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  1. I do plan on doing more, glad you guys like it.
  2. File Name: Uniform_det_home.7z File Submitter: eid2u4emit File Submitted: 11 Apr 2012 File Category: Uniforms and Accessories I noticed that the players looked a little stiff, and in order to help that I added some wrinkles. I think its an improvement. This was made using DetroitStyle's color corrected uniform. To install it just extract it and put it into you mlb 2k12 folder overwriting your old file. Make sure to make a backup of your original. Click here to download this file
  3. Version 1


    I noticed that the players looked a little stiff, and in order to help that I added some wrinkles. I think its an improvement. This was made using DetroitStyle's color corrected uniform. To install it just extract it and put it into you mlb 2k12 folder overwriting your old file. Make sure to make a backup of your original.
  4. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?showtopic=52487
  5. I have the re-occurring problem were my settings keep on resetting every time I restart my game regardless or not if I save them. This includes my controls, my presentation settings, and my difficulty sliders. Does anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know how to solve it?
  6. You shouldn't have to edit them in the roster editor, I used all the original IDs. Try just copying and pasting the iff files in your MLB directory and they should work, I just posted the IDs just incase so you would know which file is who.
  7. Updated Boesch and Avila, they look much better now. http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6583
  8. I changed boesch and avila around a little.
  9. PS I changed Avila's skin tone to 6 in Tys Editor.
  10. Ive made cyber faces for some of the Tigers. IDs Boesch 0024 Jackson 0140 Young 6485 Porcello 2826 Fister 2975 Peralta 1942 Cabrera 1856 Avila 3031 http://www.mvpmods.c...s&showfile=6583
  11. Version 7z


    First faces ive ever made. IDs. Boesch 0024 Jackson 0140 Young 6485 Porcello 2826 Fister 2975 Peralta 1942 Cabrera 1856 Avila 3031 (new boesch and avila)
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