayed. That's never happened to me ever.

  23. I got the bug which leads to automatic change of many names again. It seems that it somehow has to do with Reditor. But I do not exactly know what causes the problem.

    I'm not sure if this will help you track this down, but I was in a game against the Red Sox, and their SP was definitely John Lackey. All of the graphics said "John Lackey" but the announcers talking to us (at least Gary Thorne for sure) were very obviously calling him "Aaron Cook" for the entire game; not just once or twice, but every time the Boston starter was mentioned by name. I can't recall what the stadium PA Announcer called him because I never thought to listen for it.

    Maybe the Audio ID for Names Table or some other table location can shed some light on this in general if you can see what's what with Lackey and Cook specifically.

  24. Hm, but one question.

    E.g. I got CJ Cron, Travis Witherspoon and Kaleb Cowart on the Angels as they are 3 of their top prospects.

    Has anybody a suggestion for me on how to arrange their contract numbers? How much money and how many years?

    Ignore signing bonuses. If you can't get the actual info, give them four-year deals at the minimum MLB salary.

    If/when they sign new deals to get more money and sell out arbitration years (or beyond), theoretically you would update with that info which would be more publicized and easy to find.

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