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Everything posted by Qbrick808

  1. Qbrick808

    Ball Parks

    The fact is that there truly isn't one, but if what you're really asking for is which is the "closest" it would likely have to be Toronto.
  2. Yeah, I can relate to that thought. The reliability factor to give you the confidence you need to feel comfortable plays with your head as soon as you have reason to question the stability of the project's foundation. I guess I'd feel all right about that as long as I always maintained clean and safe backup versions which never have this problem and can be drawn upon at any time to avoid the nightmare of losing more than just enhancements to the core elements.
  3. I know we all have different ideas of what's good enough to continue on with a project, but I can tell you for certain that as long as I have a fully functioning MLB organization level, I'm happy enough to make improving the game well worthwhile. I have to imagine that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I usually have little involvement with any AA and A level players except to release the worst ones if I make a move which requires me to do so because of roster size rules and limitations.
  4. Hmmmmmm... I don't know all that much about editing lots of generic players. Could this be related to that internal file which has a hard coded size limit preventing you from changing more than a certain number of player names in the game? I remember hearing about that limitation last season when I had a plan to make an all-time classic mod with the top players in franchise history for each team. It was explained to me that I'd never be able to do it because at some point I'd be unable to change any more names. Nobody specified what would happen if I reached that point, but maybe the table freaks out instead of just giving a message saying that it's full or that changes can no longer be made.
  5. That is pretty major. Did you say there's any explanation for what causes this to happen for the first time with any given roster tables? I just used REDitor to open each of the rosters I've been using recently and all of the cells in all of the fields appear normal and populated. I'll be checking that periodically to see if I can identify some specific action which precedes the change to a database looking like the one you just displayed. That's never happened to me ever.
  6. I'm not sure if this will help you track this down, but I was in a game against the Red Sox, and their SP was definitely John Lackey. All of the graphics said "John Lackey" but the announcers talking to us (at least Gary Thorne for sure) were very obviously calling him "Aaron Cook" for the entire game; not just once or twice, but every time the Boston starter was mentioned by name. I can't recall what the stadium PA Announcer called him because I never thought to listen for it. Maybe the Audio ID for Names Table or some other table location can shed some light on this in general if you can see what's what with Lackey and Cook specifically.
  7. Ignore signing bonuses. If you can't get the actual info, give them four-year deals at the minimum MLB salary. If/when they sign new deals to get more money and sell out arbitration years (or beyond), theoretically you would update with that info which would be more publicized and easy to find.
  8. Well, that would certainly explain the McCann issue. I was so eager to get playing that I cruised right past any ReadMe files and just fired it up (atypical for me). Even still, it's not like McCann was SO terrible... I just thought it was off to see him in a lineup where Freddie Freeman was the better of those two lefty hitters in every way, but I guess that's a non-issue now with your explanation. The bottom line... one long day of gameplay and I'm loving it... I'm hooked. It is my GO TO roster when I set up any longer term mode play (that's why I've been doing Post-Season Mode instead of Franchise, because I know that this is not quite ready to use for a 162 game season just yet).
  9. Hey Wudl-- Big time congratulations on getting this initial full-league release out there. It seems like ages ago when we were discussing the various ways to go with so many of the formulas. I am well aware of all the hard work which was required by you to reach this moment, and you are greatly appreciated. I've been playing games with the new roster all day -- probably 10 or more -- and I'm having a blast! One thing I was wondering about was if you plan to make any "manual corrections" to players abilities when the outcomes of the formulas just don't match the truth. It's pretty clear that your design isn't going to reflect every MLB player quite accurately by comparison to all the rest because there are certain elements which will simply not translate so perfectly into the standardized formulas. Just a quick example which comes to mind. I was playing a playoff series with the Braves and I chose to use Brian McCann as my cacher. McCann is a good guy to look at if you want to see a player who is not nearly as good as he shoud be relative to the rest of the league using the model in place. One thing might be to take a closer look and see why that is (and if it can be compensated for within the structure of your design), but another option is obviously to just bump up his offensive numbers a bit so he's more on the level where he belongs. I realize that the goal was to try and avoid arbitrary decisions based on the general perceptions we have, so you might decide that you're content to just roll with what the formulas spit out even if some players seem to be too good or not good enough. People always have the choice to make adjustments themselves if they wish, so if a Braves fan is annoyed that McCann seems a bit too light with the bat, they can always go in and give him a boost to make him the player they believe he should be. Regardless, I haven't seen too many glaring issues like that, and the experience thus far has been tremendous! I find that this is helping me to really feel as if they in fact did release a new 2013 PC version because with your changes, all of the offseason player movement, and some of the other mods which have come out or that I am working on myself, it's actually feeling a lot like a whole new game. Again, the hard work is so greatly appreciated, and I can only hope you keep working on ways to discover and implement more improvements and come up with new ideas as we roll with this into the new season just ahead. You've got a lot of support and gratitude behind you, so hopefully that will help you to maintain the momentum which has propelled you this far. The work has proven to be a booming success. I have to believe this has turned out better than you realistically envisioned, and that's always an inspiring experience. Keep up the A+ performance!
  10. How come you have Robertson listed as the Yankees Closer? Mariano is back and it would seem logical that he'll be worth upwards of an 88 rating.
  11. Yes Sir Raiders Bball-- Open the specific IFF file for the uniform you're dealing with and go to texture 16 with the jersey numbers. I will insert an image below with an explanation of what's what. I'm erasing the smaller numbers so I have room to write, so don't be confused by that.
  12. Yeah, every team will have new BP hats for 2013 and most will have new BP uniforms as well.
  13. Open up the text file which you're importing (use Notepad or whatever). On the left side, each row begins with a number and they're in order starting with 0 and going as high as 486. Scroll down to see if there are any rows which start with numbers between 95 - 102. If there are, erase those lines and save the text file without those rows included. Then try the import again.
  14. Yeah, it seems they are down again. Happened like this about a week ago and they resolved it pretty quickly (same day). I just don't get the concept at all that we need their computers to be operating properly just to play the game. That would make total sense if I wanted to play against a remote online opponent, but I'm just interested in playing a game in Franchise Mode. What kind of design is that from a fundamental perspective? In 2 years, 5 years, even 10 years from now, if I want to play this game alone on my own PC, I'll need some company's servers to be up and running properly? What if they go out of business? There's no way some organization is going to maintain operational servers into perpetuity even beyond their own existence as a commercial entity. If the online elements didn't work, and the MLB Today mode wasn't functional, that would be fine, but to make Franchise mode, My Player and Post-Season mode unavailable to paying customers because a connection is unavailable to some server in cyberspace is pretty ridiculous, absurd and stupid. Why should you even need to be connected to the Internet at all just to play this game in stand-alone modes? Makes no sense. Why can't I play a couple of games on my laptop during my flight from the east coast to San Francisco? Not cool. Very not cool.
  15. No, this is not normal. It sounds like you may have inadvertently switched your settings from Total Control Pitching to Classic Pitching. You can easily check this and reset it to the way you want if this is in fact your issue. Go into OPTIONS --> MY CONTROLLER --> CONTROL SETUP. Once there, press down on the Left Joystick to Click the button which is underneath it. You should see a new screen with four choices. The first line should be Pitching – Control Type. If that is set to Classic, set it back to Total Control. Exit out of the controller screens and then you will once again need to use the joystick motions in order to pitch.
  16. Version 1.0


    Something a little different; team colors for all 30 franchises used in more interesting ways than you see in the normal uniforms. Each MLB team has one uniform in this pack which replaces the regular HOME; you can obviously swap to a different slot if you prefer. In order to get proper colors for jersey names, jersey numbers, helmets, undershirts and shoes, make use of Ty's Editor and import the included color list file. If you are not using a Mod Enabler, remember to back up your original files. Then, place these uniform files into the main MLB 2K12 Program folder. Screen shots attached for you to take a look at. Enjoy!
  17. File Name: VIBRANT COLOR UNIFORMS File Submitter: Qbrick808 File Submitted: 08 Nov 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories Something a little different; team colors for all 30 franchises used in more interesting ways than you see in the normal uniforms. Each MLB team has one uniform in this pack which replaces the regular HOME; you can obviously swap to a different slot if you prefer. In order to get proper colors for jersey names, jersey numbers, helmets, undershirts and shoes, make use of Ty's Editor and import the included color list file. If you are not using a Mod Enabler, remember to back up your original files. Then, place these uniform files into the main MLB 2K12 Program folder. Screen shots attached for you to take a look at. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  18. My feeling that Tampa had the best team was just from looking over the MLB players. It seemed like if I wanted to win with one of those five teams, the Rays would be my choice. I played as the Yankees against the Rays, so I did change around my Yankees lineup, but I left Tampa alone. Carlos Pena, the 1B for TB, hit the HR against me. Jeter was down in AAA when I first looked at the rosters. I assumed that was because of his ankle injury the other night. I chose to bring him up to play as my SS. I used the sliders that I generally use which are quite difficult, but I mean that in a good way as they make things competitive and challenging. The defensive gems I mentioned included two tremendous plays by Jeter moving to his right to field ground balls. Both were virtually in spots where it should be the 3B's play, but both times Jeter just barely got to the ball deep in the hole and then managed to get the runners out at first. I don't often see a SS even get to the ball where these were hit, and I had absolutely no expectation either time that he would actually get the runners out at 1B with the throws. A couple others were diving catches in the OF, but it seemed like the dive came just a split second later than usual, and the dives seemed to propel the defender further from where he jumped to where he caught the ball as he landed than what you normally see. There was also an OF catch that wasn't a dive, but it had to be the longest run deep into the corner to make a catch that I've ever seen since I've been playing this game. If using the classic controls is a big key for this, that may be a bit of a problem for me. Everyone has their preferences, but I just don't find the game to be much fun without using the analog sticks for both hitting and pitching. I've managed to get really good at the pitching, and this is coming from someone who had never even used an XBox 360 controller one time before starting with MLB 2K (in general I'm not a gamer by any means, but this was just something special from the first time I played it). I can give the sliders you listed and the classic controls a try, but I doubt I'll want to stay with the classic controls. I'll have to see what kind of a difference the sliders make because I've found settings which are pretty right on for me when I normally play the game, although, I'm constantly forced to alter them because the more I play and the more I improve, the game inevitably becomes a bit too easy. Then, after making some subtle adjustments to compensate for that, it usually is way too hard, so I have to tinker with it to find the combination which is just right (and then I go through that process again and again each time I find that I'm winning too much or too easily).
  19. First reaction is to say, "very interesting." Looking over the rosters and lineups, it seemed to me that the best team in the division was Tampa Bay. The Yankees were obviously good as well, so I decided to play as the Bombers hosting the Rays. I didn't touch the Tampa roster or lineup, but I made changes to the Yanks. I didn't feel the timing needed to be quite so current to the day, so I brought up Jeter from the minors. I changed the lineup pretty drastically. There's just no way Russel Martin is batting cleanup on that team if I'm making the decisions; I had him batting 8th. The pitching matchup I got was Kuroda vs. Hellickson. I know it's just one game, but I did sense a different feel from the start. I played a solid game throughout, but there was a feeling of struggle to do some stuff which usually doesn't feel that way. I was making my pitches very well, but more hits were falling in than usual. I managed to get out of most jams, but Carlos Pena took me deep for a 2-run shot in the 2nd inning on a pitch that I threw pretty damned perfectly. Meanwhile, my offense had a weird vibe going. I was getting good wood on the ball the entire game, but I seemed to be hitting rockets right at guys all the time. Aside from my pitcher, I didn't strike out once all game. It was like all of my big hits were islands to themselves; I had four two-out doubles and all but the last were stranded. When I was mounting a comeback late, I had leadoff hits followed by GIDPs in both the 8th and 9th innings. The defense played a strange role as well. I mentioned I got down 2-0 in the 2nd inning, but I managed to hold them at 2 runs until the 9th because of 4 or 5 defensive gems that I'm just not used to seeing in this game. I ended up allowing 11 hits, but that could have easily been 15. However, after I finally got a run in the 7th to draw to 2-1, my defense totally betrayed me in the top of the 9th. The score went from 2-1 to 5-1, and all of that damage was due to my outfielders misplaying balls in epic fashion. A couple of balls that should have been singles turned into triples, and Nick Swisher managed to run away from an easy can of corn at the last second (I did nothing out of the ordinary) allowing another guy who had no right even reaching base to get all the way to third. Heading into the bottom of the 9th, the juice wasn't quite there down 5-1 instead of 2-1, but I still got a rally going and brought home another run. I got a leadoff double from Teixeira and then scored him with a Cano single, so with no outs there seemed to be some momentum building, but then reality snuck into my computer as A-Rod let all of the air out of the balloon by grounding into a double play. Like I said, there did seem to be a different feel to the game, but we'll have to see how things go after more action.
  20. Hey Parker-- I've got some programming skills as well, although it's been a while since I used any of them in earnest. I'd be glad to offer some assistance to you in order to make the workload less of a burden on just one person. I could handle some of the grunt work which would allow you to make some real progress a reality. I think it's important that someone starts to put some effort into this kind of thing sooner rather than later because as time passes, and as real baseball 2012 ends, the likelihood of people getting involved with such projects will most certainly diminish. Perhaps you could take a closer look and see what you think might be some good ideas. Perhaps KC and others on the site could offer suggestions for what would be most beneficial, and you could respond with what is realistic and possible. I just don't want to see the efforts and momentum to keep improving this entity die as the calendar turns to November and then December.
  21. Just to throw one of those key questions out there... You've said that you will be able to allow for changing the schedule. The bigger question in that area looking forward is, will you be able to change the league and divisional alignment so that Houston is transplanted from the NL Central to the AL West? If this is something which can be done but you have not made it possible yet, it should be considered a priority. Making the schedule match the real MLB for future years as of 2013 will not have quite the same significance if we cannot have the leagues set up with all of the teams in their proper divisions. Thanks so much for your efforts... looking forward to your upcoming release.
  22. ** Accidental Duplicate Post ** Moderator Please Delete **
  23. Version 1.01


    I am sure a lot of people enjoyed the "business attire" uniform included in the 2K Image Patch upload by DomoeYuse; I know I did. This mod runs with that thought and includes a similar uniform to the one just mentioned for each MLB team with an assortment of colors. All of the 30 teams have one uniform in this pack which replaces the regular Home. Obviously, if you'd like to add one or some of these and keep the home uniforms, these can be swapped to other slots. You will get much more out of these uniforms if you use the included Color List and Ty's Editor, however, no editor is required for these to work. If you are not using a Mod Enabler, be sure to back up your original files, and then place these in the main MLB 2K12 Program folder. Thanks to DomoeYuse for the inspiration and to KC for producing such good conventional uniforms which served as great templates. I have attached some screen shots for you to take a look at. Enjoy!
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